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Come Ladies, shall we talk a round? As men Do walk a mile, women should take an hour After supper: 'Tis their exercise.

      Gal. Tis late.

      Meg. 'Tis all

                      My eyes will do to lead me to my bed.

      Gal. I fear they are so heavy, you'l scarce find

                      The way to your lodging with 'em to night.

      [ Enter Pharamond.

      Thra. The Prince.

      Pha. Not a bed Ladies? y'are good sitters up; What think you of a pleasant dream to last Till morning?

      Meg. I should choose, my Lord, a pleasing wake before it.

      [_Enter _Arethusa _and _Bellario.

      Are. 'Tis well my Lord y'are courting of Ladies. Is't not late Gentlemen?

      Cle. Yes Madam.

      Are. Wait you there. [_Exit _Arethusa.

      Meg. She's jealous, as I live; look you my Lord,

                      The Princess has a Hilas, an Adonis.

      Pha. His form is Angel-like.

      Meg. Why this is he, must, when you are wed,

                      Sit by your pillow, like young Apollo, with

                      His hand and voice, binding your thoughts in sleep;

                      The Princess does provide him for you, and for her self.

      Pha. I find no musick in these boys.

      Meg. Nor I.

                      They can do little, and that small they do,

                      They have not wit to hide.

      Di. Serves he the Princess?

      Thra. Yes.

      Di. 'Tis a sweet boy, how brave she keeps him!

      Pha. Ladies all good rest; I mean to kill a Buck

                      To morrow morning, ere y'ave done your dreams.

      Meg. All happiness attend your Grace, Gentlemen good rest,

                      Come shall we to bed?

      Gal. Yes, all good night.

      [Ex. Gal. _and _Meg.

      Di. May your dreams be true to you;

                      What shall we do Gallants? 'Tis late, the King

                      Is up still, see, he comes, a Guard along

                      With him.

      [_Enter _King, Arethusa _and _Guard.

      King. Look your intelligence be true.

      Are. Upon my life it is: and I do hope,

                      Your Highness will not tye me to a man,

                      That in the heat of wooing throws me off,

                      And takes another.

      Di. What should this mean?

      King. If it be true, That Lady had been better have embrac'd Cureless Diseases; get you to your rest,

      [Ex. Are. _and _Bel.

                      You shall be righted: Gentlemen draw near,

                      We shall imploy you: Is young Pharamond

                      Come to his lodging?

      Di. I saw him enter there.

      King. Haste some of you, and cunningly discover,

                      If Megra be in her lodging.

      Cle. Sir,

                      She parted hence but now with other Ladies.

      King. If she be there, we shall not need to make

                      A vain discovery of our suspicion.

                      You gods I see, that who unrighteously

                      Holds wealth or state from others, shall be curst,

                      In that, which meaner men are blest withall:

                      Ages to come shall know no male of him

                      Left to inherit, and his name shall be

                      Blotted from earth; If he have any child,

                      It shall be crossly matched: the gods themselves

                      Shall sow wild strife betwixt her Lord and her,

                      Yet, if it be your wills, forgive the sin

                      I have committed, let it not fall

                      Upon this understanding child of mine,

                      She has not broke your Laws; but how can I,

                      Look to be heard of gods, that must be just,

                      Praying upon the ground I hold by wrong?

      [ _Enter _Dion.

      Di. Sir, I have asked, and her women swear she is within, but they I think are bawds; I told 'em I must speak with her: they laught, and said their Lady lay speechless. I said, my business was important; they said their Lady was about it: I grew hot, and cryed my business was a matter that concern'd life and death; they answered, so was sleeping, at which their Lady was; I urg'd again, she had scarce time to be so since last I saw her; they smil'd again, and seem'd to instruct me, that sleeping was nothing but lying down and winking: Answers more direct I could not get: in short Sir, I think she is not there.

      King. 'Tis then no time to dally: you o'th' Guard,

                      Wait at the back door of the Princes lodging,

                      And see that none pass thence upon your lives.

                      Knock Gentlemen: knock loud: louder yet:

                      What, has their pleasure taken off their hearing?


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