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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_41626f75-188f-5a96-a2ba-a52cb055963f">NOTES Chapter 22: How to Find and Convert the Hottest Leads Using User Tracking and Triggered Messages

      10  Section III: The Billion-Dollar Sales Script Chapter 23: Welcome to the Boiler Room NOTE Chapter 24: The Pre-Call Stalk THE TWO-STEP “STALK” PROFESSIONAL LEAD-STALKING TOOLS NOTE Chapter 25: How to Have a Perfect First Minute on a Sales Call with a Lead HOW TO GAIN CONTROL OVER THE CALL(ER) WITH ONE SIMPLE SENTENCE HOW TO GET AROUND BRICK WALL STATEMENTS Chapter 26: The Digging Deep Technique QUESTIONS THAT MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A LEAD TO SAY NO THE DIGGING DEEP TECHNIQUE CURIOSITY IS KING NOTES Chapter 27: How to Quickly Get a Lead to Trust You Chapter 28: Proactively Uncovering Objections NOTE Chapter 29: How to Start Closing Using the Five Yeses THE FIVE YES TECHNIQUE Chapter 30: The Perfect Sales Pitch ALWAYS BE CLOSING NOTE Chapter 31: Exactly What to Say When You Transition from Pitching to Closing NOTE Chapter 32: How to Close STEP ONE: THE TRIAL CLOSE STEP TWO: THE SLOT CLOSE Chapter 33: How to Overcome Objections BUYING QUESTIONS VERSUS OBJECTIONS ARCING USING ARC TO OVERCOME OBJECTIONS NOTE Chapter 34: Preferred Additional Outcomes (What to Do When You Can't Close Someone) NOTES Chapter 35: What to Say after They Say Yes NOTES Chapter 36: How to Get the People You Close to Send You High-Quality Referral Leads BONUS CHAPTER: Analytics: How to Track the Metrics That Matter (and What to Do Based on the Data) WEBSITE METRICS THAT MATTER LANDING PAGE METRICS THAT MATTER SOCIAL MEDIA METRICS THAT MATTER EMAIL MARKETING METRICS THAT MATTER SALES METRICS THAT MATTER IN CLOSING NOTES

      11  About the Author

      12  Index

      13  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Most and Least Trusted ProfessionsFigure 1.2 Overall Satisfaction with Lead-to-Sales Conversion RateFigure 1.3 The Biggest Challenges to Successful Lead ConversionFigure 1.4 Conversion Happens at the Intersection of Marketing, Sales, and T...Figure 1.5 Elite Companies' Lead Conversion CapabilitiesFigure 1.6 The Opportunity Circle

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Baby.com Eye-Tracking TestFigure 2.2 Our Eyes Follow the Babies' EyesFigure 2.3 Impact of Reviews on Website ConversionsFigure 2.4 Adding Required Fields Decreases Conversion Rate

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 How a Video's Length Affects Completion Rate

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Bloggers Who Research Keywords Get Better ResultsFigure 4.2 Blog Posts with More Pictures Get Better ResultsFigure 4.3 Increase in Average Online Views per Press Release by Included El...Figure 4.4 Average Word Count for Top 10 Google ResultsFigure 4.5 Turn Long Form Content into Micro Content

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Impact of Number of Landing Pages on Lead GenerationFigure 5.2 Impact of the Tactic Used on the Quantity and Quality of Leads

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Which Platform Does Your Company See the Most ROI From?Figure 6.2 The Best Times and Days to Post on Social MediaFigure 6.3 Minimum Viable FunnelFigure 6.4 Breakdown of Tactics Based on Size of Budget

      7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Conversion Rate Based on the Type of Pop-Up in a VideoFigure 8.2 Conversion Rate Based on Timing of CTA in a VideoFigure 8.3 Percentage Who

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