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of overall affluence, this theory predicts that environmental impacts rise during development, only to fall after an economy matures

      Neo-Malthusians Present-day adherents to a position – established by Malthus in the nineteenth century – that population growth outstrips limited natural resources and presents the single greatest driver of environmental degradation and crisis

      While this formulation certainly makes the relationship between population and environmental degradation more complicated than Malthus did, it has been used by “neo-Malthusians,” those more recent adherents to a population-based way of thinking about environmental issues, to argue that population is the paramount factor in this equation. Paul Ehrlich (Ehrlich and Holdren 1974 , p. 1216) explains that population requires the most immediate attention “precisely because population is the most difficult and slowest to yield among the components of environmental deterioration.”

Country Total population (millions)1 GDP ($ per capita)2 Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)3 Percentage total forest cover change (including plantations), 1990–2016 4 Greenhouse gas emissions (tons of CO2 equivalent per capita)5
China 1428 10 098 2226 +33.6 8.0
USA 327 65 111 6916 +2.6 16.1
Bangladesh 161 1905 216 −4.5 0.6
Turkey 82 8957 1528 +22.8 5.1
UK 67 41 030 2978 +5.5 5.6
Kenya 51 1 997 492 −5.8 0.4

      Others have argued that development radically lowers human impact, at a rate far greater than the growth of population. In what some analysts call an environmental Kuznets curve (named for economist Simon Kuznets), it is predicted that as development initially occurs, environmental impact increases, with per capita use of resources rising, pollution increasing, and damage to ecosystems like forests rising, and doing so at a rising rate. After a threshold, however, regulation, affluence, and economic transition begin to increase and impacts of humans fall dramatically. Proponents of this argument point out that in many parts of the developing world that have historically experienced high levels of deforestation, urbanization and affluence have left many rural areas abandoned, allowing a forest transition back to thick forest cover (Perz 2007, and see Chapter 12).

      Carrying Capacity and the Ecological Footprint

      On the other side of the equation, assuming agreement might be reached on how to measure impact per person, the degree to which each such impact is “too much” is also a matter of uncertainty. Just as IPAT and its variations predict future impacts of society on nature, the notion of carrying capacity is often invoked to signal the limits beyond which a local area can no longer absorb population. Carrying capacity is the number of people that could theoretically be sustained in one area (or the Earth) over an indeterminate amount of time, assuming a particular lifestyle (level of technology and consumption).

      Carrying Capacity The theoretical limit of population (animal, human, or otherwise) that a system can sustain

      Ecological Footprint The theoretical spatial extent of the earth’s surface required to sustain an individual, group, system, organization; an index of environmental impact

      Forest Transition Theory A model that predicts a period of deforestation in a region during development, when the forest is a resource or land is cleared for agriculture, followed by a return of forest when the economy changes and population outmigrates and/or becomes conservation-oriented

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