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3Figure 3.1. Experimental site under solar panels in Boissière (Gard, Occitanie) ...Figure 3.2. Lasagna technique developed by B. Lapouge-Déjean (Lapouge-Déjean et ...Figure 3.3. Lasagna installation under solar panelsFigure 3.4. Eagle fern growing under solar panels in Boissière (Gard)...Figure 3.5. Growing alder buckthorn under solar panels in Boissière (Gard) (sour...Figure 3.6. Comfrey flowering under solar panels in Boissière (Gard)....Figure 3.7. Chemical structure of allantoinFigure 3.8. Rhubarb plant under solar panels in Boissière (Gard)...Figure 3.9. a) Leaf of grapevine infested by downy mildew without treatment (115...Figure 3.10. ε-viniferin and δ-viniferinFigure 3.11. Scotch broom, Latin American fleabane and alder buckthorn under sol...Figure 3.12. Melissa officinalis, December 19, 2019 (credit: C. Grison)Figure 3.13. Melissa officinalis, July 2, 2020 (credit: C. Grison)Figure 3.14. Hyssopus officinalis, December 19, 2019 (credit: C. Grison)Figure 3.15. Hyssopus officinalis, July 7, 2020 (credit: C. Grison)Figure 3.16. Most attractive melliferous plants: bellflower, hyssop and lotus (s...Figure 3.17. Preparation of endangered plants under solar panels in Boissière (G...Figure 3.18. Growth of Vitis vinifera under solar panels in Boissière (Gard) (so...Figure 3.19. Soil enrichment through the construction of lasagnas under solar pa...Figure 3.20. Placement of traps on the experiment and on an outside area as a co...Figure 3.21. Insect traps: difference between control (a) and vegetated (b) plot...Figure 3.22. Lotus tetragonolobus floweringFigure 3.23. Campanula cochleariifolia floweringFigure 3.24. Categories of plant species that can be installed under solar panel...Figure 3.25. Diagram of legal approval for a new substance (ITAB 2019). For a co...

      5 Appendix 1Figure A1.1. Molecular structure of PrunasinFigure A1.2. Mechanism of prunasin degradation (Chaouali 2013)Figure A1.3. Degradation of ptaquilosideFigure A1.4. Ptaquiloside and derivatives – defense molecules present in Eagle f...Figure A1.5. Mechanism of action of thiaminasesFigure A1.6. Seasonal variation of thiaminase concentration in Eagle fern (Evans...Figure A1.7. Structure of β-sitosterol

      6 Appendix 2Figure A2.1. Chemical structure of an anthraquinoneFigure A2.2. Chemical structures of chrysophanol (1), physcione (2) and emodin (...Figure A2.3. Molecular structures of grapevine defense mechanisms

      7 Appendix 3Figure A3.1. Gallic acid

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Different technologies of photovoltaic cellsTable 1.2. Greenhouse gas emissions by form of electricity generation, average v...Table 1.3. Maximum emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, non-volatile or...

      2 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Schematic balance between the advantages and disadvantages of agrivol...

      3 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Structure of the lasagna installed under the solar panels in Boissièr...Table 3.2. Flowering period of honey plants. For a color version of this table, ...Table 3.3. Nectar and pollen quality of selected honey plantsTable 3.4. Identification of insects larger than 3 mmTable 3.5. Different laws concerning PNPPs

      4 Appendix 3Table A3.1. Anthraquinones present in Rheum rhabarbarum Table A3.2. Main stilbenes present in Rheum rhabarbarum Table A3.3. Flavonoids present in Rheum rhabarbarum


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Foreword by Yvon Le Maho

      6  Foreword by Thomas Lesueur

      7  Introduction

      8  Begin Reading

      9  Appendices

      10  Appendix 1 Secondary Metabolites and Defense Molecules of Eagle Fern

      11  Appendix 2 Secondary Metabolites and Defense Molecules of Alder Buckthorn

      12  Appendix 3 Secondary Metabolites and Defense Molecules of Rhubarb

      13  References

      14  Index

      15  End User License Agreement


      1  v

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  ix

      5  x

      6  xi

      7  xiii

      8  xiv

      9  xv

      10  xvi

      11  xvii

      12  xviii

      13  xix

      14  1

      15  2

      16  3

      17  4

      18  5

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