
By any metric, burnout is a pressing issue in medicine generally and psychiatry specifically – particularly because of its potential impacts on patient care.Combating Physician Burnout: A Guide for Psychiatrists, the first book of its kind to focus on the field of psychiatry, aims to educate psychiatrists about three key concepts: stress, burnout, and physician impairment. Edited by recognized experts on physician burnout, this volume features contributions from domestic and international authorities in the field, including academic and community psychiatrists, those involved in residency and medical student education, and members of the American Psychiatric Association Work Group on Psychiatrist Well-being and Burnout.Five sections lay out the scope of the challenge and outline potential interventions: The introduction discusses the history and social context of burnout, providing psychiatrists struggling through burnout with important perspective. The second section, «The Continuum of Stress, Burnout, and Impairment» explores the potential effects of burnout on clinical care and examines depression and suicide among physicians. Environmental Factors Leading to Burnout" identifies contextual elements that seem to contribute to burnout, including the electronic health record and the challenge of balancing professional and personal demands. The fourth section of the book discusses a range of systemic and individual interventions, included among them organizational screening for burnout, peer review and support, and mindfulness training and meditation. The final section, «Ethics and Burnout,» tackles the moral challenge burnout poses to the profession of psychiatry. Regardless of career stage, readers will benefit from the unique psychiatric perspective on burnout – and the practical advice on combating its effects – offered by this guide.


Some of the statistics are well known, if still jarring: One of two marriages contracted will end in divorce. More than a million children each year experience their parents' divorce. Other figures are less publicized: Diagnosable psychological problems occur in 30%–40% percent of individuals whose parents divorce – a rate three times higher than that for individuals whose families remain together. Divorce and Co-parenting explores the impact of divorce on adolescents and young adults, drawing on anecdotes from the authors' own medical and law practices to illustrate how parents' decision-making can powerfully impact their children's well-being before, during, and after a divorce – even into adulthood.This volume, a revised edition of How to Help Your Children Overcome Your Divorce – originally published in the 1990s – is updated to reflect significant changes in family dynamics, technology and social media, and the matrimonial legal landscape over the past 30 years. This guide offers new methods of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation, arbitration, collaborative law, and parenting coordinators, as it addresses a wide variety of family situations, such as the following: Uninvolved or absent noncustodial parents Parents with mental illness Incarcerated parents LGBTQ parents or children Sexually or physically abused children Although written to be a multidisciplinary resource for professionals in many settings – among them, psychiatrists, social workers, pediatricians, and attorneys – Divorce and Co-Parenting is written in an accessible, easily digestible style. This makes the book applicable for parents, grandparents, teachers, and even adolescents looking for practical information on mitigating the effects of divorce on the family.


Applied Mindfulness: Approaches in Mental Health for Children and Adolescents starts from the premise that mental health clinicians must have their own mindfulness practice before teaching the tenets and techniques of mindfulness to others, including young people. To that end, the book offers readers clear instructions on how to first practice mindfulness in their own lives and then extend their personal practice outward to others. Once this knowledge is internalized, the clinician can focus on mindfulness in terms of its application to specific clinical diagnoses, such as anxiety and depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and substance abuse. Because many mental health professionals work in multiple settings, such as in schools, in clinics, and online, the contributors, representing a wide range of creative and authoritative voices, explain how to skillfully tailor mindfulness interventions for effective application across diverse contexts. Drs. Carrion and Rettger, as Director of the Stanford Early Life Stress and Pediatric Anxiety Program (SELSPAP) and Director of SELSPAP's Mindfulness Program, respectively, have been engaged in ongoing community-based work delivering mindfulness and yoga programming to underserved youth and their helpers. This expertise is evident in their eloquent yet down-to-earth editing.The volume offers clinicians everything they need to begin their mindfulness journey, including the following: Introductory knowledge on how to get started with a meditation practice. Specific mindfulness scripts are provided throughout the book to foster development of the reader's own practice. In addition, there are audio practices and clear written descriptions of practices to offer support for those learning to meditate, internalize mindfulness practices, and then adapt these skills for clinical practice. A developmental and ecological approach to implementing mindfulness. The book offers insight into integrating mindfulness across many settings, platforms, and applications, and includes chapters on mindfulness online, at home, and in school, as well as chapters on incorporating nature into mindfulness practice and the relationship between mindfulness and creativity. Material on specific clinical populations, including immigrant youth and incarcerated youth. A special chapter is devoted to trauma-informed yoga, which has been shown to be an effective therapeutic intervention for youth who have been incarcerated. Comprehensive information on the current state of youth mindfulness research, which prepares readers to discuss these topics knowledgeably with colleagues and patients. Like ripples in water, the benefits of mindfulness spread outward, from clinicians to patients, families, schools, and communities. Applied Mindfulness: Approaches in Mental Health for Children and Adolescents is the first step toward stress reduction, peace, and compassion for a new generation.


