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Servants silently were walking at some distance, and Aurelia liked the feeling that she was not alone on the road, but at the same time nobody disturbed her with the attention. Aurelia still didn't learn to hide the play of her eyes which were giving out mood and shades of thoughts and feelings. However, now it disturbed her a little because the vital strength of the girl which got on Aurelia's fingers in vision continued to burn down her skin intolerably.

      «I wonder who she is to me. Or who she could be? Or who she was to me before?» Having listened to the feelings, Aurelia understood that it was extremely important to her to understand that this child was alive even if the destiny of the girl would never intertwine with her own. Even if she was one of the possible ways of Aurelia life. The girl smiled. The only article about Timeless and Reapers turned a stream of her thoughts in absolutely different direction. There was no destiny or inevitability for Aurelia any more. Strange visions and strange events caused alarm not because of singularity of events but because she was afraid to lose the value of her own choice and own life, but at the same time Aurelia distinctly realized that it would be easier and more correct to accept such state of affairs, than to oppose to them.

      The road was gradually covered with lonely travelers, vehicles and … noise. Probably somewhere nearby was a market and people from neighboring villages were in a hurry walking there. Aurelia thought that she had already forgotten what the vanity was. Choosing solitude roads, Veres was right that people were able to do you up even with the existence in the field of vision. However to quicken the pace, having already appeared in a human stream, was impossible therefore they with identical hopelessness continued the movement with the slow speed imposed to them.

* * *

      – You after all know, what it isn't enough for saving her life?

      Aurelia gave a start of surprise. The person she had seen in the inn was riding a black large horse next to her. His heavy dusty raincoat on the shoulders for some reason caused unpleasant memories of a big black bird. Having taken away them by effort of will, she said quietly: «Who are you talking about?»

      – I am talking about the little girl with light ringlets. Have you noticed how much she was similar to you?

      Aurelia stood for a moment and tried to find Veres's eyes, but he was deep in his thoughts and was riding a little behind. Servants lagged behind but even if they were near, Aurelia couldn't imagine how those silent creatures could help her.

      – Who are you?

      – The one who sees your probabilities! Do you want to know about the missed chances?

      – No, thanks, – conversation was getting more and more unpleasant, but it seemed there was no chances to interrupt it.

      – Don’t be afraid, ask! – the sharp unpleasant voice reminded croak of a bird more and more, – Don’t you know that your existence changed this reality, however, as well as that from which you were taken away? It is possible that your life somewhere still flows on the old course, being reflected in your head by echoes of images? And you still have a choice?!

      – What a choice? – Aurelia suddenly felt strong fatigue.

      – The choice to help me and to rescue the daughter!

      – I have no daughter! – Aurelia started to lose control. She felt as a doll in a show-window, the frozen doll covered with hoarfrost and the last vital forces were leaving her again …

      – Or yourself…

      – Myself?! – the consciousness decided not to resist any more and abandoned the girl. The limp body fell off the horse which continued the slow way.

* * *

      Aurelia was swimming in the small decorative lake near some castle. Between the building and a pond she saw a beautiful well-groomed green lawn with a fresh-cut juicy grass. The beautiful small castle which was made of light pure stone was seen in the distance. The bright, but not hot sun hurt eyes a little. Stones of the different sizes picturesquely laid on the bottom of the lake, multi-colored medium-sized small fishes floated, water-lilies and fallen leaves softly waved on a surface. Aurelia felt that she was having a rest, it was quite cold outside, but she for some reasons went to swim. The lake was too small for that purpose; clear water in places became rather turbid because of the timid small fishes who were promptly escaping from the uninvited guest.

      Aurelia looked at a bottom and saw that flocks of the little birdies similar to tiny black-and-white penguins were walking on a bottom; they funny fussed below under the girl and a little ahead. Some man came up to the lake and said: «You must not swim, get out of water». Aurelia raised the head and asked: «Are you speaking to me?» He answered: «No, not to you».

      And at that moment little birdies from a lake bottom one by one began to come up from the water, turning into huge black birds. They promptly jumped out of water, took the air and disappeared. There were too many of them, the strong movements of their wings created waves on the lake, splashes flied extensively, and the girl got panic because they took off literally from under her body. Aurelia remained in water, distinctly understanding thus that she shouldn't be in that decorative lake. Through an instant after the last bird crashed out, the surface of the lake calmed down, and water became crystal-clear.

* * *

      Having opened eyes, Aurelia felt she had a real rest. Considering the long road, it was surprising. Having looked round, she understood that she was laying in a bed in the unfamiliar room, however she didn't have time to be frightened, as she heard the voice of Veres which had already become almost darling, he was talking to someone in a far corner quietly. The girl caught the thought that his voice for her was also a kind of binding to the reality, and smiled. Eventually, he was becoming a part of her life.

      – Perhaps, you are right, – hardly familiar sharp voice reminding croak of a bird forced Aurelia to prick up the ears. Only now she sat up on a bed and tried to look closer at the speaker. Almost without having been surprised, she saw the stranger whom she had already met twice on the way.

      – Where are we? – Aurelia asked quietly.

      – Woke up? It is good! Good morning!

      Veres still didn't answer the questions, but such form of communication stopped to irritate the girl and gave her the chance to use the same tactics in reply.

      – Here is List, he is The Reaper.

      – Aurelia, – the girl gave her name.

      – I know who you are, – the croaking voice answered.

      – He asks you to help him to cure his son. He was bitten by wolves. He is in the next room. Will you try?

      Together they came in the next room. The child of seven-eight years was lying on the bed. However before Aurelia came closer to him, she understood that the child was dead. In embarrassment the girl stopped near a children's body and looked at Veres with a question in her sight, then she shifted a glance on List, she saw a quiet expectation in both in reply.

      – He is dead!

      – I know. Try.

      Without any hope the girl approached the child, put hands on a body and… didn’t feel anything. Her vital energy had nothing to join.

      – He is empty. He isn't a vessel anymore!

      The Reaper came to the girl.

      – You know, your girl doesn't exist as well! But he has not already existed and she does not still exist.

      – I still don't understand you … – dizziness began along with an easy attack of nausea …

      – Don't escape. I will explain to you.

      She caught herself practically on reality border and forced herself to listen attentively to his words.

      List was The Reaper.

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