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Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.Аннотация
La coppia perfetta, scritto da A. C. Meyer, autrice di Cadu e Mari e della serie After Dark, è un romanzo divertente ed emozionante, diviso in quattro episodi. Jonas Lopes è una star delle soap opera, il preferito delle pubblicità, l’attore più ricercato per le copertine delle riviste e l’uomo più desiderato da tutte le donne. Bello, talentuoso e ricco, ha tutto il mondo ai suoi piedi… ma un passo falso gli ha fatto perdere tutto. Ed è per questo che Bruno, suo migliore amico e suo manager, dovrà avere la migliore idea di sempre per cercare di salvare la reputazione e la carriera del giovane attore. L’intuizione che farà tornare Jonas il preferito dal pubblico e farà dimenticare a tutti i siti e a tutte le riviste di gossip le sue scappatelle. E qual è il modo migliore per recuperare la reputazione di un attore donnaiolo? Trovando la ragazza giusta per lui. L’amore della sua vita. La compagna perfetta che conquisterà il cuore del preferito dalle fan. E non c’è niente di meglio che far partecipare il pubblico a questa selezione. Dopotutto, quale fan non sogna di partecipare attivamente alla vita del suo idolo? La coppia perfetta, scritto da A. C. Meyer, autrice di Cadu e Mari e della serie After Dark, è un romanzo divertente ed emozionante, diviso in quattro episodi.
I guardiani dei desideri :Il mondo in cui si è rifugiato Elio, forse non è frutto della sua fantasia, ma una tela costruitagli intorno. Durante una vacanza in campagna, avrà modo di conoscere una Vegliante che gli rivelerà la verità ed insieme ad un divertente gruppo di amici, reali e fantastici, combatterà per ritrovare la sua libertà. Le avventure di questo ragazzo ti faranno conoscere Demoni, Vegliati, Ombre, Bosowe, Guardiani Jiwon, cantilene magiche e andrai in giro per il mondo usando semafori, girando attorno ad un baobab o volando in una sfera di ghiaccio.
Pelajari Cara Melakukan Trade Pertama Anda Dan Raih Kesuksesan Dalam Pasar Saham Sekarang! Bila bicara tentang investasi, ada beberapa pendekatan yang bisa digunakan untuk keuntungan Anda. Maksudnya, swing trading adalah salah satu pendekatan yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan. Bicara secara umum, swing trading dapat memberikan pendekatan jangka panjang bila dibanding trading harian. Swing trading dapat dengan mudah didefinisikan sebagai memegang posisi open lebih lama dari satu trading harian. Ini dilakukan dengan harapan untuk menangkap “swing” di pasar. Dengan demikian, Anda ingin menjual pada pergerakan harga, yang berujung pada profit. Perbedaan utama terletak pada kenyataan bahwa Anda bersedia membuat posisi open untuk beberapa hari, tetapi biasanya tidak sampai seminggu trading. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa periode yang lebih lama dari seminggu biasanya membutuhkan banyak kajian dan penelitian, khususnya jika Anda berinvestasi di pasar volatil. Mohon diingat bahwa swing trading sangat Pelajari Cara Melakukan Trade Pertama Anda Dan Raih Kesuksesan Dalam Pasar Saham Sekarang! Bila bicara tentang investasi, ada beberapa pendekatan yang bisa digunakan untuk keuntungan Anda. Maksudnya, swing trading adalah salah satu pendekatan yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan. Bicara secara umum, swing trading dapat memberikan pendekatan jangka panjang bila dibanding trading harian. Swing trading dapat dengan mudah didefinisikan sebagai memegang posisi open lebih lama dari satu trading harian. Ini dilakukan dengan harapan untuk menangkap “swing” di pasar. Dengan demikian, Anda ingin menjual pada pergerakan harga, yang berujung pada profit. Perbedaan utama terletak pada kenyataan bahwa Anda bersedia membuat posisi open untuk beberapa hari, tetapi biasanya tidak sampai seminggu trading. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa periode yang lebih lama dari seminggu biasanya membutuhkan banyak kajian dan penelitian, khususnya jika Anda berinvestasi di pasar volatil. Mohon diingat bahwa swing trading sangatlah spekulatif. Jadi, Anda mencoba melihat masa depan dengan harapan untuk mengubahnya menjadi profit. Namun demikian, swing trading bisa memberikan keuntungan yang pasti kepada Anda yang tidak bisa diberikan oleh filosofi trading. Dengan terlibat dalam swing trading, Anda bisa membuka pintu kemungkinan yang lainnya. Dalam buku ini Anda akan belajar: ✓ Memahami Dasar dari Swing Trading ✓ Perbedaan Antara Swing Trading dan Trading Harian ✓ Kelebihan Swing Trading ✓ Karakteristik seorang Swing Trader ✓ Melakukan Penelitian sebagai seorang Swing Trader ✓ Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Swing Trading ✓ Aset Swing Trading ✓ Intisari Swing Trading ✓ Perangkat Analisa Teknikal yang Digunakan Dalam Swing Trading ✓ Penggunaan Moving Average (MACD) ✓ Level yang Signifikan ✓ Kelanjutan Tren ✓ Triple Top dan Triple Bottom ✓ Analisa Candlestick ✓ “Timing” poin masuk dan keluar ✓ Manajemen Risiko dalam Swing Trading ✓ Melindungi Diri Yourself Dari Risiko ✓ Psikologi Dalam Swing Trading ✓ Memahami Dasar Trading Harian ✓ Trading Harian sebagai Pekerjaan Tetap ✓ membuka Akun Sekuritas Baru ✓ Melakukan Trade Anda yang Pertama ✓ Menggunakan moving average untuk masuk dan keluar sebuah trade DAN MASIH BANYAK LAGI! Ayo Raih Impian Anda SEGERA! Beli buku Anda sekarang dengan mengeklik tombol BELI SEKARANG di bagian atas halaman ini!
