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LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYS THE NEW EDITION OF THE GOLD-STANDARD IN TEACHING AND REFERENCING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LCD TECHNOLOGIES This book presents an up-to-date view of modern LCD technology. Offering balanced coverage of all major aspects of the field, this comprehensive volume provides the theoretical and practical information required for the development and manufacture of high-performance, energy-efficient LCDs. The third edition incorporates new technologies and applications throughout. Several brand-new chapters discuss topics such as the application of Oxide TFTs and high mobility circuits, high-mobility TFT-semiconductors in LCD addressing, liquid crystal displays in automotive instrument clusters and touch-screen systems, and the use of ultra-high-resolution LCD panels in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) displays. This practical reference and guide: Provides a complete account of commercially relevant LCD technologies, including their physics, mathematical descriptions, and electronic addressing Features extensively revised and expanded information, including more than 150 pages of new material Includes the addition of Oxide Transistors and their increased mobilities, the advances of fringe field switching and an overview of automotive displays Presents quantitative results with full equation sets, their derivation, and tabular summaries of related information sets
Экономика и промышленность адаптируются к сложной международной обстановке и санкциям Из печати вышел мартовский номер журнала «Металлоснабжение и сбыт», который в ближайшее время отправится к подписчикам, а также будет представлен на конференции «Оцинкованный и окрашенный прокат: тенденции производства и потребления» (17-18 марта, Москва). Открывает выпуск аналитический обзор «По законам военного времени», в котором рассказывается о российской, экономике, металлургии в период санкций и кризиса. Кроме этого, подведены итоги 2021 г. на российском рынке стали, перспективы развития электросталеплавильного производства. Также подготовлен большой обзор по материалам конференции «Региональная металлоторговля России», прошедшей в начале февраля в Сочи. Все большую популярность набирает ESG-повестка. Ей посвящен материал «Российская металлургия с учетом новой экологической повестки». По традиции в номере опубликованы содержательные интервью с руководители и топ-менеджерами металлургических, металлоторговых, а также компаний-потребителей металлургической продукции: А. Ивановым, М. Шалиной (Северсталь), Я. Врубель (ММК), Н. Береза и Е. Балбашовой (ЕВРАЗ), Е. Котовой (Престиж Металл Трейд), И. Андреевой (Брок-Инвест-Сервис), Л. Зуйковой (ТД Кама-Трейд Татарстан), М. Негиевич (ТК Актимиста), Л. Батраченко (Кровельный центр), А. Мизуновым (Склады России), А. Сарбаевым (Санеста-Металл), И. Жигановым (Металл-Маркет), А. Зацариным (ОАК) и др. Завершает номер традиционная металлургическая мозаика.
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RF/MICROWAVE ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS IN ENERGY SYSTEMS An essential text with a unique focus on RF and microwave engineering theory and its applications In RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems, accomplished researcher Abdullah Eroglu delivers a detailed treatment of key theoretical aspects of radio-frequency and microwave engineering concepts along with parallel presentations of their practical applications. The text includes coverage of recent advances in the subject, including energy harvesting methods, RFID antenna designs, HVAC system controls, and smart grids. The distinguished author provides step-by-step solutions to common engineering problems by way of numerous examples and offers end-of-chapter problems and solutions on each topic. These practical applications of theoretical subjects aid the reader with retention and recall and demonstrate a solid connection between theory and practice. The author also applies common simulation tools in several chapters, illustrating the use and implementation of time domain circuit simulators in conjunction with electromagnetic simulators, as well as Matlab for design, simulation, and implementation at the component and system levels. Readers will also benefit from: A thorough introduction to the foundations of electromagnetics, including line, surface, and volume integrals, vector operation and theorems, and Maxwell’s equations Comprehensive explorations of passive and active components in RF and microwave engineering, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductor materials and active devices Practical discussions of transmission lines, including transmission line analysis, Smith charts, microstrip lines, and striplines In-depth examinations of network parameters, including impedance parameters, ABCD parameters, h-Hybrid parameters, and network connections Perfect for senior-level undergraduates and graduate students studying RF or Microwave engineering, RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems is also an indispensable resource for professionals whose work touches on radio-frequency and microwave technologies.
