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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_b00b832a-f0ec-5a87-81fc-97d538ae58cb">16. For the 10 years ending 31 December 2020, Mainland China-listed A-shares traded at an average premium of 18.2 percent versus their Hong Kong-listed H-share counterparts.

      17 17. (Mahbubani, 2020, pp. 33–37).

      18 18. For example, President Trump suggested publicly that the Covid-19 virus originated in a Chinese laboratory. See (BBC, 2020). Meanwhile, the Chinese Foreign Ministry accused the US of inciting anti-government protests in Hong Kong in 2019. See (Westcott, 2019).

      19 19. (Ferguson, 2020).

      20 20. (Brands, 2020).

      21 21. (Klein & Pettis, 2020, p. 96).

      22 22. (Sargent, 2011).

      23 23. (Blackwill & Harris, 2016, p. 49).

      24 24. See (Steil, 2013) and (Klein & Pettis, 2020, pp. 19–23).

      25 25. (Steil & Litan, 2006, pp. 2–3).


      Dollar bills have absolutely no value except in our collective imagination, but everyone believes in the dollar bill.

      – Yuval Noah Harari

      At one time, the dollar was backed by a fixed quantity of gold; however, since President Nixon's abandonment of the gold standard in 1973, the currency has had no intrinsic value beyond ink, paper and faith in the US government and its financial system. That the rest of the world continues to confer what former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing called this ‘exorbitant privilege’ on the US undoubtedly reflects the fact that the dollar-based global financial system has had benefits for other countries as well. However, as we shall see in Chapter 3, many stakeholders within that system are increasingly questioning whether the costs may now outweigh the benefits.

      The story of the US dollar's rise over the last century is inextricably intertwined with the geopolitics of the era, but it is also one of financial and technological innovation. At certain times, domestic and international policies drove this innovation; at other times, geopolitics were driven by structural shifts in the markets. Some significant factors that contributed to the dollar's dominance actually arose out of American policy mistakes, policy choices by other governments, or financial entrepreneurialism that policymakers initially weren't even aware of. There are, of course, many aspects to American power besides the dollar, and the currency has always had a relationship of symbiosis and mutual reinforcement with these. However, as the other sources of US power have waned, the dollar has become ever more important in relative and, paradoxically, absolute terms. There has been a price for this though one that the original architect of the dollar's leadership perhaps didn't sufficiently take into account.

      Born in 1892, White was the son of Lithuanian Jews who had fled the tsarist pogroms in 1885 and settled in Boston. Harry was the youngest of seven

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