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An Introduction to the Gas Phase is adapted from a set of lecture notes for a core first year lecture course in physical chemistry taught at the University of Oxford. The book is intended to give a relatively concise introduction to the gas phase at a level suitable for any undergraduate scientist. After defining the gas phase, properties of gases such as temperature, pressure, and volume are discussed. The relationships between these properties are explained at a molecular level, and simple models are introduced that allow the various gas laws to be derived from first principles. Finally, the collisional behavior of gases is used to explain a number of gas-phase phenomena, such as effusion, diffusion, and thermal conductivity.
This book provides non-specialists with a basic understanding ofthe underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. It is both a text for second or third-year undergraduates and a reference for researchers who need a quick introduction or refresher. All chemists and many biochemists, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists routinely user spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations in their work. The emphasis of Quantum Chemistry on explaining ideas rather than enumerating facts or presenting procedural details makes this an excellent foundation text/reference. The keystone is laid in the first two chapters which deal with molecular symmetry and the postulates of quantum mechanics, respectively. Symmetry is woven through the narrative of the next three chapters dealing with simple models of translational, rotational, and vibrational motion that underlie molecular spectroscopy and statistical thermodynamics. The next two chapters deal with the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom and hydrogen molecule ion, respectively. Having been armed with a basic knowledge of these prototypical systems, the reader is ready to learn, in the next chapter, the fundamental ideas used to deal with the complexities of many-electron atoms and molecules. These somewhat abstract ideas are illustrated with the venerable Huckel model of planar hydrocarbons in the penultimate chapter. The book concludes with an explanation of the bare minimum of technical choices that must be made to do meaningful electronic structure computations using quantum chemistry software packages.
The book is a short primer on chemical reaction rates based on a six-lecture first-year undergraduate course taught by the author at the University of Oxford. The book explores the various factors that determine how fast or slowly a chemical reaction proceeds and describes a variety of experimental methods for measuring reaction rates. The link between the reaction rate and the sequence of steps that makes up the reaction mechanism is also investigated. Chemical reaction rates is a core topic in all undergraduate chemistry courses.
This book is a rigorous but concise macroscopic description of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and structures containing graphene sheets (two-dimensional structures). It presents canonical problems with translational invariant geometries, in which the solution of the original vectorial problem can be reduced to the treatment of two scalar problems, corresponding to two basic polarization modes. The book includes computational problems and makes use of the Python programming language to make numerical calculations accessible to any science student. Many figures within are accompanied by Python scripts.
Synchrotron radiation is the name given to the radiation which occurs when charged particles are accelerated in a curved path or orbit. Classically, any charged particle which moves in a curved path or is accelerated in a straight-line path will emit electromagnetic radiation. Various names are given to this radiation in different contexts. Thus circular particle accelerators are called synchrotrons, this is where charged particles are accelerated to very high speeds and the radiation is referred to as synchrotron radiation. <p> Suitable for a summer short course or one term lecture series this text introduces the subject, starting with some historical background then covering basic concepts such as flux, intensity, brilliance, emittance and Liouville's theorem. The book then covers the properties of synchrotron radiation, insertion devices, beamlines and monochromators before finishing with an introduction to free electron lasers and an overview of the most common techniques and applications of this technology.
Explicit Symmetry Breaking in Electrodynamic Systems and Electromagnetic Radiation - Dhiraj Sinha
IOP Concise PhysicsАннотация
This book is an introduction to the concept of symmetries in electromagnetism and explicit symmetry breaking. It begins with a brief background on the origin of the concept of symmetry and its meaning in fields such as architecture, mathematics and physics. Despite the extensive developments of symmetry in these fields, it has yet to be applied to the context of classical electromagnetism and related engineering applications. This book unravels the beauty and excitement of this area to scientists and engineers.
This book is designed to help the non-specialist user of spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations to achieve a basic understanding of the underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. The book can be used to teach introductory quantum c
Molecular Photophysics and Spectroscopy - David L Andrews
IOP Concise Physics: A Morgan & Claypool PublicationАннотация
This book provides a fresh, photon‐based description of modern molecular spectroscopy and photophysics, with applications drawn from chemistry, biology, physics and materials science. The concise and detailed approach includes some of the most recent devel
Откуда появились и как распространяются химические элементы во Вселенной? Какие процессы приводят к возникновению различных элементов периодической таблицы? Сколько времени и энергии на это нужно? Что такое химическая эволюция галактик? О том, какие бывают вещества Вселенной,а также при каких условиях они зарождаются, рассказывает Сергей Попов, астрофизик, доктор физико-математических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Государственного астрономического института имени П. К. Штернберга. наука, научпоп, парадокс Ферми, химические элементы во Вселенной, периодическая таблица, Вселенная, тёмная энергия, тёмное вещество, Сергей Попов, эволюция галактик, Большой взрыв, поиск жизни, химия просто, учёные скрывают, жизнь в космосе, Космопоиск, достояние планеты, инопланетяне, астрофизика, химия, астрономия, космос, физика, Штернберг, астрономический институт, МГУ, антиматерия, космонавтика