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href="#u328a5e4d-6008-554d-a5a1-f63d086ddf97">CHAPTER 7: The Best Person for the Job—Merit-Based Hiring Debiasing the Interviewing and Scoring Process Prepping for the Interview During the Interview After the Interview Testing, Testing Notes CHAPTER 8: It's Who You Know—Protégés and Professional Development The Seniority Gap Different Mentors, Different Impact Matching with Meaning Meeting: Quality over Quantity Mentoring After #MeToo Mentoring Outside Your Circle From Mentorship to Sponsorship Choosing a Sponsee Just One Different Inboxes, Different Opportunities Networking That Works What Gets Measured Matters Notes CHAPTER 9: Exceed Expectations—The Performance Evaluation Rate My Professor Beyond the Ivory Tower What Gets Measured Matters Closing the “Open Box” What Are the Criteria for Criteria? Pre- and Post-Evaluation Notes CHAPTER 10: The Physiology of Pay Pay Does Not Exist in a Vacuum The Referral The Offer Separate Self-Evaluations from Pay (and Promotion) Decisions Defining the Pay Gap: Equity vs. Equality Not All Analyses Are Created Equal You Found a Gap—Now What? So, How Do We Talk About This? Pay Equity Is Not One-and-Done Notes CHAPTER 11: Family Matters The Mommy Track Paid Leave—Not Just for Mothers Non-Parents Also Need Leave Destigmatize Taking Leave Give Remote a Chance Notes CHAPTER 12: Leadership Material The Confidence-Competence Trap Transparency: Not Just for Pay Which Came First: The Target or the Leader? One Is Not Done Reaching Critical Mass: The Art of Setting Targets Identifying Leaders: Start at the Beginning The Application and the Nudge Notes CHAPTER 13: Blueprints for Inclusive Workspaces From Open Plans to Closed-Off Realities: The Inclusive Office Design Trend That Wasn't Return to Work: A Chance to Reimagine the Open Office Space Role Models Matter A Safer Workplace Notes Summary of Part 2 Chapter 6: Help Wanted—Inclusive Recruiting Chapter 7: The Best Person for the Job—Merit-Based Hiring Chapter 8: It's Who You Know—Protégés and Professional Development Chapter 9: Exceed Expectations—The Performance Evaluation Chapter 10: The Physiology of Pay Chapter 11: Family Matters Chapter 12: Leadership Material Chapter 13: Blueprints for Inclusive Workspaces

      8  PART 3: Zooming Back Out—The Big Picture CHAPTER 14: AI Won't Save Us (Unless We Save It First) Bias for—and in—Action Algorithmic Attrition The Half-Life of Encoded Bias The Fairness Standards Who

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