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Английский шутя. Английские и американские анекдоты для начального чтения. Сборник
Читать онлайн.Название Английский шутя. Английские и американские анекдоты для начального чтения
Год выпуска 2017
isbn 978-5-7873-1020-7
Автор произведения Сборник
Жанр Иностранные языки
Серия Метод обучающего чтения Ильи Франка
Издательство Издательский дом ВКН
A drummer, sick of all the drummer jokes, decides to change his instrument.
After some thought, he decides on the accordion. So he goes to the music store and says to the owner, “I'd like to look at the accordions, please.”
The owner gestures to a shelf in the corner and says, “All our accordions are over there.”
After browsing, the drummer says, “I think I'd like the big red one in the corner.”
The store owner looks at him and says, “You're a drummer, aren't you?”
The drummer, crestfallen, says, “How did you know?”
The store owner says, “That 'big red accordion' is the radiator.”
• I'd like to look at the accordions, please.
• How did you know?
18. A guy walks into the doctor's office and says (человек заходит в кабинет врача и говорит; guy – /разг./ малый, парень), “Doc, I haven't had a bowel (кишка/кишечник) movement (движение) in a week (доктор, у меня нет стула неделю)!” The doctor gives him a prescription (дает ему рецепт) for a mild laxative (мягкого слабительного) and tells him, “If it doesn't work, let me know (если не поможет, дайте мне знать).”
A week later (спустя неделю), the guy is back (человек возвращается): “Doc, still (по-прежнему) no movement!”
The doctor says, “Hmm, guess (/мне/ кажется) you need (вам нужно) something stronger (что-то сильнее),” and prescribes (выписывает) a powerful laxative (сильное слабительное; power – мощь).
Still (все же/тем не менее) another week later (спустя еще неделю: «спустя другую неделю») the poor (несчастный) guy is back: “Doc, STILL nothing (по-прежнему ничего)!”
The doctor, worried (обеспокоенный), says, “We'd better get some more information about you (нам лучше получить побольше информации о вас) to try to figure out what's going on (чтобы попытаться выяснить, что происходит). What do you do for a living (что вы делаете «для проживания» = чем вы зарабатываете на жизнь)?”
“I'm a musician (я музыкант).”
The doctor looks up (поднимает глаза) and says, “Well, that's it (ну, понятно)! Here's (здесь: «вот») $10.00. Go get something to eat (идите купите что-нибудь поесть)!”
bowel ['baʋǝl], movement ['mu:vmǝnt], prescription [prɪ'skrɪpʃ(ǝ)n], laxative ['læksǝtɪv], prescribes [prɪ'skraɪbz], information [,ɪnfǝ'meɪʃ(ǝ)n], figure ['fɪɡǝ], living ['lɪvɪŋ], musician [mju:'zɪʃ(ǝ)n]
A guy walks into the doctor's office and says, “Doc, I haven't had a bowel movement in a week!” The doctor gives him a prescription for a mild laxative and tells him, “If it doesn't work, let me know.”
A week later the guy is back: “Doc, still no movement!”
The doctor says, “Hmm, guess you need something stronger,” and prescribes a powerful laxative.
Still another week later the poor guy is back: “Doc, STILL nothing!”
The doctor, worried, says, “We'd better get some more information about you to try to figure out what's going on. What do you do for a living?”
“I'm a musician.”
The doctor looks up and says, “Well, that's it! Here's $10.00. Go get something to eat!”
• That's it!
• What do you do for a living?
19. “Do you believe in life after death (вы верите в жизнь после смерти)?” the boss (начальник) asked one of his employees (спросил одного из его = своих служащих).
“Yes, Sir (да, сэр),” the new recruit replied (новый работник ответил).
“Well, then, that makes everything just fine (ну, замечательно: «это делает все просто прекрасным»),” the boss went on (продолжал). “After you left early yesterday (после того, как вы ушли рано вчера; to leave – покидать; уходить) to go to your grandmother's funeral (чтобы пойти на похороны вашей бабушки), she stopped in to see you (она заглянула/зашла вас повидать).”
death [deθ], employees [,emplɔɪ'i:z], recruit [rɪ'kru:t], replied [rɪ'plaɪd], funeral ['fju:n(ǝ)rǝl]
”Do you believe in life after death?” the boss asked one of his employees.
“Yes, Sir,” the new recruit replied.
“Well, then, that makes everything just fine,” the boss went on. “After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you.”
• That makes everything just fine.
20. A musical director was having a lot of trouble with one drummer (дирижер имел много неприятностей с одним ударником). He talked and talked and talked (он говорил, говорил и говорил) with the drummer, but his performance simply didn't improve (но его исполнение просто не улучшалось).
Finally (наконец), before the whole orchestra, he said (перед всем оркестром он сказал), “When a musician just can't handle his