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Царь всех болезней. Биография рака. Сиддхартха Мукерджи
Читать онлайн.Название Царь всех болезней. Биография рака
Год выпуска 2010
isbn 978-5-17-132669-2
Автор произведения Сиддхартха Мукерджи
Серия Элементы 2.0
Издательство Издательство АСТ
Stevens R. In Sickness and in Wealth. New York: Basic Books, 1989.
Burling T., Lentz E., Wilson R. N. The Give and Take in Hospitals. New York: Putnum, 1956.
Взято из рекламы и объявлений в Newsweek и Time, 1946–1948. См. также Mack R. Р. Trends in American Consumption. American Economic Review. 1956; 46 (2): 55–68.
Gans Н. J. The Levittowners: Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965.
Boyer P. S., Clark С. E., Halttunen K. et al. The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning, 2008.
Galbraith J. K. The Affluent Society. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1958.
Proctor R. Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know and Dont Know About Cancer. New York: Basic Books, 1995.
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Bulkley L. D. Cancer and Its Non-Surgical Treatment. New York: W Wood & Co., 1921.
Proctor R. Cancer Wars.
U. S. Science Wars against an Unknown Enemy: Cancer. Life. 1937; March 1.
Medicine: Millions for Cancer. Time. 1937; July 5; Medicine: After Syphilis, Cancer. Time. 1937; July 19.
AACR: A Brief History (https://www.aacr.org/about-the-aacr/aacr-narrative-history/).
A Cancer Commission. Los Angeles Times. 1927; March 4.
69th Cong., 2nd sess. Congressional Record. 1927; 68: рз 2922.
Rettig R. A. Cancer Crusade: The Story of the National Cancer Act of 1971. Lincoln, NE: Author’s Choice Press, 1977.
В 1944 году НИО стал подразделением Национальных институтов здоровья, НИЗ (National Cancer Act of 1937, https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci/overview/ history/national-cancer-act-1937). Это предвосхитило создание в последующие десятилетия других узкоспециализированных институтов, ориентированных на то или иное заболевание.
Shimkin М. В. As Memory Serves…
Congressional Record. 1939; appendix 84: 2991; Fromer M. J. How, After a Decade of Public & Private Wrangling, FDR Signed NCI into Law in 1937. Oncology Times. 2006; 28 (19): 65–67.
М A ra s н ino О. Administration of the National Cancer Institute Act, August y, 1937, to June 30, 1943. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1944; 4: 429–443.
Shimkin M. B. As Memory Serves…
Там же. В 1946–1947 годах сенаторы Мэттью Нили и Клод Пеппер подготовили новый законопроект о борьбе с раковыми заболеваниями. В 1947-м Конгресс отклонил его с небольшим перевесом голосов. См.: House Foreign Affairs Committee. House Report 2363. 79th Cong., 2nd sess. 1946; Could a ‘Manhattan Project" Conquer Cancer? Washington Post. 1946; August 4.
Holland J. C., Lewis S. The Human Side of Cancer. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.
Pickstone J. V. Contested Cumulations: Configurations of Cancer Treatments through the Twentieth Century. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 2007; 81 (1): 164–196.
Taylor G. Pioneers in Pediatric Oncology. Houston: University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1990.
Пернициозный — губительный, опасный, злокачественный (лат., англ.). – Прим. ред.
Corner G. W. George Hoyt Whipple and His Friends: The Life-Story of a Nohel Prize Pathologist. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1963; Taylor G. Pioneers in Pediatric Oncology; Rag кем ANN F. M. The Inquisitive Physician: The Life and Times of George Richards Minot. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956.
Minot G. R., Murphy W. P. Treatment of Pernicious Anemia hy a Special Diet. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1926; 87 (7): 470–476; Minot G. R. Nohel Lecture.
Wills L. A Biographical Sketch. Journal of Nutrition. 1978; 108: 1379–1383.
Bastian Н. Lucy Wills (1888–1964): The Life and Research of an Adventurous Independent Woman. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 2008; 38: 89–91.
Watson J., Castle W. B. Nutritional Macrocytic Anemia, Especially in Pregnancy: Response to a Substance in Liver Other Than That Effective in Pernicious Anemia. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 1946; 211 (5): 513–530; Wills L. Treatment of ‘Pernicious Anaemia" of Pregnancy and ‘Tropical Anaemia," with Special Reference to Yeast Extract as a Curative Agent. British Medical Journal. 1931; 1 (3676): 1059–1064.
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