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24.8 Some Details on the Random Permutation 24.9 The Case Where Eve Has Nonzero Initial Information 24.10 Hash Functions Using Block Designs 24.11 Concluding Remarks Note Chapter 25: New Identities for the Shannon Function with Applications 25.1 Extensions of a Binary Symmetric Channel 25.2 A Basic Entropy Equality 25.3 The New Identities 25.4 Applications to Cryptography and a Shannon‐Type Limit 25.5 Problems 25.6 Solutions Chapter 26: Blockchain and Bitcoin 26.1 Ledgers, Blockchains 26.2 Hash Functions, Cryptographic Hashes 26.3 Digital Signatures 26.4 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies 26.5 The Append‐Only Network, Identities, Timestamp, Definition of a Bitcoin 26.6 The Bitcoin Blockchain and Merkle Roots 26.7 Mining, Proof‐of‐Work, Consensus 26.8 Thwarting Double Spending Chapter 27: IoT, The Internet of Things 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters 27.3 Programmable Logic Controller 27.4 Embedded Operating Systems 27.5 Evolution, From SCADA to the Internet of Things 27.6 Everything is Fun and Games until Somebody Releases a Stuxnet 27.7 Securing the IoT, a Mammoth Task 27.8 Privacy and Security Notes Chapter 28: In the Cloud 28.1 Introduction 28.2 Distributed Systems 28.3 Cloud Storage – Availability and Copyset Replication 28.4 Homomorphic Encryption 28.5 Cybersecurity 28.6 Problems 28.7 Solutions Chapter 29: Review Problems and Solutions 29.1 Problems 29.2 Solutions

      13  Appendix A A.1 ASCII

      14  Appendix B B.1 Shannon's Entropy Table

      15  Glossary

      16  References

      17  Index

      18  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Approximate frequencies of letters in the English language.Table 2.2 Number of character coincidences corresponding to displacement

      2 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Factorization of


      3 Chapter 24Table 24.1 Bit agreements between two remnant stringsTable 24.2 Expressions for

Table 24.3 Expressions for
Table 24.4 Optimal values for
Table 24.5 Reconciling two 400 bit keys

      4 Appendix ATable A.1 ASCII table

      5 Appendix BTable B.1 Shannon's entropy table.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 (a) Claude E. Shannon, Theseus, and the maze (see Section 1.4). (...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Caesar cipher wheel.Figure 2.2 The German Enigma machine. (a) the Enigma machine type‐K, (b) the...Figure 2.3 Block diagram of the Enigma machine.Figure 2.4 Simplified Enigma model.

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 General encryption.Figure 3.2 Symmetric encryption.Figure

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