


Замечательный химик и популяризатор науки Илья Леенсон был автором не только множества книг, но и уникальных задач, большую часть которых он придумывал для Московского интеллектуального марафона и Летних лингвистических школ. Теперь они объединены в один сборник, и у читателя есть возможность познакомиться с этими остроумными и нестандартными задачами из самых разных областей знания – от астрономии до химии, от русской поэзии до скандинавской мифологии, от криптографии до нумизматики. Иногда для их решения достаточно находчивости и здравого смысла, но часто требуются эрудиция или короткие математические выкладки. Ответы же, по сути дела, представляют собой увлекательные научно-популярные заметки, которые опровергают стереотип о строгом делении наук на гуманитарные и естественные. Книга будет интересна и школьникам, и всем, кто захочет испытать свой интеллект и расширить кругозор.



An Introduction to Testing for Drugs of Abuse An Introduction to Testing for Drugs of Abuse presents a distilled set of facts about the major drugs of abuse that are encountered in clinical practice. Individual chapters highlight the similarities in chemical structure, mechanism of action, and physiologic effects of each drug group, as well as their metabolism, therapeutic uses and potential for misuse or abuse. Special attention is given to the testing process, with an emphasis on interpretation of test results. Informative and entertaining cases appear at the end of each chapter. These cases illustrate the many situations in which drug testing is performed for medical, legal and employment purposes. Written in clear, concise language, this book provides practical guidance to pathologists, clinical chemists and technologists who are responsible for reporting and interpreting the results of drug analyses. It will be especially useful to residents and students who are learning about toxicology for the first time. Clinical practitioners – doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals – will find the information they need to order and interpret drug tests accurately.


Outlines recent advances in the field of polar organometallic chemistry, particularly in the context of the emergent areas of synergic and cooperative species. Polar Organometallic Reagents provides a critical overview of developments in the field of modern polar organometallic chemistry. With a particular focus on the emergent area of synergic heterometallic reagents, this timely volume describes our attempts to understand recently developed polar organometallics and their application in a range of new directions. Contributions from leading researchers present new synthetic work and discuss recent advances in characterization techniques, synthetic applications, and mechanistic understanding of heterometallic complexes. In-depth chapters provide detailed information on fundamental, structural, and theoretical aspects of polar organometallic chemistry while articulating the need and rationale for the advent of new reagents. Topics include alkali and alkaline earth organometallics, synergy and cooperativity, cationic p-block clusters and other developments in main group catalysis, synthetic trends in alkenyl copper, ate complex and borylmetal chemistry, non-traditional reaction environments, and trends in developing greener processes. Designed to keep readers updated with the latest progress in the field, this much-needed book: Includes an introductory chapter outlining the development of synergic bases and the logic behind their creation Highlights the role of solid-state structural work in elucidating the bonding and reactivity displayed by modern polar organometallics Examines the use of calculations in catalyst design and plotting more sustainable reaction pathways Discusses modern trends in solution techniques that have achieved new insights into the structures of active species Presents striking advances in the ease of handling of polar organometallics and the emergence of main group catalysis Polar Organometallic Reagents is essential reading for researchers in chemical disciplines including synthetic inorganic and coordination chemistry, main group chemistry, organometallic chemistry, organic synthesis and catalysis.





Dieser Praxisratgeber bietet erprobte Strategien für die Optimierung der HPLC und UHPLC in unterschiedlichsten Einsatzgebieten. Im ersten Teil werden Optimierungsstrategien für unterschiedliche Betriebsarten und Analyte behandelt, von Kleinmolekülen bis hin zu chiralen Substanzen und Biomolekülen. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die rechnergestützte Optimierung und stellt die gängigen Software-Tools und deren Leistungsspektrum vor. Weitere Teile beschreiben Optimierungsstrategien aus Sicht von Routineanwendern in großen Industrie- und kleineren Auftragslaboren sowie aus Sicht verschiedener Gerätehersteller.<br> Dieser Leitfaden ist gleichermaßen für Einsteiger wie für routinierte Anwender geschrieben und lässt keine Frage zum optimalen Einsatz der HPLC unbeantwortet.