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For unto us a child is born

       Friends, Romans, countrymen

       Give a man a horse

       Glorious things of thee are spoken

       God be in my head

       God is our refuge and strength

       God moves in a mysterious way

       God save the queen

       God’s grandeur

       The Good Samaritan

       Great is thy faithfulness

       Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer

       Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

       Hark! the herald-angels sing

       Hills of the north, rejoice

       Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty

       Home, sweet home

       Home-thoughts, from abroad

       The hound of heaven

       How do I love thee? Let me count the ways

       How great Thou art!

       How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

       I am the good shepherd

       I am the resurrection and the life

       I felt my heart strangely warmed

       I run toward the prize

       I’ve found a friend

       I vow to thee, my country

       I wandered lonely as a cloud

       I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills

       I will raise him up at the last day


       If I should go before the rest of you

       Immortal, invisible, God only wise

       In Memoriam

       In my house are many mansions

       In the beginning



       Jerusalem the golden

       Jesus Christ is risen today

       Jesus loves me

       Jesus shall reign

       Joy to the world

       Just as I am

       The King of love my Shepherd is

       The Lake isle of Innisfree

       Land of hope and glory

       Land of my fathers

       Last lines

       Lead, kindly light

       Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

       Let the little children come to me

       Let us now praise famous men

       Let us, with a gladsome mind

       The Listeners

       The Lord is my shepherd

       Lord of all hopefulness

       The Lord’s Prayer

       Loud is the vale

       Love alters not

       Love divine, all loves excelling

       Love lives beyond the tomb

       Love seeketh not itself to please

       Make me a channel of your peace

       Many waters cannot quench love

       May the road rise to meet you


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