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      Chapter written by Chérifa BOUKACEM-ZEGHMOURI and Hans DILLAERTS.

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      8 8 STMPublishing (2020), “Springer Nature achieves new milestone in 2019 in publishing over 100,000 OA articles in one year, and is the largest OA publisher of primary research”: https://www.stm-publishing.com/springer-nature-achieves-new-milestone-in-2019-in-publishing-over-100000-oa-articles-in-one-year-and-is-the-largest-oa-publisher-of-primary-research/.

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      10 10 “Beall’s List: Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers”: https://web.archive.Org/web/20170112125427/https://scholarlyoa.com/publishers/.

      11 11 Cabells International (2020). The Blacklist: https://www2-cabells-com.ezproxy.haifa.ac.il/about-predatory.

      12 12 Adjective borrowed from [ELS 18].

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