

Manhattan jewellery designer Lexy Drake knew the warning signs even as she was tempted to have a fling. Charles Pendegraff III was too rich, too good-looking – and light-fingered.He had to convince Lexy he’d been framed before she’d believe that all the times they’d spent burning up the bed sheets were not just stolen nights!


Secret Agent Griff Fortune faced his greatest challenge when charged with the task of protecting Willa Simms. Her life was in his hands and to make certain she stayed alive, Griff moved her to a remote hideaway.Trapped together, Willa managed to penetrate his defenses. But Willa wanted home and heart, and he was an agent who dodged danger every day of his life. And when Willa's life was no longer threatened, Griff had to brave his toughest mission ever. Did he say goodbye to the happiness Willa could promise, or did he dare risk unlocking his heart?



What do you do when your dreams for tomorrow happen today? John Forster's plans to eventually be a father hit high gear when he's granted custody of his little girl. Although he does his best, it's soon clear she needs help adjusting to this small Australian town.Fortunately, there's one person with the right skills to assist–Katie Henning. Too bad she's his ex-fiancée.Seeing Katie with his daughter resurrects John's dreams about having a family together. And the simmering attraction that still sparks when he's with Katie makes him think, maybe. Maybe he can make up for their past. Maybe he can build on what they share now. And maybe they can have that future he's always wanted.


As owner of a transportation company catering to the jet set, Logan O'Brien had reached a very comfortable cruising altitude in his business dealings.But his social life was another story – until he met his billionaire client's daughter. Jenna Fordyce seemed to be the kind of pampered princess he'd vowed to avoid, yet he just couldn't keep away from her. For Jenna, Logan spelled trouble – he made her feel like a real woman, dangerously, thrillingly alive.But with her eyesight failing, she had to be extra careful of commitment. Did Logan really love her, or did he pity her? If only she could see inside this inveterate bachelor's heart and find out the truth – before her father put the brakes on their fledgling affair!


Saving a child…finding a familyWhen an unknown woman is dragged from the wreckage of a train crash, her final words before losing consciousness are a plea for the life of the baby inside her.Dr. Stewart Kramer knows he must do all he can to save this baby–he believes it to be his late brother's child.But as the baby's mother recovers, Stewart finds himself crossing professional boundaries. He discovers that she has depths only he can appreciate. Very soon both mother and child have crept into his heart.


As a single mom, Rachel Marsden has always tried to do her best by her daughter.So when Natalie's long-lost father, Tris Monbrisson, shows up Rachel swallows her feelings and puts her daughter first. For the summer holiday they'll move to Tris's beautiful home, nestled in the mountains of Switzerland. Tris is angry with Rachel – he's missed out on twelve years of his daughter's life because he didn't know she existed!But as Rachel and Tris fall into the role of mother and father – and the secrets of the past are unraveled – the bond between them grows….


Olivia and Jack were the perfect couple–it was clear from the start they were meant for each other…Now, five years on, their fairy-tale wedding is a distant memory and their marriage seems to be almost over. But Jack's never stopped loving Olivia, and has planned for them to spend the summer on the beautiful Greek island where they first met.It's the perfect place to fall in love…the pretty villages, the gently lapping waves on miles of endless golden sand. But is it enough to help Jack and Olivia overcome their past and reunite…forever?
