
Une jeune actrice qui souhaite changer le cours de sa carrière – mais peut-être le faire tout en restant la personne qu'elle voulait être? En tant qu'actrice dans une émission de télévision de longue durée, le chemin de la carrière de Mai Rose semblait clair. Mais elle en voulait plus. Elle avait déjà laissé tomber l'émission et s'était retrouvée à jouer dans une pièce sérieuse, avec des acteurs sérieux et un directeur plus que sérieux. Et maintenant, voici qu'une nouvelle opportunité s'offrait à elle – un grand film fantastique avec un rôle qui semble lui convenir sur mesure. Le seul ennui était qu'elle était en compétition avec quatre autres actrices sournoises pour obtenir le rôle. Peut-elle obtenir ce rôle? Veux-elle obtenir ce rôle? Elle doit percer son chemin à travers les exigences de la presse, le propriétaire millionnaire russe du journal qui dérige la compétition, les ex et actuels petits-amis, son frère soldat et une concurrente particulièrement ambitieuse (mauvaise). Et tous la sous-estiment. En vue d'une apogée passionnante, Actrice décrit l'épreuve d'une personne pour arriver à comprendre qui elle est, ce qui est important pour elle – et surtout – ce qu'elle veux vraiment.


« J’aime beaucoup Lee Child, Robert Crais, Tess Gerritson. Je pense que Keith Dixon fait partie des grands auteurs. » – Critique d’Amazon. « L’un des écrivains les plus agréable à lire dans le genre de nos jours. » – Critique d’Amazon. Lorsque Paul Storey revient de Londres, c’est pour échapper à un événement qui a ruiné sa vie professionnelle. Il se remet alors lentement à lier contact avec les gens… mais les gens qu’il finit par rencontrer sont voyous, des voleurs et des escrocs… Lorsque Paul Storey revient de Londres, c’est pour échapper à un événement qui a ruiné sa vie professionnelle. Il se remet alors lentement à lier contact avec les gens… mais les gens qu’il finit par rencontrer sont des voyous, des voleurs et des escrocs. Exactement le genre de personnes à qui il voulait échapper. Pire encore, l’une d’entre elles est une femme escroc qu’il, pour une raison ou une autre, n’arrive pas à oublier et une femme dont l’habitude était de manipuler les hommes… Lorsqu’il fut impliqué dans une escroquerie en contrebande de vente d’antiquités de Syrie, il réalisa qu’il ne pouvait pas échapper à sa profession – un homme possédant des compétences spécialisées et le rendant encore plus fascinant aux yeux de ses nouveaux collègues. Essayer de trouver un but à sa vie tout en gardant la tête sur les épaules était son entière préoccupation, jusqu’à ce qu’un Syrien voulant récupérer l’une des antiquités volées se manifeste… et il n’avait pas l’intention de faire de prisonniers.


Collection of short horror and sci-fi stories This collection of short horror and sci-fi stories is divided in three parts. Most of the stories were published in collections, magazines and as online editions and some of them were very well received by the Serbian public (Major, Farm, In the depths…). I MAN Major – Horrors of war become even greater when our main heroes get a company from those not living in our world. Mandate – When people loose their mind in the night of elections, mandate gets overtaken by those from the other side of the law, but also from the other side of the reality. II TREE Farm – Farms are usually perceived as quiet and idyllic places to live in. However, many people don't know that it sometimes requires sacrifices that we cannot even imagine. Root – a short sci-fi story about post-apocalyptic world in which surface becomes a home to alien species… Under the tree top – If the mankind would get chance for the new beginnings, how would it look like? III VALLEY In the depths – A young married couple moved to the little idyllic town, determined to start a peaceful family life. And while everything seemed perfect, they had no idea their new neighbors had been waiting for them for a long time. Holiday – Is the mother’s love strong enough even in the afterlife? Dinner – When all hopes are gone, one ray of light always appears. All problems of our main character of this story will disappear if only she agrees to one dinner…


Two lives intersect every morning in a cafe. Two glances that say a lot more than words and that start together a 'non-affair' made of games and seduction, beyond the standard ways of seduction. Two main characters that allow us to enter their lives through the past and the five senses of the present.


