
Квинтэссенция воедино сплетённых чувств, в совокупности представляющих облик идущего сквозь тернии к звезде мироздания. Читая, вы изменяете представление о неизменном. Вспоминая забытое, – невозможное в нынешнем состоянии ума. На века.


Discover the historical and social context of one of the most influential works ever written with this authoritative new resource The newly revised second edition of The Hebrew Bible: A Contemporary Introduction to the Christian Old Testament and Jewish Tanakh delivers a brief and up-to-date introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in the broader context of world history. Its treatment of the formation of the Bible amidst different historical periods allows readers to understand the biblical texts in context . It also introduces readers to scholarly methods used to explore the formation of the Hebrew Bible and its later interpretation by Jews and Christians. Written by a leading scholar in the field, this new edition incorporates the most recent research on the archaeology and history of early Israel, the formation of the Pentateuch, and the development of the historical and poetic books. Students will benefit from the inclusion of study questions in each chapter, focus texts from the Bible that illustrate major points, timelines, illustrations, photographs and a glossary to help them retain knowledge. The book also includes: A deepened and up-to-date focus on recent methods of biblical study, including trauma studies, African American, womanist, and ecocritical approaches to the Bible An orientation to multiple bibles, translations and digital resources for study of the Bible An exploration of the emergence of ancient Israel, its first oral traditions and its earliest writings Discussions of how major features of the Bible reflect communal experiences of trauma and resilience as Israel survived under successive empires of the Ancient Near East. Fuller treatment of the final formation of biblical books in early Judaism, including coverage of diverse early Jewish texts (e.g. Ben Sira, Enoch, Judith) that were revered as scripture before there were more clearly defined Jewish and Christian Bibles Designed for students of seminary courses and undergraduate students taking an introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, this second edition of The Hebrew Bible also will interest general readers with interest in the formation of the Bible.




Этот сборник произведений для тех, кто верит в силу Слова, пропитанного душой. В Слово, которое проникает вглубь, прорастает там и рождает что-то новое. Такой силе нет конца и она неиссякаема. Она меняет мысли, а иногда и целую жизнь тех, кто к ней прикоснулся. Дорогие мои читатели, я делюсь с вами частью собственной души посредством своего Слова. Верю, что каждый найдет для себя в этом сборнике то, что нужно именно ему. Если оставлять в жизни следы, то только те, которые помогут другим, таким же ищущим как я, найти свой путь. Пишу с 2014 года под псевдонимом Анжелика Хоффманн.


Illusion human
You are much more than your body! The fascinating book of Heinz Kaletsch – now available:
Who or what exactly is a human being? Are we just a body with a brain that has a consciousness and a spirit for the time of our earthly life and then vanishes? Is our consciousness immortal and what exactly is its purpose? Do we have a free will? Is there good and evil? What about the ego? And is today's knowledge about our brain the last word on the subject?
Not only the personal experiences of the author over many decades, but also the astonishing parallels between ancient spiritual traditions and new findings of modern mortality research and genetics, theology, medicine and quantum physics provide convincing evidence that we are much more than our human body suggests. We are immortal beings on the way to experience ourselves, in this and in still hidden worlds.
Our worldview will change completely in the next decades and lead us out of the world of mysticism into real reality and to our true selves. Be there and renew your perspective, rethink your values and accompany the author on a journey that gives an inkling that we are something much greater than a materialistic worldview can convey.
This richly illustrated book is written for those who like to be inspired, who are open to new models and who want to get a complete perspective on life. Break with the paradigm of inevitable death. We are all one with the universe and together creators of something new and even greater. Let yourself be inspired. You will change.




The objective of «Holy Bible» by John Biermanski, is to revoke all falsifications in today's Bibles known so far (the New Testament), and to restore the original state of the verses as far as possible. In the present work, you will find the holy and true name of the living Elohim/G-d «YAHWEH» (the Elohim/G-d of Abraham, the Elohim/G-d of Isaac and the Elohim/G-d of Jacob), of the children of Israel (Exodus 3:15), to his glory in this edition, and «The New Covenant ~ The New Testament», «The Book of Psalms» and «The Book of Daniel», in which all verses are written in German and English with «Appendix» in English (see the «Table of Contents»).
The author was born in 1963 in North Rhine-Westphalia and completed a traineeship for wholesale and foreign trade in a pharmaceutical wholesale company. In the course of his professional development, he used to be a freelancer but was also officially employed; he has experienced a lot rises and falls throughout his life. While studying the Scriptures, he was led by the Spirit of the only God, the Almighty and the only Holy Father in heaven, whereas, by grace, he could recognize many things that are now presented as heresies to the world.
In recent years he has been active in the proclamation of the Word of God in Europe, particularly in Brazil (South America), and has enlightened many people by his message, so that they get to know the true God, His holy name and His will and only obey Him – and start to think about all this, i. e. «so that they finally decide themselves in favour of the living God, instead of against Him, and their names are not erased from the divine 'Book of Life' forever.»
In 2015 and 2016 several eBooks were released of Johannes Biermanski by Ebozon Publishing. »Die Heilige Schrift«, »The Sacred Scriptures«, »A Bíblia Sagrada« and »Holy Bible« are available in different versions and languages.


St. John's gospel offers seven metaphors about Christ. He is the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, the door, the way, the truth, and the vine, a universal symbol of nourishment. He also promises everlasting life for the faithful.