Az egyetlen gond a tervével: A szerelem nem volt az egyenlet része. Lord Brian Kennington, Connlee ötödik grófja a meggyőzés mestere. Amikor az ő és Lady Minerva útja keresztezi egymást, a férfi megállapítja, hogy a hölgynek egy kis izgalmat kell vinni az életébe, ő pedig tudja, hogyan tegye ezt meg. Hű marad a meggyőzés grófja becenévhez, miközben végigsöpör vele a kaland és romantika útján. Az egyetlen gond a tervével: A szerelem nem volt az egyenlet része.
Ein lebendiger Thriller mit Abenteuer, Spannung und Mystery, der in der Zeit zwischen dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts und dem Ersten Weltkrieg angesiedelt ist. Ein prominenter Archäologe verschwindet unter seltsamen Umständen während des Ersten Weltkriegs, in dem zwischen blutigen Schlachten, in denen die Armeen beider Seiten gegen eine scheinbar unüberwindbare Front kämpfen, Not und Chaos regiert. Nach Ende des Krieges stellt ein gewitzter Journalist, der vom überraschenden Verschwinden des Archäologen fasziniert ist, komplizierte Nachforschungen an, bei denen er auf Geschichten stößt, die ihn durch verschiedene Kontinente führen, bis er ein Rätsel in der Geschichte des British Empire lösen kann. Tauchen Sie ein in einen rasanten Thriller, in dem Sie einige der berühmtesten Funde aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der Archäologie wiederentdecken können.
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in life. A lot of people are buried in the grave yeard with their dream unfulfilled. Witchcraft activities prevented so many people from achieving their purpose in life. The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in life. A lot of people are buried in the grave yeard with their dream unfulfilled. Witchcraft activities prevented so many people from achieving their purpose in life. Do you belong to any of the following people? 1. Have you been praying and fasting for years, yet witchcraft powers are still tormenting you? 2. Are your children dying one after the other and you don’t have any solution to it? Then, witches and wizards might have been killing them. If you are in this situation, this book is for you. 3. Have you been searching for jobs for the past ten years and no success although you are a first-class graduate? Then, you must destroy the activities of witchcraft. 4. Have you attended over ten contract negotiation table and you never won a single one? then, witchcraft powers are working against your progress in life, you need to deal with it now. 5. Are you tired of life and you feel like ending it all? Then, witches and wizards have concluded to use you as a sacrifice, you need to stop them now before they finish your life. 6. Has your business been stagnant for the past twenty years and above with no progress? Then, witchcraft powers are about to paralyze your life and your business for life, you must stop them now. 7. Are you part of a polygamous home? Then, all the prayer points in this book will make you overcome all obstacles experience in any polygamous home. 8. Are you the type that your parents received a word of knowledge that you will be great in life and you discovered that you are steal finding it difficult even to feed at the age of 40 years, then this book is for you? 9. Are you the type that in your primary and secondary school days you where very brilliant to the point that the school authority recognize this by making you the head boy or head girl, yet could not go further in your career or profession 10. Did you work hard and save enough money for you to travel abroad to better your life, but on getting there, you discovered that you are even worse than if you ever traveled. You regretted that you traveled in the first space. Watch out witchcraft power is about to finish your life as you are back. You must stop them now, by praying all the prayer points in this book. 11. Do you always make the wrong decision most of the time despite your knowledge and technical know-how? 12. Have you worked in more than seven companies or ministries and yet nothing to show for it? , then, witchcraft activities are oppressing your life. 13. Do you observe that you don’t have savings or your account is always on a zero balance despite your high level of income? Then, witchcraft powers are at work in your life. 14. Do you suddenly observe a change in your character or behavior which is now affecting your life? Then, you are under attack by witchcraft powers. 15. Do you wake up early in the morning feeling tired most of the time and unwilling to go to work even though your doctor certify you that you are ok, Then you might be under a witchcraft attack? 16. Do you always find it difficult to control yourself or you lack self-control? Then you might be under a witchcraft attack. 17. Do you find yourself in a position where you find it difficult to follow your boss's instructions at work? Then, you need to pray against witchcraft attack Inside this book, you will discover all you need to do to prevent witchcraft attacks in your life and to destroy all their activities and powers completely. This book will show you the activities of witchcraft, the way witches and wizards operate in frustrating people, and making sure that their dreams are not fulfilled. Then this book is for you. In this book, you will have access to all the things you need to do to end wit
Alfred is a normal lad who lives in his very normal tomorrow, maybe our tomorrow. A world that has changed much, perhaps without really changing. Looking for social redemption, he accepts a proposal that will take him far from home for a long time. When he comes back, he slowly realizes that things aren't exactly the way he expected them. A surprise that, in spite of all, will urge him to look for answers. Alfred is a normal lad who lives in his very normal tomorrow where technology has made giant strides, even if these strides have been used by the few who have then distributed it to the many like crumbs to the hungry. A society where much has changed, perhaps without really changing. Alfred, like every lad, like every man, like every human being hopes, at least for himself, for a better future and that's what he pursues with tenacity and conviction, devoured by anguish and desire for redemption. When, in this uncertain future, he's offered such a chance, he'll seize it, embracing every single aspect and consequence, such is his desire to believe in it with all of himself. But evry medal, time out of mind, always has two sides, and Alfred will have to decide whether or not to face the side that's hidden from him, embarking on a quest and investigation, fighting against time that he has no more, or to accept things as they are and convince himself that everything is actually normal.
