
В монографии комплексно рассматриваются теория и практика измерений в аналитической химии. Даются элементы общей теории измерений и методы обработки экспериментальных данных, наиболее важные для аналитической химии, метрология и способы обеспечения качества химического анализа (химическая метрология). Особое внимание уделяется контролю качества химического анализа по конечному результату (внутрилабораторный контроль и межлабораторные эксперименты, включая внешнюю оценку качества (МСИ)). Книга предназначена для специалистов в области химического анализа, работников лабораторий различного профиля, может использоваться в качестве учебного пособия для студентов и аспирантов химических вузов. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное



So what are organic and inorganic chemicals? Let’s learn about them in this beautiful educational resource. Here, we will be discussing the basic characteristics of organic and inorganic chemicals. We will also have examples to help a child better understand the subject. Use this educational book to encourage self-paced reading and learning. Grab a copy today!


Learn about humans, animals and plant life in this carefully created analytic chemistry book for kids! Let your child discover the wonderful of life on his/her own pace. These educational books are highly effective tools in learning because they encourage self-paced study. When you have this book around, you can be confident that your child is absorbing as much information as possible. Grab a copy now!


Is chemistry too difficult to understand? Not if you have this educational book around! Composed of select information on molecules and presented in a child-friendly format, this book will definitely capture your child’s attention. You can use this educational resource as a refresher for school lessons or as an introduction to analytic chemistry. Grab a copy today!


Chemistry can get very confusing if the approach to learning the subject is ineffective. That is why picture books on chemistry exist. Picture books break down learning as it uses only a few rich sentences then paired off with carefully selected pictures to bring the message across. This appeals to a child's word and picture memories. Buy a copy now!


