
Life is most definitely not fair. Sometimes, we are dished more than we feel we deserve. This book is about how it took a toll on me and what I learned from it. My hurts, pains, joys, and accomplishments are the beginning and end of me. If I can survive them, so can you.


What if there are people, just like some flowers, who require the dark to bloom? When we are plunged into the dark and difficult times in life, one of three things can happen next: the darkness can destroy us; it can leave us relatively unchanged; or it can help to transform us. In this hope-inspiring guide, clinical psychologist, Michelle Pearce, PhD, provides practical tools and wisdom for transforming and thriving in adversity and loss. Just as some flowers require the dark to bloom, there are some people who do their best growing and becoming during dark and challenging times. With a compassionate voice, Pearce shares her clinical expertise, her own journey through the dark, and inspiring stories of other Night Bloomers to help individuals learn how to heal and transform their lives not in spite of their difficult times, but because of them. “Reading Night Bloomers is like having a dear friend right alongside you for support when most needed. Through stories, strategies, and writing prompts, Pearce provides powerful tools for building resilience, confidence, and joy. She reminds us that like plants, we don’t bloom just once, as she gently, masterfully paves a path for us to enjoy a lifetime of growing and blossoming. A ‘must-read’ for anyone seeking some light in the darkness.”–Caroline Welch, CEO and cofounder of the Mindsight Institute and author of The Gift of Presence   “A gem of a book!  Michelle Pearce has written an enlightening guide for anyone trying to find the path through a dark time in life. Through the wisdom gleaned from psychological research and practice and the lessons learned from her own personal encounter with pain and loss, Pearce points the way to growth and transformation when hope is in short supply. Down-to-earth, compassionate, and inspirational, Night Bloomers should be on everyone's bookshelf.”–Kenneth I. Pargament, Ph. D. author of Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy   “Dr. Pearce’s Night Bloomers is an essential guide on how to shift your perspective to find meaning in the mess that accompanies the crises in our lives. Filled with practical wisdom and easy to follow exercises, this book is sure to serve as a roadmap through and out of the darkness for all who find themselves on the journey of transformation.”–Michelle Bailey, MD, author of Parenting Your Stressed Child   “Michelle Pearce, Ph.D. is uniquely qualified to teach readers how to thrive in the face of grief in a way that captivates and illuminates. Night Bloomers is a therapeutic tool for healing based upon the transformative power of rewriting our stories of loss. Night Bloomers inspires readers to use sorrow as the soil in which to grow something beautiful.”–Laura J. Oliver, author of The Story Within “In Night Bloomers, Dr. Pearce offers a very practical, evidence based, journaling approach to productively cope with the challenges of adversity.  She uses her own personal adversity story and professional experiences as a psychologist to clearly outline steps and strategies to transform difficulties into transformation towards healing and resilience. A must read for many trying to find a way out of the dark night of the soul and into some much needed light.”–Thomas G. Plante, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor and Director, Applied Spirituality Institute, Santa Clara University  “Deeply insightful, heartfelt, practical, and wise. Night Bloomers is an indispensable resource for anyone who needs healing. Pearce does an eloquent and powerful job shifting our perspective on adversity and equipping us with the necessary tools to bloom in the dark.  Anyone who has been through loss, grief, or times of adversity—or loves people who have—needs to read this book.”–Harold G. Koenig, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina   “Night Bloomers shows how an intentional change in perspective and use of expressive writing exercises can bring hope and light, not at the end, but right in the middle of a dark tunnel. Night Bloomers is a sorely needed bright spot showing us the way to a happier, more hopeful life ahead.–Holly G. Prigerson, PhD, Professor of Sociology in Medicine and Director, Cornell Center for Research on End-of-Life Care, Weill Cornell Medicine   “Reading Night Bloomers is like having tea with your wisest, most loving friend who asks you tough questions with love and makes you think more deeply about every difficult experience. From celebrating failures on purpose to knowing when to stop looking for more growth and just move on, this book is the perfect companion to shed wisdom and light on those dark nights of the soul.” –Maggie Reyes, host of The Marriage Life Coach Podcast and author of The Questions for Couples Journal “A masterful guide for those wrestling with difficult situations. Not only does Dr. Pearce talk the talk, she has walked the walk. Her sincerity and deep knowledge of the topic are evident in every chapter. Her techniques allow you to change the lens when viewing your situation and gives you tools so you can ‘bloom’.”–Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, MDE, BCPS, CPE, Professor and Executive Director, Advanced Post-Graduate Education in Palliative Care, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy


