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Forced-Choice Recognition Percent Total Accuracy 0.68

      Standardization data from the California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition Adult Version (CVLT-II). Copyright © 2000 NCS Pearson, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

       Rapid Reference 1.9

      Alternate Form Reliability for the CVLT3 Core and Index Scores

Score Ages 16–44 average test-retest r12 Ages 45–90 average test-retest r12
Trials 1–5 Correct (Standard score) 0.75 0.80
Trial 1 Correct 0.51 0.56
Trial 2 Correct 0.53 0.59
Trial 3 Correct 0.70 0.63
Trial 4 Correct 0.58 0.67
Trial 5 Correct 0.50 0.71
List B Correct 0.57 0.53
Short-Delay Free-Recall Correct 0.71 0.71
Short-Delay Cued-Recall Correct 0.56 0.69
Long-Delay Free-Recall Correct 0.61 0.71
Long-Delay Cued-Recall Correct 0.60 0.65
Delayed Recall Correct (Standard Score) 0.77 0.80
Total Recall Correct (Standard Score) 0.79 0.83
Total Intrusions 0.25 0.57
Yes/No Recognition Hits 0.49 0.62
Yes/No Recognition False Positives 0.57 0.55
Recognition Discrimination 0.67 0.54
Recognition Discrimination Nonparametric 0.65 0.58

      Standardization data from the California Verbal Learning Test, Third Edition (CVLT3). Copyright © 2017 NCS Pearson, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

      CAUTION 1.1

      Memory and learning measures are particularly susceptible to practice effects. Practice effects can be observed for more than 6 months.

      The most detailed and comprehensive information for each edition of the CVLT can be found in the corresponding test manual: CVLT-C Manual, CVLT-II Manual, and CVLT3 Manual. Each manual provides an overview of the test, descriptions of each condition and score, and detailed information on administration and scoring, calculating the raw scores, and deriving normative scores. Information on the theoretical underpinnings, development and standardization, reliability, validity, and interpretation are also provided. In addition, the CVLT3 manual provides an overview of the use of demographic adjustments to the CVLT3 norms.

       Rapid Reference 1.10

      Publication Data for CVLT-C

      Authors: Dean C. Delis, Joel H. Kramer, Edith Kaplan, and Beth A. Ober

      Publication Date: 1994

      What test measures: Verbal and Auditory Learning and Memory

      Age Range: 5–16

      Administration Time: 30 min administration plus a 20-min delay

      Qualification of Examiners: Graduate- or professional-level training in psychological assessment

      Publisher: NCS Pearson, Inc.

      5601 Green Valley Drive

      Bloomington, MN 55437

      Order Phone Number: 1-800-627-7271


      Price: Complete Kit: (as of March 2019) $235.75 (paper kit); 107.00 (scoring software)

      Publication Data for CVLT-II

      Authors: Dean C. Delis, Joel H. Kramer, Edith Kaplan, and Beth A. Ober

      Publication Date: 2000


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