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account for 5% of total production.

Categories Matches %
Multimedia 261 60.1
Social networks 115 26.5
Fact-checking platforms 19 4.4
Newspapers 14 3.2
Online newspapers 6 1.4
Television 6 1.4
Internet 4 0.9
RSS 3 0.7
Tech companies 2 0.5
Group forums 2 0.5
Magazines 1 0.2
Radio 1 0.2

      Methodological Trends

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Qualitative Quantitative Mixed Matches % Sample
Case study 36 2 38 8.8 Fletcher et al. 2020
Content analysis 30 23 26 79 18.2 Engesser et al. 2017
Ethnography 11 11 2.5 Farkas et al. 2018
Experimental designs (survey) 44 44 10.1 Bode and Vraga 2015
Focus group 5 5 1.2 Amazeen 2019
Interview 26 26 6.0 Brandtzaeg et al. 2016
Literature review/essay 115 1 1 117 27.0 Tandoc et al. 2018
Network analysis6 clusters 8 8 1.8 Brummette et al. 2018
Survey 57 6 63 14.5 Weeks 2015
Web analytics 2 1 3 0.7 Nelson and Taneja 2018
Content analysis + ethnography 1 1 0.2 Lu and Pan 2020
Content analysis + focus group