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anobaith nm despair
anobeithio vb to despair
anobeithiol adj hopeless
anochel, anocheladwy adj unavoidable, inevitable
anodd adj hard, difficult
anoddefgar adj impatient, intolerant
anogaeth (-au) nf exhortation
anolrheinadwy adj untraceable
anolygus adj unsightly
anonest adj dishonest
anonestrwydd nm dishonesty
anorchfygol adj irresistible; unconquerable
anorecsig adj anorexic
anorfod adj insuperable; unavoidable
anorffen adj endless, unending
anorffenedig adj incomplete, unfinished
anorthrech adj invincible
anrasol adj graceless
anrhaith (-rheithiau) nf prey, spoil, booty
anrheg (-ion) nf present, gift
anrhegu vb to present, to give
anrheithio vb to prey, to spoil, to plunder
anrheithiwr (-wyr) nm spoiler, pillager
anrhydedd (-au) nm honour
anrhydeddu vb to honour
anrhydeddus adj honourable
anrhydeddwr (-wyr) nm honourer
ansad adj unsteady, unstable
ansadrwydd nm instability
ansafadwy adj unstable; fickle
ansathredig adj untrodden, unfrequented
ansawdd (-soddau) nfm quality, state
ansefydlog adj unsettled, unstable; fickle
ansefydlogi vb to unsettle
ansicr adj uncertain, doubtful
ansicrwydd nm uncertainty, doubt
ansoddair (-eiriau) nm adjective
ansoddeiriol adj adjectival
ansyber adj untidy, slovenly
Antarctig nf; yr Antarctig the Antarctic
anterliwt (-iau) nfm interlude
anterth nm meridian, zenith, prime
antur (-iau) nfm attempt, venture; adventure; enterprise; ar antur at random
anturiaeth (-au) nf adventure, enterprise
anturiaethus adj adventurous, enterprising
anturiaethwr (-wyr) nm adventurer
anturio vb to venture, to adventure
anturus adj adventurous
anthem (-au) nf anthem
anudon (-au) nm false oath, perjury
anudoniaeth nf perjury
anudonwr (-wyr) nm perjurer
anufudd adj disobedient
anufudd-dod nm disobedience
anufuddhau vb to disobey
anundeb nm disunion
anunion adj crooked; unjust
anuniondeb nm injustice, iniquity
anurddo vb to spoil, to mar, to disfigure
anwadal adj unstable, fickle, changeable
anwadalu vb to waver, to vacillate
anwadalwch nm fickleness
anwar adj wild, barbarous, savage
anwaraidd adj uncivilized, barbarous
anwarddyn (-wariaid) nm barbarian, savage
anwareidd-dra nm barbarity
anwastad adj uneven, unstable, fickle
anwe (-oedd) nf woof
anwedd nm vapour, steam
anweddaidd adj unseemly, indecent
anweddus adj improper, indecent
anweledig adj unseen, invisible
anwes nm indulgence; caress
anwesog adj pampered, affectionate
anwesu vb to fondle, to caress, to pamper, to indulge
anwir adj untrue, lying, false; wicked
anwiredd (-au) nm untruth; iniquity
anwireddu vb to falsify
anwireddus adj untruthful, false, lying
anwr (-wyr) nm wretch, coward
anwybod nm ignorance
anwybodaeth nf ignorance
anwybodus adj ignorant
anwybyddu vb to ignore
anwydog adj cold, chilly; having a cold
anwydwst nf influenza
anwyldeb nm belovedness, dearness
anwyliaid npl beloved ones, favourites
anwylo vb to cherish, to fondle, to caress
anwylyd (-liaid) nm beloved
anwylyn nm favourite
anwythiad nm induction
anwytho vb to induce