
Why do we watch movies? If we read in search of more life, as Harold Bloom is fond of saying, then we watch movies, this book proposes, in search of wonder. We watch movies in search of awe-inspiring visions, transformative experiences, and moments of emotional transcendence and spiritual sublimity. We watch movies for many of the same reasons that we engage in religion: to fill our ordinary evenings and weekends with something of the extraordinary; to connect our isolated, individual selves to something that is greater than ourselves; and because we yearn for something that is ineffable but absolutely indispensable. This book, through an exploration of some of the most intriguing films of the past two decades, illustrates how movies are partners with religion in inspiring, conveying, and helping us experience what Abraham Joshua Heschel refers to as "radical amazement": the sense that our material universe and our ordinary lives are filled with more wonders than we can ever imagine, and that it takes spiritually—as well as cinematically—trained eyes to uncover these ever-present ocular gems. In addition to illustrating how films utilize religious themes and theological motifs to convey a sense of wonder, this book offers new interpretations of key films from canonical American directors such as Martin Scorsese, Terrence Malick, Richard Linklater, Wes Anderson, and the Coen brothers.


Sacred Disobedience: A Jungian Analysis of the Saga of Pan and the Devil traces the ancient Greek God Pan, who became distorted into the image of the Devil in early Christianity. When Pan was demonized, the powerful qualities he represented became repressed, as Pan’s visage twisted into the model of the Devil. This book follows a Jungian analysis of this development. In ancient Greek religion, Pan was worshipped as an honored deity, corresponding to an inner psycho-spiritual condition in which the primitive qualities he represented were fully integrated into consciousness, and these qualities were valued and affirmed as holy. But in the era of early Christianity Pan “dies,” and the Devil is born, a twisted inflation, possibly due to an underlying repression. In the Jungian system, repressed psychic contents do not disappear, as proponents of the new order tacitly assume, but distort and grow more powerful, or “inflate,” to cripple the psyche that refuses to incorporate these split-off elements. Repressed contents will expand to explosive force as the repressed elements eventually return regressively from below. It becomes important then, to understand what qualities the primitive Goat God carried, to appreciate what was repressed in the Western psycho-spiritual system, and what subsequently needs reintegration.


This is a book offering Balthasar’s theological oeuvre as a kerygma of Christ’s love proclaimed theologically as Christ’s esthetics of glory in his mission to reinvent himself, the world and us as beauty and glory. Balthasar’s hypothesis is that there is true theology and there is false theology. For him, theology is the unique science across the methods of which the decision of faith cuts, and divides it into two halves that cannot be united to each other: a genuine theology, which presupposes faith and does its thinking within the nexus of Christ and the Church; and a false theology, which rejects faith as methodologically dubious and irresponsible, and subsumes the truth of the phenomenon which discloses itself, under an anthropological truth (however this may be understood).In William Newell’s book he deeply reflects on the radical thinking being done in Catholic theology since the 1940s in Europe and now in the United States. Each chapter, each excursus, each elision, ushers the reader towards consolations without previous causes, the essence of mysticism in its first stages. The book, as with true theology, is a ‘come and see’ beckoning the reader to an endless furtherance of the archetypal experience of Christ.


The 2020-2021 Boyd's Commentary is a resource for planning and preparation for pastors, directors, teachers, students, or anyone searching for a deeper relationship with Christ. It follows the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Outline from the National Council of Churches, and it is filled with scholarly, yet practical descriptions and exposition for modern Christians. Readers will find Boyd's Commentary useful in their search for increased wisdom and theological insight (Proverbs 4:7) for walking in the way of Christ.



A 1969 prophecy through 2010 regarding political and ecclesiastical politics, including President Barack Obama.


В книге описаны реальные истории людей, которые в своей жизни столкнулись с таким понятием, как вещие сны. Как толковать вещие сны и какое влияние они имеют на человеческие судьбы? А главное – кто и с какой целью их нам посылает? Попробуем разобраться…


Только с этой книгой вы, наконец- то, узнаете ответы на вопросы по Уставу Богослужений РПЦ. Вопросы, которые не давали вам покоя и радости в службах.



By listening carefully to the lived experiences of people with severe mental health problems, Finding Jesus in the Storm will open up new understandings and perspectives that challenge current assumptions and draws out fresh perspectives for care, healing, recovery and community.