A practical introduction to microwave plasma for processing applications at a variety of pressures In Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology , an award-winning team of researchers delivers a comprehensive introduction to microwaves and microwave-generated plasmas. Ideal for anyone interested in non-thermal gas discharge plasmas and their applications, the book includes detailed descriptions, explanations, and practical guidance for the study and use of microwave power, microwave components, plasma, and plasma generation. This reference includes over 130 full-color diagrams to illustrate the concepts discussed within. The distinguished authors discuss the plasmas generated at different levels of power, as well as their applications at reduced, atmospheric and higher pressures. They also describe plasmas inside liquids and plasma interactions with combustion flames. Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology concludes with an incisive exploration of new trends in the study and application of microwave discharges, offering promising new areas of study. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the basic principles of microwave techniques and power systems, including a history of the technology, microwave generators, waveguides, and wave propagation A comprehensive exploration of the fundamentals of the physics of gas discharge plasmas, including plasma generation, Townsend coefficients, and the Paschen curve Practical discussions of the interaction between plasmas and solid surfaces and gases, including PVD, PE CVD, oxidation, sputtering, evaporation, dry etching, surface activation, and cleaning In-depth examinations of microwave plasma systems for plasma processing at varied parameters Perfect for researchers and engineers in the microwave community, as well as those who work with plasma applications, Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate and PhD students studying engineering physics, microwave engineering, and plasmas.
The latest edition of the leading resource on the properties and applications of liquid crystals In the newly revised Third Edition of Liquid Crystals, Professor Iam Choon Khoo delivers a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals and applied aspects of optical physics, light scattering, electro-optics, and non-linear optics of liquid crystals. The book's opening chapters include coverage of the foundational physics and optical properties of liquid crystals and lead to more advanced content on the display, photonics and nonlinear optics applications of liquid crystals. New topics, including photonic crystals, metamaterials, ultrafast nonlinear optics, and fabrication methods for massive cholesteric and blue phase liquid crystals are discussed at length. Analytical methods and experimental observations of nonlinear light propagation through liquid crystalline and anisotropic materials and devices are also discussed. Liquid Crystals offers an insightful and unique treatment of the nonlinear optics of liquid crystals. New and expanded sections round out this new edition and add to the most up-to-date resource on this topic available today. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to liquid crystals, including their molecular structures, chemical compositions, order parameter, phase transition, and free energies Practical discussions of nematic, cholesteric, smectic, and ferroelectric liquid crystals, and explorations of linear and nonlinear light scattering in these phases. A detailed quantum mechanical treatment of the linear and nonlinear electronic optical response of liquid crystal molecules to optical fields. A self-contained discussion of the fundamentals of nonlinear optics/photonics and comprehensive review of all liquid crystalline materials-based nonlinear optical processes and applications. The latest edition of Liquid Crystals is an indispensable resource for graduate students, professors, research scientists and engineers in industrial or government laboratories. It's also an ideal reference for anyone seeking a one-stop textbook with complete coverage of the optical, electro-optical, and non-linear optical properties and processes of liquid crystals.
Understanding the potential synergies between computer simulation and wargaming Based on the insights of experts in both domains, Simulation and Wargaming comprehensively explores the intersection between computer simulation and wargaming. This book shows how the practice of wargaming can be augmented and provide more detail-oriented insights using computer simulation, particularly as the complexity of military operations and the need for computational decision aids increases. The distinguished authors have hit upon two practical areas that have tremendous applications to share with one another but do not seem to be aware of that fact. The book includes insights into: The application of the data-driven speed inherent to computer simulation to wargames The application of the insight and analysis gained from wargames to computer simulation The areas of concern raised by the combination of these two disparate yet related fields New research and application opportunities emerging from the intersection Addressing professionals in the wargaming, modeling, and simulation industries, as well as decision makers and organizational leaders involved with wargaming and simulation, Simulation and Wargaming offers a multifaceted and insightful read and provides the foundation for future interdisciplinary progress in both domains.