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red blood cellNS/MPDNoonan syndrome‐associated myeloproliferative disorderPCCprothrombin complex concentratePCRpolymerase chain reactionPFKphosphofructokinasePGKphosphoglycerate kinasePKpyruvate kinasePMNpolymorphonuclearPTprothrombin timeRNAribonucleic acidRPribosomal proteinsRSVrespiratory syncytial virusRUSAT1radio‐ulnar synostosis with amegakaryocytic thrombocytopeniaSARS‐CoV‐2severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2SCNsevere congenital neutropeniaSGAsmall for gestational ageSIFDsideroblastic anaemia, B‐cell immunodeficiency, periodic fevers, and developmental delaySLEsystemic lupus erythematosusTACOtransfusion‐associated circulatory overloadTA‐GvHDtransfusion‐associated graft‐versus‐host diseaseTAMtransient abnormal myelopoiesisTAPStwin anaemia–polycythaemia sequenceTARthrombocytopenia with absent radiiTGFβtransforming growth factor βTOPsTransfusion of Prematures trialTPItriosephosphate isomeraseTPOthrombopoietinTRALItransfusion‐related acute lung injuryTTthrombin timeTTPthrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraTTTStwin‐to‐twin transfusion syndromeVKDBvitamin K‐dependent bleedingVWDvon Willebrand diseaseVWFvon Willebrand factorWBCwhite cell countWHOWorld Health OrganizationXLSAX‐linked sideroblastic anaemiaXLTX‐linked thrombocytopenia


      Haemopoiesis is the process that ensures life‐long production of haemopoietic cells. In newborn infants the process has many distinct features that differ from those in older children and adults. These differences reflect both the ontogeny of haemopoiesis during fetal development and the unique interaction between the fetus and mother, as well as the effects of birth itself. The sequential changes in the sites and regulation of haemopoiesis during development also help to explain the natural history of many neonatal haematological problems.

      Brief outline of the ontogeny of haemopoiesis

      Properties of fetal haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells

      Fetal haemopoietic stem cells

Schematic illustration of the fetal haemopoietic stem and progenitor cell hierarchy showing the differentiation of multipotent and committed progenitor cells from haemopoietic stem cells.

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