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CEO, Westfield Health

      “I would wholeheartedly recommend that you read this book to help build your strength and optimism and to understand that that the choices we make CAN make everything better. Drew is one of the few people I've met who can help me think through ways of dealing with the constant uncertainty we all experience in life. This book really is an essential companion for the world in which we currently live.”

      —Sophie Devonshire: CEO, The Marketing Society

       Stuart Pearce MBE, Football Icon





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      I think some people write books because it's their lifelong ambition, others because they think it's a business opening. I think people write books for a myriad of different reasons. For me it's always about, ‘Can you put something out into the world that is going to make a difference?’ That's it.

      People normally write books because they're passionate about whatever their message is, or information they are parting with. Let's be honest, it's not that easy. It's quite a long and drawn-out process – well it is certainly that way for me. I wanted to write this book because I'm limited on the number of people I can share my thoughts and ideas with day to day, and I wanted to get those ideas down so that I can hopefully provide others, whom I wouldn't normally come into contact with, that little bit of additional help to get them through any tough time they might be facing.

      I've spent around 20 years in the world of leadership and for such a long time, the story was always about the gold medallist – the winner! It was always about the person that had climbed the highest mountain. It was always about those people that have done incredible things and achieved brilliance. And yes, all of this is very inspiring, but there's always that bit at the back of your mind that says, ‘But I'm not an Olympic athlete’, or ‘Well, I'm not going to be climbing that mountain, and actually I don't want to.’

      I looked at other people's difficult experiences, and to my own life, and considered what was both helpful and not in these types of situations. And soon, there was a real catalogue of ideas emerging about dealing with these tough times. And to go back to that question of how much you want to do something – this is what it came down to for me: can I do something that's going to help more people beyond social media and the coaching/development-type sessions that I already do? Something that was real and that was practical. Something broken down so simply and in one place that would mean that anyone could grasp it – wouldn't that be wonderful?

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