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trying to use it as leverage to pull away from Andrew’s lashing tongue. But he grips me harder, his hands curled under my thighs and over my hips; he puts so much pressure on me that it hurts, digging his fingertips into my skin, but I like it.

      And as my shuddering body begins to calm and my labored breathing starts to slow, although unevenly, Andrew also starts to lick me more gently. When my body stops moving, he kisses the inside of both of my thighs and then right below my belly button before crawling upward towards my mouth, bracing his tight, muscled arms against the mattress on each side of me. His soft, wet lips fall on my neck and both sides of my jawline first and then my forehead. Lastly, he looks down into my eyes for a long moment and then leans in and pecks my lips softly.

      And then he gets up from the bed.

      I can’t move.

      I want to reach out and grab him and pull him down on top of me, but I can’t move. Not only am I still reeling from the orgasm he just gave me, but my mind is still reeling from the entire experience.

      I just look at him, barely raising my head from the pillow as he goes toward the door. He looks at me once just after he places his hand on the door lever.

      But I’m the one who speaks first:

      “Where are you going?”

      I know where he’s going, but it was the only thing I could think to say to delay him from leaving my room.

      He smiles gently. “To my room,” he says as if I should already know.

      The door opens and light from the hallway floods into the space around him, illuminating his features over there in the shadow. I want to say something, but I’m not sure what. I raise my back from the bed and sit up straight; my fingers restlessly fidget with the sheet near my lap.

      “Well, I’ll see you in the morning,” he says and he gives me one last meaningful grin just before he closes the door behind him and the light from the hall snaps out. But it’s still fairly bright in my room; I had left the lamp on by the bed. I look over, thinking about the lamp. It was on the whole time. I had always been kind of shy in bed and even with Ian the most light I ever had sex with him in was from a television, but never bright light. I didn’t even think about it this time.

      And the words that came out of my mouth … I have never said something like that before. Not the P-word. I can’t even say it right now. Sure, I often told Ian to ‘please fuck me’ or ‘fuck me harder’, but that was the extent of my pornographic vocabulary.

      What is Andrew Parrish doing to me?

      Whatever it is … I don’t think I want it to stop.

      I get up from the bed and dive back into my panties and shorts and go to the door, intent on marching right back over there and … I don’t know what.

      I stop at the door before opening it and just look down at my bare feet against the green carpet. I don’t know what I’d say if I went over there because I don’t even know what I want or what I don’t want. Then I let my arms fall loosely at my sides and a deep sigh bursts through my lips.

      “Like it never happened at all,” I mock him dryly. “Yeah, you’re not good enough to pull that one off.”



      I’ve been awake since 8 a.m. I got a call from my brother, Asher, and was afraid to answer because I thought it would be the ‘news’ of my father. He was just calling to let me know that Aidan is pissed off about me taking his guitar. I don’t give a shit; what’s he gonna do, drive down to Birmingham and fight me for it? I know it really has nothing to do with the guitar; Aidan is just pissed that I left Wyoming while our dad is still alive.

      And Asher wanted to check up on me.

      “Are you doin’ alright, bro?” he said.

      “Yeah, I’m perfect, actually.”

      “Is that sarcasm?”

      “No,” I said into the phone, “I’m being straight with you, Ash, I’m having the time of my life right now.”

      “It’s that girl, isn’t it? Camryn? Was that her name?”

      “Yeah, that’s her name and yeah, it’s the girl.”

      I grinned inwardly, distracted by the very vivid image in my mind of what happened last night, but then I just smiled, thinking about Camryn in general.

      “Well, you know where I’m at if you need me,” Asher said and I heard the quiet message in his voice that he wanted to convey but knows better than to speak of it more openly. I told him before never to bring it up again, or I’d have to beat the shit out of him.

      “Yeah, I know, thanks, bro—hey, how’s Dad doin’?”

      “He’s the same as he was before you left.”

      “That’s better than worse, I guess.”


      We hung up and I called my mom to let her know I was alright. A day longer and she would’ve had the police looking for me.

      I get up and shove my stuff into my duffle bag. As I walk past the television, I pound on the wall with the bottom of my palm next to where Camryn’s head is probably lying against her pillow on the other side. If she wasn’t already awake, that might’ve done the trick. Well, OK maybe not, since she is such a deep sleeper—except when it comes to music, apparently. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth and I think about her being in my mouth last night and it’s kind of a shame I have to brush my teeth at all. Oh well, maybe I’ll do it again later. If she wants me to, of course. Shit, I have absolutely no issues with it whatsoever, except that afterwards I have to take care of myself, but that’s alright, too. I’d rather do it than risk letting her touch me. I know that when she does, it’ll all be over. For me anyway. I fucking want her, but I’ll only take her if the street goes both ways. And right now, I can tell she doesn’t know what she wants.

      I get dressed and slip my bare feet down into my black running shoes, glad they’re dry now after being soaked by the rain. I shoulder both of my bags and take Aidan’s guitar by the neck and head out into the hallway and next door to Camryn’s room.

      I hear the TV on inside, so I know she must be up.

      I wonder how long it’ll take her to crack.


      I hear Andrew knock on the door. I suck in a sharp breath, hold it there for a long, tense minute and then let it out in a gush of air, blowing a tassel of hair outward that hangs freely from my braid—preparation to keep me from cracking.

      Like it never happened, my ass.

      Finally, I open the door and when I see him standing there so casually—and so edible—I crack. Well, it’s more like a really red blush, so hot that my face literally feels like it’s on fire. I look down at the floor because if I look at his smiling eyes a second longer my head might melt.

      I manage to look back up at him seconds later.

      His close-lipped smile is bigger now and much more telling.

       Hey! I think an expression like that is the same as talking about it!

      He looks me up and down, seeing that I’m already dressed and ready to go and then jerks his head back a little and says with a huge grin, “Come on.”

      I grab my purse and my bag and head out with him.

      We hop inside the car and I do what I can to distract myself from the best oral sex I’ve ever had in my life by finding something random to talk about. He smells extra good today: natural skin with a hint of soap and some kind of shampoo. That’s not helping me, either.


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