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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#u3d9ae883-d24b-5c2a-b25d-da617d42c399">CHAPTER 19: Maintaining Exempt Status § 19.1 Checklists CHAPTER 20: Private Inurement and Intermediate Sanctions § 20.2 Salaries and Other Compensation § 20.10 Intermediate Sanctions § 20.11 New § 4960 Excise Tax on Excess Compensation Notes CHAPTER 21: Unrelated Business Income § 21.4 Definition of Trade or Business § 21.8 Unrelated Activities § 21.10 Income Modifications § 21.11 Calculating and Minimizing Taxable Income Notes CHAPTER 23: Electioneering and Lobbying § 23.3 Tax on Political Expenditures Note CHAPTER 24: Deductibility and Disclosures § 24.1 Overview of Deductibility § 24.2 The Substantiation and Quid Pro Quo Rules § 24.3 Valuing Donor Benefits Notes CHAPTER 25: Employment Taxes § 25.1 Distinctions Between Employees and Independent Contractors § 25.3 Reporting Requirements Notes CHAPTER 27: Cryptocurrency § 27.1 What Is Cryptocurrency? § 27.2 What Are the Various Kinds of Cryptocurrency? § 27.3 Should Nonprofits Be Involved in Cryptocurrency? § 27.4 Cryptocurrencies and the Internal Revenue Service Notes

      8  Index

      9  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Preface

      6  Begin Reading

      7  Index

      8  End User License Agreement


      1  ii

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  ix

      5  1

      6  3

      7 4

      8 5

      9  6

      10  7

      11  8

      12  9

      13 10

      14 11

      15  12

      16  13

      17  14

      18 15

      19  16

      20  17

      21 18

      22  19

      23  20

      24  21

      25  22

      26 23

      27  25

      28  26

      29  27

      30  28


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