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refer to forces within individual molecules. Metals and ceramics, for example, are characterized by strong interatomic forces. In comparison, polymers are characterized by strong interatomic forces between neighboring atoms in their long‐chain molecules but weak intermolecular forces between neighboring polymer chains.

Schematic illustration of the formation of (a) ionic bond, (b) covalent bond, and (c) metallic bond.

      For two atoms with discrete charges (that is, ions) of opposite sign such as the sodium ion (Na+) and the chlorine ion (Cl) that form an ionic bond in the sodium chloride (NaCl) molecule, for example, this is simply an electrostatic or Coulombic attraction. The attractive force is given by

      where, q1 and q2 are the electrical charges of the two ions and εo is the permittivity of free space.

Schematic illustration of covalent bonding in the hydrogen molecule (H2), showing the combination of attractive and repulsive forces. Schematic illustration of formation of an interatomic bond viewed in terms of (a) interatomic force and (b) potential energy of interaction.

      Instead of the interatomic force, it is often more convenient to describe bonding between two atoms in terms of their potential energy of interaction. This potential energy represents the work done in bringing the two atoms from infinity to a separation distance x. Representation of interatomic bonding in terms of potential energy U is equivalent to that of force F as they are related by the expression

      Substituting for F from Eq. (2.1), we find that for the ionic bond, the attractive potential energy is

      The parameter xo, the interatomic separation when the net force F = 0, is the equilibrium separation between the two atoms and represents the bond length (Figure 2.3). The minimum energy Uo is the bonding energy of the two atoms and is a measure of the bond strength. It gives the energy required to separate the atoms from their equilibrium spacing to an infinite distance apart. The deeper the well, the more stable the molecule and the larger the amount of energy

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