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Природа и животные
Различные книги в жанре Природа и животные, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Roses plead to go out to dance; an old oak tree offers advice; paintings of gods and goddesses come alive. In What Flowers Say, renowned writer George Sand dares children to fantasize, to believe in an alternate world. This magical collection, originally penned for her grandchildren, calls into question what is real, a life lesson from someone who refused to accept the gender roles available to women in the nineteenth century. Sand shares her love and immense knowledge of science and mythology, engages issues of class and character, and captures the wonder and determination of a curious child, offering all of us a true sense of infinite possibilities—well beyond the world we live in.
Enjoy adventures with Felicity Merriman in this three-book boxed set. You'll journey to the American colonies where talks of revolution rumble and the war for independence looms close to heart and home. Plots, balls, and midnight rides all come together in a story that shows how important it is to follow your heart. Then, you'll travel back in time to meet Felicity in an exciting story that lets you choose what happens next! The set includes Love and Loyalty: A Felicity Classic 1, A Stand for Independence: A Felicity Classic 2, Gunpowder and Tea Cakes: My Journey with Felicity.
When Felicity overhears a plot against the colonists, no one believes her but Ben, her father's apprentice. So the two risk great danger to warn the colonists themselves. Soon afterward, Felicity finds a secret note from Ben. He has run away to join George Washington's army, and he is injured. Felicity is worried about him but knows it would be wrong to help a runaway apprentice. Then she is turned away from the door of her best friend, Elizabeth. Will the war for independence come between Felicity and her friends? A Stand for Independence, the second volume of Felicity's classic stories, tells how she finds the strength to follow her heart during the Revolutionary War.
Felicity loves riding horses far more than stitchery or serving tea. When she falls in love with a beautiful chestnut mare, she schemes to save the mare from its cruel owner with the help of Ben, her father's young apprentice. Yet as talk of revolution rumbles around her, finds it harder to tell right from wrong. Ben wants war, while her best friend's family remains loyal to the king. Then receives an invitation to the Governor's Palace, and she must decide where her own loyalties lie. In Love and Loyalty, the first volume of her classic stories, finds out what independence really means as the American colonies begin their fight for freedom.
Scooter, Maryellen's pudgy pet dachshund, may be lazy, but he's one of the family, and Maryellen loves him dearly. And he never misses a meal! So when Scooter doesn't show up at dinnertime, she's worried. Maryellen launches a search and discovers some strange goings-on in her neighborhood. With the help of her friends and family, the search for Scooter takes Maryellen from the streets of Daytona Beach to the rocket launchpad at Cape Canaveral!
The incredible story of the War Dog program as seen through the eyes of Major, a World War Two soldier dog. During WWII, the U.S. Military established the Fort Robinson War Dogs Training Center in western Nebraska, training over 17,000 “dogs for defense” and deploying them to battlefields and installations all over the world.[/b] At the beginning of the program, without a ready supply of dogs to train, the U.S. government asked civilians throughout the region to volunteer their dogs for service. Thousands answered the call, and their pets served our country courageously as guards, scouts, messengers, sled runners, and more. Told from the point of view of Major, a border collie based on a real dog from North Dakota, Major: A Soldier Dog tells the incredible story of the War Dog program through his eyes, following him through the heartbreaking separation from his family, the training at Fort Robinson, his harrowing war service in Italy, his return home for detraining and discharge, and finally the tearful reunion with his family.
Это сборник из четырёх ранее опубликованных сказок о дачных похождениях и невероятных приключениях, о страшном вирусе и привязанности к братьям нашим меньшим, о внезапном знакомстве и дружбе, о научных исследованиях и магических открытиях, о чудесных перемещениях и непостижимых преображениях. А ещё о том, как в одно мгновение можно унестись из весьма заурядного места в мир полный удивительных вещей и магии. А действия этих историй происходят в наши дни, в прекрасном Подмосковье, где непостижимым образом есть место не только отдыху, но и волшебству… Иллюстрация обложки: автор текста.
Все дети рано или поздно начинают просить, а порой и требовать у родителей завести кошку. Вы столкнулись с этой проблемой? Тогда давайте попробуем с помощью данной книги разобраться во всех плюсах и минусах приобретения нового члена семьи. Да, именно члена семьи, которого нужно будет не только кормить, поить, приучать к чистоте и прививать прочие необходимые для совместного житья навыки, но и любить, ласкать, разговаривать, как с собственными детьми.
Всех птиц, описанных в книге, вы легко можете встретить в парке, на дачном участке, в природе. Книга поможет ответить на самые различные вопросы: что это за птица, где она вьет гнездо, сколько яиц в кладке и какой они окраски, оба ли родителя кормят птенцов, как часто приносят корм, сколько живет птица в природе, и какие у нее враги, улетает она на зиму или остается? Тем, кто захочет понаблюдать за птицами, пригодится описание их привычек и характеров, реакции на приближение человека к гнезду. Автор – орнитолог, талантливый фотограф-натуралист делится своим многолетним опытом изучения жизни птиц из отряда воробьиных. Книга будет полезна и любителям птиц, и фотографам, увлеченным съемками живой природы.