In Treatment of Severe Personality Disorders: Resolution of Aggression and Recovery of Eroticism, the influential psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Otto Kernberg presents an integrated update of the current knowledge of personality disorders, their neurobiological and psychodynamic determinants, and a specific psychodynamic psychotherapy geared to resolve the psychopathology of these conditions – namely, the syndrome of identity diffusion and its influence on the capacity for emotional wellbeing and gratifying relationships with significant others. The author updates the findings of the Personality Disorders Institute of the Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Psychiatry, which are derived from the empirical research and clinical investigation of severe personality disorders, and addresses the effectiveness of transference-focused psychotherapy, a specific psychodynamic treatment for these disorders developed at the Institute. The volume focuses particularly on an essential group of techniques common to all psychoanalytically derived treatments and clarifies the corresponding differential features of various psychodynamic treatment approaches.In prose both precise and evocative, the author: Examines the classification of personality disorders, the way competing viewpoints have influenced the evolution of DSM-III and DSM-IV, and the impact of new knowledge on the classification of DSM-5, with emphasis on how conflicts between scientific and political considerations have hindered the classification of personality disorders in the past. Illustrates in detail how present knowledge of neurobiological structures and neurotransmitters intertwines with the psychodynamic determinants of how psychic experience is organized. Explores psychodynamic psychotherapies and contemporary developments and controversies in the field. For example, the role of interpretation in borderline pathology is examined using a clinical case, and a new formulation of supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy is described. Addresses severe narcissistic pathology – its diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Specifically, the book presents an overview of treatment options for severe narcissistic personality disorder, explores the distortions in verbal communication that may arise during psychotherapy with these patients, and focuses on the differential diagnosis of antisocial behavior. Examines the diagnosis and treatment of sexual pathology, and explores the vicissitudes of the love lives of patients with severe personality disorders. Concludes with a chapter on the essential preconditions in the education of psychodynamic psychotherapists to carry out the challenging and complex psychotherapeutic work in this field. In describing both the limits and the advances in therapeutic effectiveness, the Treatment of Severe Personality Disorders: Resolution of Aggression and Recovery of Eroticism performs a great service, and it will surely become a classic of the psychoanalytic literature.


In Improving Mental Health: Four Secrets in Plain Sight, Dr. Lloyd Sederer draws upon four decades of diverse clinical practice, mental health research and public health experience to create a memorable volume that is as elegant as it is instructive. The book aims to help clinicians improve the lives of their patients–and patients to improve their own lives–by identifying these secrets and taking action in ways that can work immediately, closing the science-to-practice gap. In addition to mental health and primary care clinicians, patients and their families will find the book's many stories, clinical examples and cultural references fascinating and illuminating. The book's four foundational truths, all hiding in plain sight and all eminently actionable, are Behavior serves a purpose. The search for meaning and the identification and communication value of a behavior are too often overlooked aspects of mental health care and a lost opportunity with and for patients and their families. The power of attachment. The force of attachment as a human need and drive must be harnessed if we are to change painful and problem behaviors. Relationships are the royal road to remedying human suffering – both individual and collective. As a rule, less is more. Mental health treatments, both medical and psychosocial, have often been aggressive, from high doses of drugs to intensive sessions and psychic confrontation in individual and group psychotherapy. Unfortunately, these high risk efforts infrequently provide help and often have unwanted and problematic effects. Primum non nocere – first, do no harm – is the first law of medicine. Chronic stress is the enemy. From adverse childhood experiences to posttraumatic stress, chronic stress can be an underlying factor in the development of many mental and physical disorders. However, chronic stress can be understood and contained, thereby reducing its damage. Dr. Sederer synthesizes the knowledge gained through his considerable experience as a psychiatrist with insights gleaned from history, research and literature to address the four truths in a systematic, yet lively, manner. The result is a book of rare grace. Improving Mental Health: Four Secrets in Plain Sight will be a touchstone for the clinician and general reader alike.


