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Masses and Neoplasms Scleral Diseases 10 The Canine Glaucomas Epidemiology of Primary and Secondary Glaucomas in the Dog Classification of the Glaucomas Diagnostics Provocative Tests Clinical and Pathological Effects of Elevated IOP Clinical Signs Primary and Breed‐Predisposed Canine Glaucomas Inheritance of the Canine Glaucomas Clinical Stages of the Primary Glaucomas Secondary Glaucomas Lens and the Glaucomas Aphakic and Pseudophakic Glaucomas Malignant Glaucoma (Aqueous Misdirection) Traumatic Glaucomas Uveitic Glaucomas Ocular Melanosis and Melanocytic Glaucoma Pigmentary and Cystic Glaucoma Intraocular Neoplasms and Glaucoma Glaucomas Secondary to Silicone Oil and Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments Congenital Glaucomas Medical and Surgical Treatment Target, Safe, and Diurnal IOP Medical Therapy for IOP Control Patient Selection for Glaucoma Surgery Available Surgical Procedures Preoperative Treatment Current Strategies for Surgical Treatments Cyclodestructive Techniques Treatment of End‐Stage Primary Glaucomas 11 Canine Anterior Uvea Developmental Conditions Degenerative Iridal Changes Uveal Inflammation Uveal Manifestations of Selected Diseases Miscellaneous Uveal Trauma Hyphema Non‐neoplastic Iridal Proliferations Ocular Melanosis (Pigmentary Glaucoma) Anterior Uveal Tumors Uveal Surgery 12 Canine Cataracts, Lens Luxations, and Surgery Section I: Cataracts – Clinical Findings Normal Findings by Age Congenital Lens Abnormalities Lens Coloboma Embryonic Vascular Abnormalities Section II: Cataract Surgery Patient Selection Spontaneous Lens Capsule Rupture 13 Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Posterior Segment Section I: Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Vitreous Development and Anatomy Morphology Diagnostic Procedures Therapeutic Procedures Vitreal Diseases Vitreous in Relation to Other Ophthalmic Disorders Section II: Diseases of the Canine Ocular Fundus Methods of Examination Structural Visualization of the Fundus Functional Testing of the Retina Normal Ocular Fundus Development of the Canine Ocular Fundus Developmental Anomalies Inherited Retinal Degenerations/Dystrophies Late‐Onset PhotoreceptorDegenerations Other Generalized Retinopathies/Retinal Dystrophies RPE Autofluorescent Inclusion Epitheliopathy/Retinal Pigment Epithelial Dystrophy Inflammation and Infections Affecting the Ocular Fundus Retinal Toxicities Retinopathies of Nutritional Causes Vascular Disease Processes Retinopathies with Immunological Diseases Secondary

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