Встреча с Сабриной – красивой девушкой, с которой он случайно познакомился в Гаэте одним жарким августовским утром, – изменила жизнь Паки. Благодаря ей, Паки отправился на блошиный рынок, где встретил старьевщика, который, поддавшись чувству симпатии к Паки, подарил ему рукопись. Сначала Паки отказался взять ее, но, поддавшись настойчивости старьевщика, все-таки принял подарок. Эта книга открыла ему тайну. Едва Паки начал ее читать, как с ним стали происходить необычные события, которые в некотором смысле изменили его жизнь.


In the near post apocalyptic future, a boy who has just come of age enrolls on the Price Programme, the new system for managing society. The boy meets a woman who opens up a new perspective on life. The Price Programme is the system for managing society, based on digital credits. Every adult has a microchip implanted in them which contains credits which are downloaded based on that person's participation in State social life. A person is able to live their life in a way which befits their behaviour. Every person with a microchip fitted is therefore able to demonstrate their own worth with the aim of improving their life. Ivano finds himself in a difficult situation, with few choices and he will be forced to come to terms with the person who determines the credit system and its recognition of a person's value.


Sean knows Ash from all his life. For him, he has benn always the ”little brother” of his best friend until, one morning, when he finds him in bed and he must stop denying himself the attraction between them. Love, however, is likely to arrive at the wrong time because Sean thinks only about one thing: together with its ”Shadows” and an unexpected ally, chasing revenge for the murder of their own and their parents.


In a moment casual, an event completely changes the destiny of the dear seer. He meets a new friend. The new discovery makes them travel to a stranger village. Getting there, he comes in contact with a man full of secrets. From there, he discover a new world where has an important role. What fate intends to teach in this unexpected context? Don't lose the reading of the book ”Voices of Light” and have all needed answers.


Frank meets Svetlana in the corridors of the Paris metro station. Neither is aware that their relationship is at the starting point of a difficult love affair. Through desires and doubts, suffering will be inevitable. Frank meets Svetlana in the corridors of the Paris metro station. Neither is aware that their relationship is at the starting point of a difficult love affair. Through desires and doubts, suffering will be inevitable. From being passionately in love, to one rejecting the other, this story narrates the emotional journey between a young woman who has barely lived and a man ten years her senior. While one seeks love and stability, the other is more hesitant and gets lost along the way. Fear, doubt and suspicion develop one after the other, to the point of stifling the bond that once held them together. Deception, temptation and jealousy will be the final blow. Through risky unknowns and struggles, the quest for happiness is a joyful madness that plays an important part of life. Under the Summer Sun is Emmanuel Bodin’s second book. The story revisits the characters of his previous novel, All To Play For, and acts temporally as a prequel: the first romantic encounter of our two protagonists.


To Joel Buton When he was still a child. When you could already see a little glint, if attentively looking into his eyes. A glint slowly lighting in the darkness. And from that fragile glint, guessing in him, little child, the birth of his great dream. A Lost Little Girl left Her Happy Thought by Federico Parra Drawings Anastasia S. Parra Preface This is a story of courage and changing. A fairy tale, a great adventure, a growth. A nemesis, a social and personal revolution. Passing through the features of the high-sounding French names, you will enter in Alice’s Wonderland through its ventricles and narrow streets. You will meet the Aristocats and then you will go back to the 101 Dalmatians in a dreamy Paris. You will encounter distant memories of characters known only in the imagination of children, and you will meet other real but carelessly and unfortunately unknown characters! In this story, you will cross a good part of the vast and colorful world of fairy tales. You will travel with few bags to fill, at every single stop. Through a small arc of white roses, you will enter the garden of a faraway fairyland. You will enter a world that, in some way, it belongs to us and leads us to the true reality of our childhood… When animals and plants were able to speak. When a small stone could be magical. And when every happy thought, could also come true tomorrow! J. D. Goodman