The world into which Elio escapes might not be entirely figment of his imagination, but rather a web that was weaved around him. During a holiday in the countryside, he will have the chance to meet a Sentinel that will reveal the truth to him. Alongside a funny group of friends, both real and imaginary, he will fight in order to gain back his freedom. The adventures of this kid will make you become acquainted with Demons, Sentinels, Shadows, Bosowes, magic lullabies, and you will travel around the world using traffic lights, walking around baobab trees or flying inside an ice ball.
Ljudi često kažu da je COVID-19 pandemija bez presedana. Ipak, ako malo bolje sagledamo stvari, ona ima sličnosti s drugim pandemijama, čak i s drugim bolestima i s drugim stresovima i traumama. Zapravo, svaka stresna situacija i trauma pojašnjava neke druge stresove i traume.
Ljudi često kažu da je COVID-19 pandemija bez presedana. Ipak, ako malo bolje sagledamo stvari, ona ima sličnosti s drugim pandemijama, čak i s drugim bolestima i s drugim stresovima i traumama. Zapravo, svaka stresna situacija i trauma pojašnjava neke druge stresove i traume .
Znanost o stresu i traumi je u usponu. U ovoj knjizi ističemo kako trenutna pandemija utječe na razvoj znanosti, a znanost nastoji u uvjetima pandemije pružiti pomoć. Drugim riječima, iako u ovoj pandemiji svaki pojedinac ali i zajednice osjećaju da su njihove patnje jedinstvene, zapravo su slične drugim vrstama patnje, a iz svega možemo kao društvo jako puno naučiti.
U ovoj su se knjizi dvoje znanstvenika iz različitih dijelova svijeta udružili kako bi na temelju svojih dosadašnjih znanja o stresu i traumi i svojih trenutnih zapažanja, bolje razumjeli i objasnili pandemiju.
Sve traumatične situacije imaju neke sličnosti, pa će iskustva iz pandemije biti od koristiti u drugim stresnim situacijama i traumama. Stoga je sadržaj ove knjige važan za svaku traumatičnu situaciju.
Knjiga je koncipirana na slijedeći način. Poglavlje 1 razmatra traumatične situacije iz povijesti, dok ih poglavlje 2 uspoređuje s današnjom pandemijom. Poglavlje 3 objašnjava što su stres i trauma i objašnjava ih na primjeru pandemije. Poglavlja 4-6 istražuju čitav niz stresnih i traumatičnih situacija i njihov utjecaj na nas na razini stanice pa sve do globalnih razmjera. Poglavlje 7 istražuje odnos između umiranja i preživljavanja, dok poglavlje 8 daje sažetak prethodnih poglavlja. Na kraju, poglavlje 9 objašnjava kako razumijevanje stresa i traume koristi u poboljšanju i liječenju posljedica COVID-19.
在三钻牧场,事情总是好事成“三”······ 蒙大拿州的三钻牧场是麦迪逊·霍利斯一个素未谋面的叔叔留给她的遗产,她一直对这份从天而降的遗产不抱任何期待。她的职业是为硅谷科技巨头服务的活动策划经理,这份工作占据了她全部的时间,已经把她的精力压榨到了极限,让她没有时间做什么深刻的自我反省。 但是在蒙大拿州夏天的阳光下,正当麦迪逊准备出售牧场的时候,三钻牧场那些性感而又充满诱惑力的牧场经理们让她不禁改变了主意。克里斯蒂安•哈洛和莱德•迪恩是最好的朋友,也是性格迥异的两个人–叛逆的乡下男孩和漂亮的牛仔男孩–两个人都很性感。 麦迪逊挣脱了内心的束缚,纵身跃入情网,沉沦于对两个人的欲望之中。随着她逐渐了解莱德和克里斯蒂安,她也渐渐对这段肌肤之亲的关系开始腻烦,这时她开始想要像自己一开始打算的那样一走了之,结束这段关系。但此时一个丑陋的秘密浮出水面,她可能只想逃离–如果那些事,或那些人,无法说服她留下来······