
Learn how to give the young adults in your life the knowledge, confidence, and motivation to make adult money decisions, and create their own strong financial foundation and independence, so you can all live richer lives. In Launching Financial Grownups , popular personal finance expert and Certified Financial Planner Bobbi Rebell gets candid about the very real-life challenges of getting young adults to choose to be financial grownups and develop their own financial foundation and security. She shares her own personal setbacks and solutions (both from her own past, and as a parent), and walks readers through the ups and downs of financial adulting milestones. Rebell has put together a practical and specific adulting launch plan for parents of young adults along with tips on how to open money discussions, the questions to ask your children, the most effective listening strategies, when to step in to stop them from making mistakes, and when to let them learn from their mistakes. Launching Financial Grownups provides the tools to help your teen or young adults navigate the challenges of adulthood including debt, credit cards, peer pressure that leads to bad money decisions, negotiations, how to manage their own household, different investing opportunities, insurance needs, charitable giving, the legal documents they need to have in place in case of an emergency, what they need to know about your finances and even starting to think about their retirement planning. All this while also addressing recent demographic trends driven by the pandemic including young adults moving back into their childhood homes, and becoming financially dependent, after having been independent. Launching Financial Grownups offers: Solutions for parents who want to avoid ‘cutting off’ their kids at a seemingly arbitrary age or life milestone and are looking for more supportive solutions to get their young adults to be well adjusted financial grownups. Strategies for parents to protect their own financial well-being and retirement resources. Advice from top parenting and money experts including “How to Raise an Adult” author Julie Lythcott-Haims, “The Price You Pay for College” author Ron Lieber, “Grown and Flown” co-author Mary Dell Harrington, Tori Dunlap of “Her First 100K”, “How to be a Happier Parent” author KJ Dell’Antonia, Tonya Rapley of My Fab Finance and Jean Chatzky, author and CEO of HerMoney MediaEssential for the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and everyone who is vested in the financial success and independence of young adults, Launching Financial Grownups is a must-have financial resource for long-overdue and timeless advice in an engaging and supportive package.



Деньги – это непросто, даже если у вас их много, и очень трудно, если их не хватает. На то, как мы обращаемся с деньгами, влияет множество психологических факторов, большую часть которых мы даже не осознаём. Известный психолог Владислав Чубаров помогает разобраться в привитых с детства установках, провести ревизию финансовых привычек и понять, где находятся деньги в вашей иерархии ценностей. В книге есть не только теория и яркие примеры из психологической практики, но также задания и упражнения, которые помогут каждому читателю определить свои сильные и слабые стороны в денежных вопросах, выстроить индивидуальный личностно-финансовый профиль и понять, как зарабатывать, тратить, сберегать и инвестировать осознанно.


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Книга твой финансовый поход – это путеводитель по рельефу системы в российской повседневности обычных граждан. В ней даны практические советы по личному финансовому учету, необходимые инструменты для достижения уровня финансовой независимости, личный взгляд автора на основополагающие сферы жизни и другая полезная информация добытая на просторах личного похода автора… Поход в контексте настоящей книги есть жизненный путь. А турист – это тот, кто идет по выбранному маршруту. Цель автора – поделиться своим опытом туризма с теми, кто только собирается в поход, либо с теми, кто сбился со своего маршрута, кто в поисках своей цели, а также с теми, кто желает взглянуть на мир под другим углом…


Wie Geld, Klasse und Herkunft zusammenhängen und warum wir uns alle dringend damit beschäftigen sollten: Bestsellerautorin Otegha Uwagba widmet sich diesen wichtigen Fragen mit einem klugen, heutigen und weiblichen Blick. Otegha Uwagba ist erfolgreiche Autorin, Rednerin und Unternehmerin – und ein Vorbild für zahlreiche Frauen, wenn es um Beruf, Karriere und modernen Lifestyle geht. Als Tochter nigerianischer Einwanderer in London war ihr Weg aber nicht immer einfach. In diesem Buch erzählt sie ihre persönliche Geschichte und ruft allen Frauen zu: Wir müssen über Geld sprechen. Und zwar dringend. Dieses Buch macht Mut und zeigt Frauen, wie sich Finanzen selbstbestimmt angehen lassen und weshalb sich das lohnt. »Ein fesselndes und zupackendes Buch – wunderschön geschrieben und zugleich provokativ und bedacht.« Pandora Sykes »Ein Muss!« Elizabeth Day »Persönlich, aber doch universell. Uwagbas Geschichte, wie sie das Leben an der Uni und die Arbeitswelt meistert, während sie sich mit dem Druck durch Klasse, dem Nichtvorhandensein von Privilegien und Frauenfeindlichkeit auseinandersetzen muss, ist erhellend und aufschlussreich.« The Bookseller 


A primer on the currency alternative that's changing the world Bitcoin can be a bit puzzling to the uninitiated. Ledger? Blockchain? Mining? These cryptocurrency concepts aren't going away, and there are tremendous opportunities for those with some know-how to get onboard with the crypto culture. Bitcoin For Dummies helps you get un-puzzled, learn the Bitcoin basics, and discover the possibilities in the new world of digital currencies. With this 100% new edition, you can step into the fascinating culture of cryptocurrency and learn how to use Bitcoin as a currency or an investment vehicle. A little bit of knowledge will go a long way, and you’ll be ready to sail smoothly ahead as the crypto tsunami advances. Demystify Bitcoin and learn how to buy and sell cryptocurrency Create a digital wallet and make everyday purchases using Bitcoin Discover the ins and outs of investing in Bitcoin and other up-and-coming cryptocurrencies Participate in the cutting-edge culture of crypto Bitcoin For Dummies is great for beginning Bitcoin users and investors who need to know the basics about getting started with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.



Perfect for anyone seeking to get a firm handle on their personal finances, Financial Adulting is a must-have resource that demystifies and simplifies complex topics and makes understanding personal finance fun From the founder of The Fiscal Femme, a popular feminist money platform, and author of The 30-Day Money Cleanse, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley's Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult delivers an easy-to-follow, informative, and fun financial guide. From budgeting and consumer activism to retirement investing and paying down debt, you'll learn everything you need to know and do to be a financially savvy adult. In this important book, you'll: Master fundamental concepts, including dealing with student loans, maximizing your 401(k), and preparing for salary negotiations Use a racial and feminist justice lens to tackle rarely discussed topics in money and equity and better understand deep-seated historic and systemic obstacles Recognize that your circumstances, goals, and values are unique and require a custom approach in order to succeed financially Receive a simple step-by-step guide to reaching your financial goals while living a big, exciting, and meaningful life
