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      1  Cover

      2  Dedication

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Preface: In the Time of COVID

      6  Acknowledgements

      7  List of Abbreviations

      8  Glossary

      9  Introduction The institutional and social setting Critique of the decolonial The colonial in anthropology Popular religion, culture and ethnicity Race, ethnicity and gender: in search of social justice Evangelical Christianity Indigenous movements and democracy Notes

      10  1 The Latin American Decolonial The ‘decolonial’ in universalist mode: Said and Fanon Fanon and Sartre: blacks and Jews Latin American and Latin Americanist postcolonial theories Quijano, Mignolo, Santos The grounded decolonial Philosophical lineage The true taboo-breakers: autonomous feminism takes on the world Intersectionality Cultural and ethnic difference also intersect Notes

      11  2 Indigeneity, Gender and Law The colonial in modern Mexican social science Deep Mexico The Zapatista uprising of 1994 in Southern Mexico Interculturalidad: cultural difference in knowledge, education and law Legal pluralism as ventriloqual universalism State-sponsored indigenous classification Notes

      12  3 Religion and Culture: Popular, Indigenous and Hegemonic Indigenous religion is also popular Catholicism The dialectic of the erudite and the popular Bolivia: a crucible for the intellectual, anthropological and political intersections of ethnicity and authenticity Conclusion Notes

      13  4 From Popular Culture to the Cultures of the People: Evangelical Christianity as a Challenge to the Decolonial Pentecostalism and neo-Pentecostalism Conclusion Notes

      14  Conclusion: Democratizing Democracy The decolonial A discrete universalism Gender Women in religion and social movements After the decolonial Notes

      15  References

      16  Index

      17  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Dedication

      4  Title Page

      5  Copyright

      6  Preface: In the time of COVID

      7  Acknowledgements

      8  List of Abbreviations

      9  Glossary

      10  Introduction

      11  Begin Reading

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