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is about experience-first design—that is, overcoming the decline in NPS scores by creating events that take into consideration the entire suite of stakeholder experiences—from when they first visit a website to the way that they connect with other stakeholders to navigation of the event itself. In order to make this vision a reality, event managers—or event experience managers, as we refer to them—will need to continue to revisit the ways that they manage their strategies and their processes for working with their teams to arrive at these strategies. In order to overcome the challenges of this new chapter in event history, the event team itself will have to undergo a significant transformation.

      Moving forward, event professionals will need to demonstrate a variety of new skills, ranging from hard technical skills to softer skills like empathy and collaboration, while working across multidisciplinary teams. The makeup of the team itself will also need to evolve in order to overcome new challenges, adding new types of expertise that weren't as necessary previously, while reforming some roles that have become obsolete.

      Part of this transition will be revisiting and redefining how event teams interact with other teams within their organization.


      Engagement is a key attribute of a successful event, but the way in which organizers reach audiences and design experiences for them is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Gone are the days of a captive audience that dedicates multiple days to in-person event attendance by default.

      Moving forward, organizers are going to have to get creative in order to pique the interest of an audience that is always one click away from the exit. Event teams are now being challenged by the need to engage audiences that are less likely to attend as many events in person and less likely to dedicate as much time to their events. Key to achieving strong ROE is cracking the code on event engagement in these new formats.


      As we emerge from the pandemic into an age of virtual and hybrid events, data will begin to play a much bigger role in measuring, optimizing, and ultimately scaling event success. To some, these changes might sound intimidating, but we encourage everyone in the industry to see this evolution for what it is: an opportunity for events to become more purposeful, more impactful, more demonstrably valuable, and more efficient in achieving their stated aims. Though the disruption of the pandemic was a shock to event professionals, we will (and are already beginning to) look back at that moment as a key enabler of innovation in an industry that was in desperate need of change.

      1 1 The actual title of the chapter was “Why In-Person,” a decision intended to reflect our IN-PERSON content brand and our steadfast belief in the power of in-person experiences. Admittedly, the prospect of virtual events becoming so popular and necessary was very far away at the time.

      2 2 https://dev-meetingsmeanbusiness.pantheonsite.io/sites/default/files/OE-EIC%20Global%20Meetings%20Significance%20(FINAL)%202018-11-09-2018.pdf.

      As the pandemic progressed, however, the industry as a whole made some incredible strides in improving the virtual event experience—progress that will continue well after in-person events resume. Throughout the remainder of 2020 and the first half of 2021, we saw incredible levels of resilience, adaptability, technological adoption, and rapid innovation. While the sudden transition to virtual events posed a lot of challenges, it also offered a range of new opportunities.

      According to a study we conducted in 2020, 68 percent of event marketers believe it is more difficult to facilitate networking opportunities when hosting virtual events, 67.7 percent struggled to maintain engagement, and 52.5 percent were challenged by the logistics of virtual events.

      According to our research, 60 percent of event professionals pivoted an in-person event to a virtual format as a direct result of the pandemic in 2020. That year, 80 percent of event organizers said they were able to reach a wider audience with virtual events, more than half increased the number of webinars they produced, and 71.5 percent say virtual engagement tools will play a major role in their event strategies moving forward. In fact, 65.5 percent said their budgets will increase, and 93 percent plan to invest in virtual events in the future.

      Virtual events are relatively less expensive to produce than their in-person counterparts, and the shift to a virtual format will dramatically increase their reach. They are also powerful data generators, providing valuable insights on attendee engagement patterns, potentially offering clues to buying behaviors.

      Prior to the pandemic we had hosted a few events of our own—including our IN-PERSON Collective flagship event that took place in New York in December 2019—but the majority of our understanding of events was informed by conversations with our customers and partners in the industry.

      As we pivoted toward becoming a virtual events platform in early 2020, we decided to put our new virtual event platform to the test by hosting our own virtual event, which we called (Almost) IN-PERSON.

      We sent out invitations to members of the industry in hopes of attracting 500 attendees. Within 24 hours, we had 1,500 registrants. After 72 hours, we reached 5,000. In the end, we had more than 6,000 participants across 70

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