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href="#ulink_11656faa-89e7-5521-9765-4e59233148c3">Figure 1.73 Injection sites for local anesthesia. A1 and A2. Sites for the p...Figure 1.74 Location of needle insertion to perform a high PD nerve block in...Figure 1.75 Needle location to perform an abaxial sesamoid nerve block in th...Figure 1.76 Low palmar or 4‐point block. a. Site for palmar nerve block; it ...Figure 1.77 Contrast material within the DFTS after a low palmar nerve block...Figure 1.78 Neuroanatomy of the palmar aspect of the carpus illustrating the...Figure 1.79 Needle positioning to perform the lateral approach to block the ...Figure 1.80 The medial approach to desensitize the lateral palmar nerve is l...Figure 1.81 Upper forelimb blocks. A. Site for median nerve block. B. Site f...Figure 1.82 Innervation of the proximal suspensory ligament in the hindlimb ...Figures 1.83 The deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve (DBLPN) can be des...Figure 1.84 Cradling the hindlimb and pulling the flexor tendons medially ca...Figure 1.85 Image illustrating the locations to block the tibial and peronea...Figure 1.86 Dorsolateral approach to the coffin joint.Figure 1.87 The dorsal perpendicular approach to the DIP joint.Figure 1.88 Dorsal parallel approach to the DIP joint.Figure 1.89 Lateral approach to the DIP joint.Figure 1.90 Dorsolateral approach to the PIP joint.Figure 1.91 Palmar/plantar approach to the PIP joint.Figure 1.92 Proximal palmar/plantar approach to the fetlock joint in the sta...Figure 1.93 Injection of the proximal palmar/plantar pouch of the fetlock jo...Figure 1.94 Lateral view of the injection site through the collateral sesamo...Figure 1.95 Distal palmar/plantar approach to the fetlock joint.Figure 1.96 Dorsal injection site for the fetlock joint in the standing hors...Figure 1.97 Dorsal flexed (a) and palmarolateral standing (b) approaches to ...Figure 1.98 Dorsal flexed (a) and palmarolateral standing (b) approaches to ...Figure 1.99 Lateral approaches cranial or caudal to the collateral ligament ...Figure 1.100 Caudolateral approach to the humeral‐ulnar joint.Figure 1.101 The approach to the large caudal outpouching of the elbow joint...Figure 1.102 Craniolateral (left needle) and lateral (right needle) approach...Figure 1.103 Lateral approach to the TMT joint.Figure 1.104 Medial (a) and dorsolateral (b) approaches to the DIT joint. Th...Figure 1.105 Dorsomedial (a), dorsolateral (b), and plantarolateral (b) appr...Figure 1.106 Medial approaches (a and b) to the MFT joint.Figure 1.107 Cranial (a) and lateral (b) approaches to the femoropatellar jo...Figure 1.108 Injection sites for the lateral femorotibial joint just proxima...Figure 1.109 Lateral view of the injection site for the coxofemoral joint. T...Figure 1.110 The proximal approach to the DFTS can be performed with the lim...Figure 1.111 Distal approaches to the DFTS.Figure 1.112 Injection site for the DFTS on the axial surface of the proxima...Figure 1.113 Injection site for the tarsal sheath.Figure 1.114 Lateral view of the foot demonstrating the correct angulation o...Figure 1.115 Lateral (abaxial) approach to the navicular bursa that avoids p...Figure 1.116 Injection sites for the calcaneal bursa are located either abov...Figure 1.117 Distal (a) and proximal (b) approaches to the bicipital bursa f...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Sagittal section of equine fetlock and digit.Figure 2.2 Attachments of deep digital flexor tendon and collateral sesamoid...Figure 2.3 Front foot (a) and lateral radiograph (b) of a horse with a rever...Figure 2.4 Cross sections of the navicular bone at necropsy demonstrating cy...Figure 2.5 Single, large cystic lesion (a; arrow) and multiple cystic lesion...Figure 2.6 Skyline radiographs of the same horse as in Figure 2.9 (a) demons...Figure 2.7 Multiple abnormalities within the navicular bone as seen on an ob...Figure 2.8 Fracture fragment from the distal border of the navicular bone (a...Figure 2.9 (a) Lateral STIR MR image demonstrating abnormal signal within th...Figure 2.10 Heel elevation may be helpful in treating select horses with nav...Figure 2.11 Distal sesamoid (navicular) bone. (a) Proximal view. (b) Distal ...Figure 2.12 Bipartite navicular bone as seen on a skyline radiograph in a yo...Figure 2.13 A wing fracture of the navicular bone (arrows) as seen on the ob...Figure 2.14 This oblique radiograph of the navicular bone was taken 23 month...Figure 2.15 MRI images demonstrating a single, large DDFT lesion (a; arrow) ...Figure 2.16 Transverse T1‐weighted fast low angle shot (FLASH) image with fa...Figure 2.17 Transverse fast low angle shot (FLASH) image with fat saturation...Figure 2.18 Sagittal proton density image of the central part of the foot of...Figure 2.19 The medial and lateral collateral ligaments of the DIP joint ari...Figure 2.20 Transverse proton density image with fat saturation oriented par...Figure 2.21 Bony proliferation on the dorsomedial aspect of P2 on this obliq...Figure 2.22 Effusion within the DIP joint can be seen and palpated as swelli...Figure 2.23 The calcification of the extensor tendon seen on this lateral ra...Figure 2.24 Classification of P3 fractures in horses.Figure 2.25 Two variable sized Type II “wing” fractures of the P3. These are...Figure 2.26 Small (a) and large (b) Type IV P3 fractures involving the exten...Figure 2.27 CT image of a Type V, comminuted fracture of P3. Fracture lines ...Figure 2.28 Lateral radiograph of the same horse in Figure 2.26b following a...Figure 2.29 Standing dorsopalmar radiograph demonstrating a large uniaxial s...Figure 2.30 Type II articular fracture that was associated with a large side...Figure 2.31 Normal solar surface of the forefoot showing anatomic structures...Figure 2.32 This horse was non‐weight‐bearing lame with no evidence of a hoo...Figure 2.33 This horse had what was thought to be a routine abscess at the t...Figure 2.34 Type VI fractures are also referred to as solar margin fractures...Figure 2.35 Dorsopalmar radiographs of the distal

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