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a stronger New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent, enhancing tropical‐subtropical exchange in the south. Blockage or weakening of the ITF reduces thermocline fluctuations and increases SSTs in the central and equatorial Pacific and raises the mean thermocline of the Indian Ocean and decreases SSTs in the southern Indian Ocean.

Schematic illustration of pathways of the Indonesian Throughflow between the Pacific and Indian Oceans and linkage to other major ocean currents.

      Source: Feng et al. (2018), figure 1, p.3. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

      The New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC) likely sets up a strong shear flow in austral summer when the surface flow of the NGCC is towards the southeast against the mean NW flow. Tidal mixing may also play a role in producing vertical eddies and coastal upwellings throughout the Indonesian Archipelago, implying that surface heat fluxes are carried through the mixed layer. It is possible that tidally enhanced eddies are widely distributed throughout the west Pacific especially near reef complexes. As noted in Chapter 2, the MJO, ENSO, as well as small‐scale seasonal cycles play a strong role in large‐scale water circulation in the equatorial Pacific.

      Once the ITF passes through the many islands of the Indonesian archipelago, it circulates through the Indian Ocean back into the Pacific south of Australia (Lambert et al. 2016). Somewhat reminiscent of the equatorial Pacific, although the wind system is greatly different, the South Indian Ocean Counter Current (SICC) flows from west to east across the Indian Ocean against the wind‐driven circulation.

      Circulation in the Indian Ocean is driven not only by the SICC but also by ENSO, IOD, and the MJO (Chapter 2). Wind‐driven upwelling occurs mainly in the seasonally reversing, western boundary currents rather than in the eastern equatorial region; a completely different set of mechanisms drives heat and freshwater absorption (Hood et al. 2017). In the north, the Indian Ocean has two large water bodies west and east of India: the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. In the Arabian Sea, there is upwelling of cold, nutrient‐rich water during the SW monsoon (SWM) along Somalia, Oman, and the west coast of India. In the western Bay of Bengal, upwelling occurs during the NE monsoon (NEM), whereas south of Sri Lanka, there is coastal upwelling where upwelling blooms are swept into the Bay of Bengal by the SW Monsoon Current (McCreary et al. 2009). In the tropical south Indian Ocean, there is a weak surface plankton bloom during boreal summer when new phytoplankton production is enhanced by nutrient entrainment. In boreal winter, the mixed layer is thinner resulting in less plankton production as the thermocline is deeper and nutrient entrainment is weaker. ENSO/IOD events can cause plankton blooms south of the islands of Sumatra and Java, while upwelling further east is driven by entrainment and mixing of the ITF with other currents such as the Java Current.

      In the western tropical Atlantic Ocean, fresh surface waters from the Amazon may induce a strong halocline in the 3–30 m depth range, which in turn induces a pycnocline that acts as a barrier layer for mixing between the surface and subsurface waters. Following maximum Amazon discharge, the river plume and resultant barrier layer extends over a large part of the equatorial basin north of the equator in boreal summer and autumn (Varona et al. 2019). This anomaly due to the river discharge is powerful enough to contribute to a northward shift in the ITCZ during this period. The Amazon plume is great enough to drive spatial and temporal variations in oceanic primary productivity (Gouveia et al. 2019).

      Even in the open sea in the tropics, high rates of evaporation and precipitation and upwelling can destroy the permanently stratified thermocline, unlike in temperate and polar oceans where water masses turnover by cooling in autumn and winter. North of the equator, the eastern Pacific and eastern Atlantic Oceans are eddy‐dominated, with counter currents impinging upon inshore waters and estuaries fed by major rivers and wide shelf areas.

      Tides and wind‐generated waves play in important role in the circulation of water close to shore, although the large‐scale circulation patterns set the characteristic signatures of nearshore water masses (Masselink and Hughes 2014). Water circulation in embayments, bays, and other nearshore water bodies are greatly influenced by daily tidal cycles and wind waves and are also affected by long‐shore currents that are in turn influenced at the macro‐ and meso‐scale. Coastal circulation is ultimately driven by energy derived from solar heating or gravity, barometric pressure, and the density of oceanic waters that impinge on the coastal zone. Mixing results from tides and waves and buoyancy effects from river runoff, if any. Water mixing and circulation are greatly affected by geometry and bathymetry of the coastal zone.

      Regional variability of precipitation and high solar insolation produces very sharp gradients in temperature, salinity, and other properties, such as dissolved nutrient concentrations, in tropical coastal waters. Sharp thermoclines and haloclines coincide with strong vertical discontinuity maintained throughout most of the year, except where equatorial upwellings force cooler water to the surface, or where waters from central oceanic gyres intrude into humid regions to become warmer and more dilute. Lower salinities are characteristic of surface waters of the wet tropics, and conversely, surface waters in arid tropical regions are hypersaline. Great variability in salinity and its ability to adjust rapidly to changes in wind‐induced motion and temperature characterises tropical surface coastal waters (Webster 2020).

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