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in hand.

      Henry came back, bringing his mother and his old nurse. Again there were vague polite introductions for which Lady Charles did not wait. She advanced with a swift graciousness which Alleyn at once recognized as the fruit of an excellent social technique. They shook hands. Alleyn saw the small New Zealander give her hostess a startled glance and he wondered if Lady Charles Lamprey was usually so pale. But she greeted him with a perfection of manner that sketched with subtlety relief at his arrival, deference to his ability, and a delicate suggestion that they spoke the same language.

      ‘Please forgive me,’ she said, ‘for keeping you waiting. My sister-in-law –’ she made a rueful grimace – ‘too terribly upset. Henry says you want to see her.’

      ‘I’m so sorry,’ said Alleyn. ‘I’m afraid I do.’

      ‘At the moment she simply can’t come. I mean I can’t move her. Her maid may manage her better. She’s going to try.’

      ‘She must come, Immy,’ said Lord Charles.

      ‘Charlie darling, if you saw her. I mean honestly.’

      ‘We’ll carry on as we are for the present,’ said Alleyn quickly. ‘Has Dr Kantripp seen Lady Wutherwood?’

      ‘Yes. He’s given her something and the nurse is going to stay here tonight. Dr Kantripp guessed that you would ask to speak to her and said he would look in again later and see if she was up to it. Of course she’s had the most appalling and overwhelming shock.’

      ‘Of course.’

      ‘She’s not English,’ said Lord Charles uncomfortably. Frid and Henry exchanged glances and grinned.

      ‘Well,’ said Alleyn hurriedly. ‘To begin with –’

      ‘Do sit down, everybody,’ said Charlot. ‘Nanny came too in case she was wanted.’

      They sat down.

      As he waited for a moment, collecting his thoughts and the attention of his audience, Alleyn received a sudden and extremely vivid impression of a united family.

      Whatever their qualities of elusiveness, vagueness or apparent flippancy might be, he felt sure these qualities would never be used by the Lampreys against each other. They would always present a united if slightly ridiculous front. Until Lady Charles came in he had thought the children markedly resembled their father. He now saw that they bore in their faces and mannerisms confusing and subtle traces of both their parents. It was odd to see the complete separateness of Roberta Grey. Alleyn’s attention had been arrested by Roberta, by her small compact figure, her pale face with its pointed chin and dark eyes set so very wide apart, by a certain air of grave watchfulness, by the Quakerish tidiness of her black dress and white collar. She had only arrived yesterday from New Zealand and yet she looked as though she had often sat on that Moroccan stool with her back set against the wall and her hands folded in her lap. And during the few seconds in which these impressions passed through his mind, Alleyn wondered if the Lampreys would close their ranks, and if in that case Roberta Grey would fall in with them. He had taken notes of Fox’s enquiries. He now opened his book laid it on the arm of his chair. He began to speak.

      ‘As far as we have gone,’ he said, ‘this is what seems to have happened. Lord Charles Lamprey and Lord Wutherwood were together in this room up to about ten minutes past seven. Lord Wutherwood decided to leave and went out of the room. He first rang the bell in the hall. Your butler, Baskett, answered it. Lord Wutherwood ordered his car. Baskett helped Lord Wutherwood into his coat and so on. I understand you didn’t go out with your brother, sir?’

      ‘No,’ said Lord Charles. ‘No. We said goodbye in here.’

      ‘Yes. Baskett then opened the hall door. Lord Wutherwood went out to the lift. Baskett says that he was told not to wait and so returned to the servants’ sitting-room. These notes, you will see, account for the movements, or some of the movements, of five persons during the few minutes after Lord Wutherwood left this room. Now, as Baskett left the hall and returned to the servants’ sitting-room, he heard Lord Wutherwood call loudly for Lady Wutherwood. I should like to know next, if you please, how many of you also heard this call. Lady Charles – please forgive me if I still call you Lady Charles –’

      ‘It will be much less muddling if you do, Mr Alleyn.’

      ‘It will, won’t it? Did you hear this call?’

      ‘Oh, yes. Gabriel, my brother-in-law always shouted like that for people.’

      ‘Where were you, please?’

      ‘In my bedroom.’

      Alleyn glanced at his note-book.

      ‘I’ve made a very rough sketch-plan of both flats,’ he said. ‘Your room is the second from the lift end of No. 26?’


      ‘Were you alone?’

      ‘When he shouted? No. My sister-in-law and – good heavens, Charlie, for pity’s sake –’

      ‘Yes, Immy, I know. Aunt Kit hasn’t got home yet.’


      ‘Not got home? But honestly, darling, it’s too queer of Aunt Kit. We don’t even know when she left. Why did she vanish like that, do you suppose?’

      ‘I expect she just slipped away,’ said Henry.

      ‘She probably thought she’d said goodbye,’ said Frid, ‘you know how absent-minded she is.’

      ‘I expect she did say goodbye, Mummy,’ said Patch, ‘and you didn’t hear her. She talks in a whisper, Mr Alleyn.’

      ‘What nonsense!’ exclaimed Lady Charles. ‘Of course I would know she was saying goodbye. For one thing she’d kiss me.’

      ‘You might have thought she was just being effusive,’ said Frid.

      ‘She’s always kissing people,’ agreed Patch.

      ‘Well, she didn’t suddenly kiss me in the bedroom out of a clear sky,’ said Lady Charles positively. ‘Don’t be absurd, Patch.’

      ‘Lady Katherine was in your bedroom with Lady Wutherwood, then,’ Alleyn interposed adroitly, ‘when you heard the first call?’

      ‘Yes, she was, and perfectly normal. She didn’t hear Gabriel, of course, because she’s deaf, but Violet did. Violet is my sister-in-law, Lady Wutherwood, you know.’

      ‘Yes. What did they do?’

      ‘Violet said she’d better not keep Gabriel waiting. She said she would like to go into the bathroom, so I told her about the one at the end of the passage.’

      Lady Charles, who was sitting next to Alleyn leant over and looked at his note-book. ‘Is this your plan?’ she said. ‘Let me see.’

      ‘Immy, my dear!’ protested her husband.

      ‘Well, Charlie, I’m not going to read any of Mr Alleyn’s notes and he’d snatch it away from me if there was anything secret in the drawing. There, it’s as clear as daylight. That’s the bathroom, Mr Alleyn. I told her where it was and off she went. And then Aunt Kit began to whisper – you know how that generation does – only even more so, because, as Patch says, she whispers anyway. So she went off to the other place which I see you’ve also got marked very neatly, and now I think of it that’s the last I saw her.’

      ‘It’s as clear as glass,’ Frid interrupted. ‘She probably whispered: “I’ll have to go. Bless you, my dear,” and you thought she said: “Lavatory. I’ll just disappear.”’

      ‘Anyone would think it was I who was deaf instead

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