
The same psychic prediction three times is definitely a sign. Even though Esmeralda McElroy is ready to reunite with a man from her past, she doesn't expect Mitch Margolin to be him. Mitch is no longer the sexy musician who once caught her eye. Now he's a conservative, buttoned-down hot guy. So not her type.Still, the steamy way they connect between the sheets is making her see stars. The tricks he does with his fingers are sinful! But out of bed their different views collide. Does that mean he's Mr. Wrong? Is she tempting fate by continuing to sleep with him? Where is that crystal ball when she needs it?


No more Ms. Nice Girl.Thanks to Nicole Howard's accommodating ways, her life has delivered a whole lot of disappointment. Armed with a pirate queen's autobiography–aka a girl's guide to seduction and sexual empowerment–Nicole heads to the Caribbean determined to unleash her inner diva for a steamy adventure.Hottie Ian Marshall and an almost-deserted island are the perfect ingredients for a little no-strings action. In fact, this fling is giving her everything she ever wanted. . . and then some.Once their sensual games are over, however, will she be able to walk away from the best sex. . . ever?


Nobody said it would be easyBut Kayla Price hadn't expected it would be this hard to begin a new life with her daughter in the Texas Hill Country town of Homestead. She's excited to join the innovative Home Free program, take ownership of a parcel of land and start a vineyard–doing everything she can to revitalize the dying town.And «everything she can» includes helping her neighbor, cowboy Ethan Ritter, set up a riding program for challenged kids.Turns out hard labor isn't enough to make Kayla's venture a success, and she and Ethan must find out who wants her gone and why they're desperate enough to resort to sabotage.


A Ghost of a Chance Just one good deed was all it'd take for a certain rather lazy ghost to finally get into heaven and join his fiancee. And since the nice folks at the China View Inn figured a fake ghost would be good for business, well, maybe he'd give 'em the real thing… .And while he was at it, there were a couple of folks at the inn who were just about perfect for each other. And if a good old-fashioned things-that-go-bump-in-the-night haunting was what it'd take to get Cassie Whitney and Dan Travis together, why, he'd be more than happy to oblige… .


CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE A… FATHER?!Tessa Lightfoot refused to share her long-awaited child with a total stranger, much less marry the man! True, Chase Madison had gotten her pregnant – courtesy of his unwitting sperm-bank deposit. And his tender touch did stir Tessa's blossoming body. But medical technology and a marriage license weren't enough to create a real family.Nothing was going to come between Chase and fatherhood – not even stubborn Tessa! Tessa carried his baby in her belly. And while he regretted that he hadn't put it there the old-fashioned way, he planned to change that the next time around!


Going undercover to catch the culprit in a rash of Manhattan burglaries, tall, dark detective Sam is forced to investigate saucy free spirit Cass.Yet the scorching-hot sex they share could put him in a compromising position – in more ways than one!


Nurse Francesca Cruz has taken a job on a cruise ship bound for the Mediterranean – the perfect retreat from her break-up – except she finds herself trapped with gorgeous, arrogant doctor Gabriel Russo.She knows his type well, and won’t be tempted twice. But with nowhere to escape – except overboard – and her delicious boss lying in the next cabin, it’s easier said than done!


Blue Summer was a self-made man who had everything money could buy–except a wife and children. He craved the respectability his tough upbringing had denied him. Allison Lancaster was his passport to a socially acceptable world of power and privilege. A banker's daughter, she'd be the perfect wife!Allison declared she would only marry for love, but her family had other ideas. They wanted Blue's money as much as he coveted their social standing. The wedding was arranged, and it was only when Blue kissed his bride that Allison realized he made her head spin with a dizzy attraction.


A wedding to remember!The bride was resplendent, the groom was handsome, the location was grand and the cream of society was there. It was a glorious affair – with just a few small hitches. The groom was behaving both jealously and possessively, yet strangely Jake and Amber were friends but not lovers.Amber, however, was pregnant – with another man's child. All in all it wasn't your average wedding, and the best was yet to come: Jake was about to reveal to Amber a secret about her past, her family. It was a revelation that would change her life and uncover Jake's true motives for marrying her. It was all happening at Amber's wedding.Three women are looking for their family – what they truly seek is love. Things are rarely as they seem, in Sara Wood's intriguing family trilogy.


From nine to five, she was Amelia Beauchamp, typical small-town librarian.But when the sun went down, she was miniskirt-clad cocktail waitress Amber Champion. And she'd caught the eye of the town's biggest rake, Tyler Savage. The name said it all – and this was one Savage, «Amber» knew, who would never be interested in her if he knew who she really was. She had to keep playing the game…. Or did she?Tyler, it turned out, was well aware that proper Amelia and flirtatious Amber were one and the same – and he was having a fine old time playing along. And as for romantic dinners and long, moonlit nights together, really, they were all part of the game. One which he had every intention of turning into reality….