Study Guide to Geriatric Psychiatry is a question-and-answer companion that allows you to evaluate your mastery of the subject matter as you progress through The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, Fifth Edition. The Study Guide is made up of approximately 255 questions divided into 25 individual quizzes of 8–17 questions each that correspond to chapters in the textbook. Questions are followed by an answer guide that references relevant text (including the page numbers) in the textbook to allow quick access to needed information. Each answer is accompanied by a discussion that not only addresses the correct response but also explains why other responses are not correct.The Study Guide's companion, The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, Fifth Edition, has been thoroughly reorganized and updated to reflect new findings, with expanded treatment options and considerations and future directions, such as translational research, enhancing the text's utility while maintaining its reputation as the foremost reference and clinical guide on the subject.


Ambivalence, poor adherence to treatment, serious psychiatric and medical comorbidities – the difficulties posed by patients of substance use disorders are among the most challenging for practitioners to face. Given that only 10% of patients with these disorders actually receive specialized addiction treatment, it's clear that physicians in all medical and surgical specialties need to become comfortable assessing and treating substance use disorders.The Pocket Guide to Addiction Assessment and Treatment is designed specifically to aid a wide range of clinicians, regardless of their training in addiction, to more confidently assess and treat this patient population.The book's practical, actionable content is divided into three sections – Fundamentals of Addiction, Substances and Behaviors, and Treatment – that address topics including: The neurobiology of addiction How to recognize and treat intoxication, withdrawal from, and addiction to substances such as alcohol, anabolic-androgenic steroids, benzodiazepines, cannabis, opioids, stimulants, and tobacco, as well as hallucinogens, inhalants, and caffeine Special issues with psychiatric and medical comorbidities, as well as with specific populations Behavioral addictions, with a special focus on gambling disorder Cognitive-behavioral therapy; 12-step programs; nutrition and exercise; spirituality, mindfulness, and meditation; and other treatment options, with examples of how each can be used with patients facing addictions With an accessible, easily referenced format, the Pocket Guide to Addiction Assessment and Treatment serves as a go-to resource for general psychiatrists, internists, family practitioners, pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians, psychiatric nurses, residents, medical students, and other practitioners involved in the addiction treatment field. And because all of the diagnostic discussions are DSM-5®–based, readers can be confident that they're getting the most relevant and up-to-date guidance on the topic.


Designed and written for the student new to psychiatry, the Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, Sixth Edition provides a concise summary of diagnosis and classification, interviewing and assessment, the neurobiological basis of psychiatry, the various psychiatric disorders, treatment modalities, psychotropic medications, and much more – all in a DSM-5®-compatible format. The Study Guide to this bestselling text is similarly structured and written to enhance comprehension and consolidation of the knowledge acquired from the text. The format replicates what might be encountered in specialty-certifying exams, with each question followed by multiple-choice responses, including plausible «distractors.» In the answer guide, the question is repeated and the answer is then provided, along with the reasoning for the correct response and why the other answers are incorrect. Each question is linked to a page in the textbook, making it easy for the reader to further review the topic. As an ancillary resource, the book has much to recommend it: Although uniquely useful for medical students, beginning psychiatry residents, and those studying for board exams, the Study Guide can be used equally well in a variety of training programs, including advanced practice nursing, physician assistant programs, social work, and psychology. The authors of the text are accomplished writers as well as clinicians, and the book is valued for its engaging writing style and consistent structure. The Study Guide mirrors these strengths, and the resulting volume is accessible, easy to use, interesting, and highly readable. The guide builds on the text's many case vignettes, useful clinical «pearls,» and a multitude of self-assessment questions, covering everything a student new to psychiatry needs to know. The Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry is designed to provide medical students, beginning residents, and others with a solid foundation and orientation to the field, and the Study Guide is the perfect companion volume to the classic text, reinforcing critical concepts and testing retention of indispensable information.


