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Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25

      Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28

      Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26

      Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 9, 10, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28

      Health and energy have been less robust than usual since January 19. And this is the situation until the 18th of the month ahead. Your overall health is very good this year, as we have mentioned, but this particular period is less good, so get more rest when possible.

      You’re still very much in a yearly career peak and much progress is being made. When Mercury crosses your Mid-heaven on the 7th, pay rises can happen (official or unofficial ones). The authority figures in your life are favourably disposed to your financial goals.

      Mercury’s speedy motion this month indicates good financial confidence. You cover a lot of territory. Financial progress seems swift. In general the pace of events is swifter than usual. All the planets are moving forward until the 6th, with 90 per cent of them in forward motion after that.

      The main headline this month are two eclipses. This is guaranteed to shake things up and create some excitement. The Lunar Eclipse of the 11th (in America it’s on the 10th) occurs in your 4th house of home and family. This tends to bring personal – often life-changing – events and dramas to family members, parents or parent figures. It can bring a need for sudden repairs in the home. Cars and communication equipment get tested and might need replacement or repair. Siblings and neighbours are also affected here, so be patient with them this period. This eclipse affects you strongly (it’s in stressful alignment with the Sun), so reduce your schedule and avoid high-stress activities now.

      The Solar Eclipse of the 26th will also impact on the home and family – every Solar Eclipse does. So there is a reinforcement of the previous eclipse. Important changes need to be made in the home and family relationships. You know what they are; the eclipse will force the issue. This eclipse affects Neptune, the ruler of your 11th house. So your high-tech gadgets – smart phones, computers, laptops and software – can play up. Repairs or replacements might be needed. Make sure important files are backed up.

      There can be dramas in the lives of friends. The marriages (and social life in general) of children or children figures get tested. Bosses and parents or parent figures are forced to make important financial changes. This eclipse seems less stressful on you personally than the previous one, but it won’t hurt to take things a little easier anyway.

      The month ahead is very spiritual too. Venus, the ruler of your Horoscope, enters your 12th house on the 3rd and spends the rest of the month there. Mars and Uranus are already in your spiritual house, so it is powerful this month. A good month to study spiritual literature, attend classes, seminars or workshops and spend more time on your spiritual practice.


      Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24

      Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 31

      Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29

      Best Days for Career: 1, 10, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28

      One of the main headlines this month is the retrograde of Venus. This begins on the 4th and continues until April 15. Since she is the ruler of your Horoscope, this can make you feel less confident. There is a lack of direction. It is interesting that this occurs during a period of strong independence and personal power. You have the energy and power you need for personal happiness, for having things your way, but you’re not sure what ‘your way’ is. Mars moves into your sign on the 10th and this increases your independence even further. You could be tempted to rush into changes that you’re not sure about – and this will cause headaches down the road. What good is achieving things if you only have to undo them later on? Take the time to get clear on personal goals – how you want your body to be, what kind of look do you want to present to the world, what kind of regime you want to undertake, etc. Take your time. When clarity comes – and it will – you’ll be in a good position to put your ideas into action.

      Since Venus is also your health planet, don’t rush into miracle diets or miracle therapies just yet. Study things further. Job seekers should study prospective offers more carefully too – and this applies to those of you who hire others. Get the facts. Get mentally clear. Resolve all doubts.

      Health is excellent this month, but should you feel under the weather head, face and scalp massage will be excellent remedies. You respond well to spiritual-type therapies too. If you feel under the weather see a spiritual healer.

      The month ahead is a spiritual month. Not only is your 12th house the strongest in your chart, but the ruler of your 12th house – Mars – will be in your 1st house (a prominent position) from the 10th onwards. Spiritual interests – meditation, contemplation, journaling, the study of sacred scripture – come naturally these days. Those of you already on a spiritual path will make great progress. Those of you who are not will just feel more idealistic for no apparent reason.

      The financial planet will move into your 12th house on the 13th and spend the rest of the month there. The financial intuition will be excellent. Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune on the 4th and 5th also brings good financial intuition. When such intuition happens it rarely seems ‘rational’ at the time – it is only later that we see how rational it was.

      Mercury will conjunct Uranus on the 26th and 27th. This brings sudden, unexpected financial good. It can happen via the career or through parents or parent figures.

      Mars in your sign from the 10th onwards makes you more physically active. You will want to exercise more, spend more time at the gym, indulge in sports, etc. Exercise is good, but the chart favours the more spiritual kinds – yoga, tai chi and so on. A more refined kind of exercise seems best.

      Green is always a good colour for you; it is the colour of your sign. This month you might want to add more red – especially from the 10th onwards. Wearing the colours of the stars puts you more in tune with them and helps on the subtle levels of energy.

      Love is a bit problematic this month. Venus is retrograde and Pluto, your love planet, receives stressful aspects. Hang in there, these are short-term problems.


      Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26, 27

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21

      Best Days for Love: 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 23, 26, 27

      Best Days for Money: 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29

      Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25

      Continue to gain clarity on your goals until the 15th. This is the most important thing. When Venus moves forward on the 15th you will be entering your period of maximum personal power. It was worth the wait. The changes you make now will be good ones. And you have plenty of power to create conditions as you want them to be.

      Continue your spiritual interests until the 19th. Spiritual breakthroughs will be seen outwardly after that date.

      This is a happy month ahead. The Sun moves into your sign on the 19th. Family seems very devoted to you and there is good family support. You have energy and star quality this period. Your personal appearance shines. Health is excellent. If you feel under the weather, spiritual-type therapies are still powerful.

      Finances are good this month, though more complicated than usual. Mercury in your sign brings windfalls and financial opportunity and the money people in your life are supportive. But Mercury will go into retrograde motion on the 9th, indicating that your financial thinking could be unrealistic. As always, avoid making major financial decisions – major purchases or investments – from the 9th onwards. Don’t stop your life over a Mercury retrograde, but avoid major expenditures.


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