
Attention: Disgruntled 9 to 5&#39;ers, underachievers and wannabe real estate investors.<br><br>You&#39;re about to uncover the secrets to making thousands and thousands of dollars flipping houses, with risk free, recession-proof strategies that anyone can use!<br><br>If you can read, you can implement this amazing blueprint and unlock your money-making power today! Stop allowing these so-called gurus to talk over your head. Finally breakthrough with a simple, step-by-step blueprint to quick cash through real estate investing!<br><br>No risk. No money out of pocket. Unlimited income potential. Recession-proof.<br><br>Wholesale real estate is simply the fastest cash of any real estate transaction. Stop sitting on the sideline. Get in the game today with the insider secrets the pro&#39;s use with Quick Flips and Fast Cash.


In today&#39;s real estate market, the road to homeownership is a tough one and you can&#39;t afford to make a wrong move and ruin your chances of achieving the American dream of owning a home. The Ultimate First Time Home Buyer Guide will tell you why owning a home is better than renting, what exact steps you need to take in buying your first home, how to qualify for the best zero to low down payment programs, which first time home buyer programs are best for you, how to apply for the program, what creative financing options are available, how to improve your credit and increase your credit scores, why foreclosures and short sales are great deals, what are some of the pitfalls to avoid, and tips to improve your chances of getting approved for the first time home buyer program. <br><br>Buying a home is difficult today but if you make a decision to do whatever it takes to own a home then you will soon experience the joy of being a homeowner.


Allow me to share my story with you.<br><br>My name is Cory Boatright. I am 35 years old and since my early twenties I have started, run, or been directly involved with almost 40 different companies. <br><br>I have sold everything from Ginsu knives on eBay, Kirby vacuum cleaners door-to-door, all the way to $50,000 high-end electronics Online. <br><br>Out of the forty-something companies only TWO of them ever proved to be worthwhile endeavors. The other thirty-eight I decided to call &quot;business therapy&quot;. <br><br>Interestingly enough, both of the successful companies harnessed the power of the Internet to make their profits. After bringing in almost 4 million dollars in sales from my first start-up. I sold it and directed my passion to the world of real estate investing.<br><br>Why real estate?<br><br>Well, most of my affluent customers in my first business owned real estate so I knew there was something to be learned in that industry. I was a complete novice to it And…oh…by the way before I forget…did I mention that I didn&#39;t even graduate from high school? Apparently my drive to succeed coupled with my persistence to not fail clouded my judgment of the value of a formal education. So instead, I settled for a G.E.D. <br><br>I&#39;m not looking for any pity-party. I just mentioned this to demonstrate that if a highschool dropout can make it, the doors are open for just about anyone else to do it too.<br><br>Now fast forward a bit into my real estate experiences. I started out being a &quot;bird dog&quot; which means I was out finding good deals on properties and getting paid a finders fee for it. That fee was usually $500 &ndash; $1,500. After I learned how much money the investor was making selling the houses I was bringing him, I quickly learned how to assign, wholesale and flip distressed properties. <br><br>That brought in checks anywhere from $3,000 &ndash; $10,000. Not bad, but I had a hunch those properties were worth a lot more after they were fixed up. <br><br>So I decided to put together a &quot;skeleton&quot; rehab crew and thought I would make $15,000 &ndash; $30,000 per deal, but I was sadly mistaken. <br><br>My rehab attempts ended up being more of a mirage instead of a real profit center. My $30,000 paydays actually came out to be more around $17,500 after considering all the contractor frustrations, material costs, labor, marketing, selling and other holding costs. <br><br>Needless to say I had more fun assigning contracts.<br><br>It wasn&#39;t until around 2004 that I stumbled my way through a short sale and I made over $30,000 on that deal! <br><br>That was the most money that I had ever made on one single real estate transaction.<br><br>I couldn&#39;t believe the lender would accept less than what was owed for a payoff. <br><br>I was immediately hooked and quickly learned everything possible about the short sale process. The more I learned about Short Sales, the more I was asked by other investors to partner on deals. <br><br>I quickly became known as the local &quot;go-to&quot; guy for doing short sales. Other investors continually asked me how they too could learn to do what I was doing. So after being asked by numerous fellow investors to teach and coach them on the subject, I decided to &quot;dive in head first&quot; and write my first information product/home study course.<br><br>What I discovered in real estate investing was something I never expected. Not only was the short sale niche secretive, but the entire industry. And the &quot;real truth&quot; was shared only amongst a small, tight knit group of investors, but not anymore.<br><br>I&#39;ve cornered the &quot;top dogs&quot; in their niche of real estate investing and forced them to talk. When you finish reading &quot;Real Estate Recession Riches&quot; you are going to be smarter and wiser newbie or advanced real estate investor. Period. <br><br>Remember… be a servant,<br><br>Cory Boatright<br><br>Cory Boatright is a flat out genius. Listen to him and take notes. <br>– Tim Mai Co-author of the NYT Best Seller &quot;The One Minute Millionaire&quot;


