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code chunks, the new object in the environment, and the recreated plot in the utility pane.

      Figure 1.6 The renewed plot with an R object in the environment.

      # Create a plot with an object value plot(x = xVal, y = 2)

      # Create a new object with a function newObj <- round(1.23, digits = 0)

      This book will illustrate many functions both in base-R and within specialized packages applied in a sports context. R has many tens of thousands of packages with corresponding functions. Often the rest of this book will defer to base-R functions in an effort for standardization, stability, and ease of understanding rather than utilize an esoteric package. This is a deliberate choice to improve conceptual understanding but does leave room for code optimization and improvement.

Name Code Description
FOR loops for (i in 1:4){ print(i + 2) } The FOR loop has a dynamic variable `i` which will update a number of times. Here, the `i` value loop will repeat from 1, 2, 3, and 4. The code within the curly brackets executes with the updated `i` value. The first time through the loop `i` equals `1` and with `+ 2` the value 3 is printed to the console. The second time through `i` updates to `2` and is once again added with `+ 2` so that the value `4` is printed. This continues in the loop 4 times because of the `1:4` parameter
IF statement if(xVal == 1){ print('xVal is equal to one.') } The IF statement is a control operator. After the `if` code, a statement is created to check its validity. If the statement inside parentheses evaluates to TRUE, then the code within the curly brackets is executed. In this example, the statement checks whether a variable `xVal` is equal to `1`. Since it does, the code in the curly brackets executes and a message is printed to the console state “xVal is equal to one.” If the statement does not evaluate to TRUE, the code inside the curly brackets is ignored. For example, if `xVal == 2`, then the code block is not run
IF ELSE statement if(xVal == 1){ print('xVal is equal to one.') } else { print('xVal is not equal to one.') } The IF-ELSE control flow adds another layer to the previous IF statement. Now a new set of curly brackets is added along with the `else` function. This statement will execute one of the two code chunks within the curly brackets based on the TRUE or FALSE result of the logical statement. Here, if `xVal == 1`, then the first message is printed, same as before. However, for any other value of `xVal`, the second bit of code is run. For example, if `xVal == 2`, then the IF statement evaluates to FALSE and the second message “xVal is not equal to one” will be printed to the console.

      class(i) class(xVal) class(i +.01)

      In addition to integers and numeric values, common R data types include “Boolean” values known in R as “logical” object types. Boolean data types are merely TRUE or FALSE. R can interpret these values as occurring or not occurring as shown in the IF statements. Additionally, for some operations, Boolean values can be interpreted as 1 and 0 for TRUE and FALSE, respectively. For example, in R `TRUE + TRUE` will return a value of `2` while `TRUE – FALSE` will return `1`, because R interprets the Boolean as 1 – 0. Let’s create a Boolean object called `TFobj` in the code below for use later.

      TFobj <- TRUE

      Another data type R often utilizes is a “factor.” A factor is a non-unique description of information. For example, a sports team may be assigned to a conference. Another team may also be assigned to that conference as well

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