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one girl who does it, and she's no friend of Bet's," laughed Joy.

      "Oh, that Edith Whalen! She's always horrid, I wish she wouldn't call me anything. I get angry – so angry that I – "

      "Ssh! I'll tell you what she does," whispered Joy. "She scratches!"

      "I really don't, but I'd like to."

      When the new friend was introduced to Auntie Gibbs she made such a good impression that the old lady's heart opened at once and took her in. But she wouldn't have told Uncle Nat or Bet that for the world.

      "Can't we help?" asked Kit.

      Bet was about to object but the old woman spoke up quickly. "Of course you can all help. Bet, you and your new friend set the table. And I'll find something for Shirley and Joy to do." Auntie Gibbs was never so happy as she was at times when she had several people to keep busy.

      Kit was afraid to touch the exquisite glassware and silver and beautiful dishes that Bet handled with unconcern.

      "Aren't you afraid you'll break them, Bet?" asked the girl.

      "I used to be terribly afraid, but now I am used to them and I'm very careful. I just keep my mind on them until I get them on the table. Dad doesn't like to have anything broken, for all this table stuff is very old."

      "Aren't the lights beautiful?" exclaimed Kit gazing up at the old candelabra.

      "These lights are the pride of Dad's heart. I have never seen a more beautiful specimen."

      "Are they very old?" asked Kit.

      "As old as this house and then some, I guess. You see they used to have candles in them for lighting and Dad had electric lights made to look like the candles. I love them. Look at the ones on the walls. Those are old sconces. They match the chandelier."

      Kit looked at the wall brackets as Bet switched on the lights.

      "Oh, Bet, I've never seen anything so beautiful. See how that little light is reflected in the mirror behind it."

      Bet suddenly rushed to the door. "Oh, Auntie Gibbs," she called. "Has Dad telephoned today?"

      "No, not a word."

      "Good! That means he'll come home to dinner. I just can't wait another week to have him see Kit."

      "And I was mean enough to wish that he would be detained in the city. My dress looks so badly, I don't like to meet anyone."

      "Now never you mind, Kit, my Dad wouldn't care at all," asserted Bet.

      "Isn't there a dress of yours she can wear?" asked Auntie Gibbs.

      "No, we've tried everything, she's about an inch broader than I am, and she can't get into anything except my bathrobe. Her own dress will look better than that, especially as Dad doesn't like to see girls sitting around in bath robes."

      "Oh that Dad of yours! If he had his way, women would always be dressed up in those crazy Colonial things he has."

      "That's a good idea! Kit, we're going to give you a gown from a hundred years ago and Dad will think you're marvelous." Bet ran to a large closet under the stairs and from an old chest brought out an armful of dresses of antique pattern. "Come on, girls, help me get Kit fixed up before Dad comes."

      Kit's face was full of perplexity as the girls dragged her up the stairs and got her into a costume of pale yellow satin that set off her dark hair. It trailed behind her in a long sweeping train.

      "You look as if you had just stepped out of a picture frame, Kit Patten!" exclaimed Joy with a curtsey.

      "I've never seen anything as lovely as this!" gasped Kit as she fingered the heavy silk.

      "Pooh! That's just one of the common dresses," laughed Shirley. "You should see some of his real elaborate costumes in the attic. One day he showed them to us. They're wonderful!"

      "What does he do with all of them?" asked the puzzled Kit.

      "Oh, Dad's a collector. Didn't you ever collect anything, Kit?"

      "Oh, sure. I have a lot of birds' eggs and arrowheads and Indian baskets. I have heaps of baskets at home."

      "Well, Dad collects Colonial dresses and everything else from that period. Some of the gowns came from Europe at about that time and are of gold cloth."

      "Are they very valuable?" asked Kit.

      "Some are, and then others are not so costly. This one isn't. He told us we could sometimes play with it. Probably it belonged to an ordinary person.

      "How can he tell whether they are valuable or not, is what I'd like to know," said Shirley. "If I were going to buy anything, I'm sure I'd get cheated."

      "Well the best of them get fooled once in a while. Daddy bought an imitation once. Can you imagine that? But only once, for my Dad is pretty smart."

      When Kit was arrayed in the satin gown she looked quite stately and the girls escorted her down the winding stairs to the drawing room with great ceremony. By this time Kit was in a daze from all the unusual and extravagant things about her. She scarcely saw the furniture in the drawing room, for at that moment Colonel Baxter arrived and was being greeted by the girls.

      Kit's eyes rested on the man who had just opened the door. Bet's father! He was tall and slender, with hair that had just begun to turn gray. His large hazel eyes were gentle and intense in their interest.

      There was something very boyish in the face that lit up with pleasure at sight of Bet and her chums, and his quick glance around seemed to take in everything.

      Kit saw the look of amused surprise on his face as he beheld her, but in a moment the amusement had been replaced by a very formal smile of welcome as Bet introduced her new friend. The stately bow as he kissed her finger tips quite startled Kit and made her flush with embarrassment. But this quickly passed as the girls laughed heartily and gathered about him, treating him as if he were their own age.

      "Oh, what do you think, Dad! Kit has come all the way from Arizona. – And she has a cowpony."

      "And oh, Colonel Baxter, just think," exclaimed Joy. "She knows a lot of cowboys and she can rope a wild steer just like they do in the movies! Don't you think she's wonderful!"

      "Well that is wonderful, Miss Kit. When I saw you I thought you had come straight from the 18th Century, and here you are quite modern and thrilling."

      The Colonel led the way again into the drawing room, placed a chair for Kit and in a few moments her embarrassment was gone and she was talking to him about her home in Arizona as if she had always known him. He seemed interested in every detail of her life in the mountains and would exclaim with pleasure over some of the commonplace things that she related, just as Bet and her chums had done.

      The three girls had left her alone with Colonel Baxter while they went to help Auntie Gibbs, for the Manor was not over supplied with servants. Auntie Gibbs found it hard to get along with anyone and preferred to do most of the work herself, having extra help come in as needed.

      At dinner Kit would have felt out of place if Bet's father had not kept her talking about her life in Arizona. Kit's home had been one of makeshifts and to be seated at a table where the stateliness and formality of the old Colonial days was being retained, made her uneasy and anxious for fear she might make some blunder.

      But Bet and her father took her attention away from such details.

      "Are there any Indians left in your part of the country, Miss Kit?" the Colonel asked graciously.

      "Not very many. They have died out pretty fast in the last fifty years. They are mostly on reservations."

      "What is the tribe called?" questioned Bet.

      "The Apaches live up in the hills and then down nearer the towns there are Papagos. The latter have always been peaceful Indians and lived by farming."

      "Ugh! I'd be frightened of an Indian. Aren't you, Kit?" asked Joy.

      "No, not a bit. They are perfectly friendly. Most of them are too easy-going to do any harm."

      "But I thought all Apaches were cruel."


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