Have you ever been frustrated by not getting a BPO (broker price opinion) price that you expected on a short sale property? You&#39;re not alone. Cory Boatright&#39;s Magic BPO Success Secrets reveals new, ninja strategies for getting better results on real estate BPO values. You will understand the different &#39;types&quot; of BPO&#39;s and how to best communicate to the bank appraiser or real estate agent, so you can get more short sales approved, helping more people and making big profits from your specialized knowledge.



The Five Million Dollar Book is a guide to raising capital and putting together real estate joint ventures. This book was a tool used by the author to raise over five million dollars of cash to build his fortune in real estate.


Starting in 2008, investors, upset by the stock market collapse, started to see real estate as a «safe haven» investment. While talking with numerous clients, investment manager Hilliard Macbeth realized that Canadians have far too much of their investment capital and savings tied up in expensive real estate when better opportunities are about to appear in other asset classes. He argues that Canada is in the midst of a real estate bubble, and there will soon be a crash in house prices. <br/> <br/>
What can Canadians do to be prepared financially for retirement and to take advantage of the «once in a lifetime» buying opportunity that will follow the bubble bursting? All these answers can be found in <i>When the Bubble Bursts</i>.



Наш эксперт Елена Шевчук – преподаватель Русской Школы Управления, эксперт в области коммерческой недвижимости – поделится своим мнением о том, почему именно эта книга важна для специалистов по коммерческой недвижимости. «В сегменте коммерческой недвижимости довольно сложно найти литературу, которая отражала бы какие-то фундаментальные теоретические знания и реальную ситуацию на рынке. Рынок этот довольно молодой, он развивается в России не более 20 лет, и еще несколько десятилетий мы будем двигаться к профессиональному рынку, на котором будут работать действительно крупные компании. Сейчас же мы всему учимся на собственном опыте, поэтому наличие в учебнике сочетания базовой теории и отражения этой теории на практике – это большой плюс». Книга позволяет восполнить недостаток знаний как теоретического, так и практического характера, необходимых в связи с быстрым развитием в России рынка недвижимости и потребностью в профессиональном управлении ею. Структура книги обеспечивает постепенный переход от теоретических знаний к практическим вопросам управления недвижимостью. В первых главах раскрываются природа недвижимости как особого экономического актива и основные подходы к управлению ею как объектом собственности, затем рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с экономическим обоснованием управленческих решений в сфере недвижимости, управлением процессами развития (девелопмента) недвижимости, организационно-экономическими основами управления доходной недвижимостью, в том числе управлением арендными отношениями. В завершающих главах анализируются организация деятельности управляющих компаний и роль государства и муниципалитетов в управлении недвижимостью. Слушайте проект Русской Школы Управления «Книжная полка», чтобы не утонуть в море бизнес-литературы!