Both academically rigorous and clinically practical, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders is fully informed by the new DSM-5 category that includes adjustment disorders, acute stress disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Stress and trauma have long been recognized as playing a role in the etiology of certain psychiatric disorders, and this book delineates normal and pathological responses to stress, providing a conceptual framework for understanding trauma- and stressor-related disorders. An individual's response to stress depends on numerous genetic, developmental, cognitive, psychological, and neurobiological risk and protective factors, and these are examined from both a scientific and clinical perspective. Central to the book's utility is its presentation of clinical vignettes that help the reader to contextualize the information presented and model effective clinical skills.Among the volume's critically important topics and features are A robust section on assessing the psychosocial factors associated with resilience (e.g., optimism, cognitive flexibility, a social support network), encouraging and enhancing these factors, and implementing psychosocial interventions to aid patients who have experienced trauma to promote resilience by targeting these factors. A comprehensive chapter on the medical-legal aspects of trauma- and stressor-related disorders because clinicians working with these patients frequently encounter situations that have legal implications (e.g., capacity evaluations, informed consent, confidentiality, serving as a witness in court proceedings). Full coverage of controversies unique to this group of disorders. For example, because no other set of DSM-5 diagnoses require a stressor as an etiological agent, this dimension can add considerable controversy to these diagnoses. Comprehensive overview of the development of the stress and trauma disorders chapter of the upcoming revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11, expected for 2017), including crosswalk tables to compare ICD-10, DSM-5, and the planned ICD-11 and featuring a summary of the evidence base for specific treatments for ICD-10 or ICD-11 stress and trauma disorder categories. In addition, key points, informative Web sites, and recommended reading at the end of each chapter are designed to consolidate and extend the practitioner's knowledge base. Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders provides readers with the latest research and treatment recommendations in an expertly edited, easy-to-use format that will earn its place in the clinician's library.


Building on the best-selling Pocket Guide to the DSM-5 Diagnostic Exam, The DSM-5® Pocket Guide for Child and Adolescent Mental Health teaches readers how to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan for this patient population. Because these patients are more likely to initiate mental health treatment in a primary care rather than specialty care setting, the authors pay particular attention to the practical exigencies of the primary care setting. Accordingly, chapters are devoted to topics such as diagnostically interviewing around different chief complaints; performing 15- and 30-minute versions of the diagnostic interview; recognizing developmental milestones and red flags for referral, and more. The book's structure is flexible, affording readers the freedom to read sections in their entirety for background or to use the guide on the fly, as with interview questions for specific diagnoses. The book is an essential reference for primary care physicians, pediatricians, residents in training, and general psychiatrists, and other practitioners caring for children and adolescents experiencing mental distress and mental illness.The authors have designed the book with a variety of useful features: Multiple tables and figures make expert advice readily accessible, including tables for developmental milestones, common clinical concerns, and medications. Brief supplements to the diagnostic interview are presented, including an easy-to-use summary of DSM-5 disorders, a stepwise approach to differential diagnosis, the mental status examination and a psychiatric glossary, DSM-5-related diagnostic tools and scales, and coverage of alternative diagnostic systems and rating scales. A seven-step sequential framework for generating a differential diagnosis helps clinicians develop their clinical decision-making skills and ensure that they take into account the many and interrelated causes of mental disorders. Initial psychosocial recommendations are included for such topics as sleep hygiene and behavior management. Recognizing that clinicians need to use DSM-5 criteria and evidence-based treatment protocols to formulate treatment plans, the authors designed this book for all levels of experience. Direct, practical, and informative, The DSM-5® Pocket Guide for Child and Adolescent Mental Health will enable readers to efficiently and effectively use DSM-5 as part of a comprehensive diagnostic interview and treatment planning.