The reason behind the title of my book, My Biggest Sin—Loving Hugo: My Truth! is to let people know that it could be possible that a young girl could fall in love by herself without the other party being aware of it. That happened to me. This guy, to be honest, didn’t like me whatsoever. Maybe because I was so young. He never even looked at me, but what I felt every time I saw him was incredible. I don’t want to give the wrong message. People need to know that if you fall in love with them, wish I told him in the letter. I just need to say what I feel for him, that I love him, but I respected his choices and wishes. I wasn’t one of them. Loving people is respecting their opinion and accepting what they feel is best for them. I learned to move on even though I loved him deeply. I strongly feel that if you insist, all you do is make things worse. If something is for you, then it is going to happen with time, not because you force it. I wrote this title because I was only thirteen when I fell in love with him, and he has inspired me to write my story. I want to tell everyone what happened.


Wie entstehen heldenhafte Ideen? Und wie kann eine Krise Innovation befeuern?
Um diese Fragen dreht sich das HERO MODELL, mit dem in diesem Buch auf verständliche Weise erklärt wird, wie Innovation entsteht. «Innovation Heroes» zieht zudem Parallelen zum Projekt «Local Hero», das während der COVID-19-Krise Innovation beförderte und selbst zum innovativen Grosserfolg wurde. Und es weist auf Analogien zu Superheldengeschichten hin, denn daraus kann viel über Innovation gelernt werden. Das Resultat dieser Erzählstränge ist ein sowohl unterhaltsames als auch praxisnah inspirierendes Buch.


Данная книга – сокращенная версия книги "Ответ. Проверенная методика достижения недостижимого". В ней сосредоточено самое важное: идеи, приемы и факты. Откройте для себя встроенный в Ваш мозг механизм, который поможет сбыться Вашим мечтам, даже самым невероятным. Краткое изложение книги.


Случалось ли вам мучиться от угрызений совести, переживать из-за опоздания на встречу или забытого обязательства? Подобные эмоции часто управляют нашим поведением. Мы живем не в вакууме, а заботимся о других людях, ориентируемся на них, делимся мыслями и вещами, оберегая при этом собственные границы и стараясь сохранить внутреннюю гармонию. В своей новой книге психотерапевт, автор международных бестселлеров Илсе Санд дает практические рекомендации для желающих избавиться от иррационального чувства вины и научиться ценить себя. Книга будет полезна тем, кто хочет откорректировать жизненные правила и прекратить изнурительную борьбу с самим собой, чтобы обрести внутреннюю свободу, душевное равновесие и получать больше удовольствия от жизни.


The story reflects the childhood experiences of the writer with her family growing up in Puerto Rico, through the author’s eyes, the memories of her mother and the legacy she left behind, her poetry, letters, and philosophy in life that helped her through all the adversities encountered on her way, step-by-step.


Жизнетворчество – это навык, которому можно обучиться и который можно развивать в любом возрасте. Поэтому автор предлагает читателю побывать в психологической мастерской – более полно узнать и раскрыть свой потенциал. В брошюре популяризируется идея о том, что любой человек способен найти подходящий именно для него вариант жизнетворчества, самовыражения и образа жизни. Для широкого круга читателей. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.


Профессиональное руководство, которое поможет возобновить близость в отношениях. Пособие содержит инструкцию с разъяснениями и примерами из практики о том, как преодолеть семейный кризис и вернуть любовь и взаимопонимание.


"Die Blockade Mekkas" ist als Weckruf für alle gläubigen Muslime zu verstehen. Es handelt sich um eine Zusammenfassung des fundamentalen Werkes «Ihya Ulum ud Deen» (zu Deutsch: «Die Wiederbelebung der religiösen Wissenschaften») von Imam Ghazali, ergänzt durch zusätzliche Anmerkungen des Autors Muhammad Tariq Veder. Darin geht es um den Prozess der Charakterbildung und spirituellen Entwicklung, die jeder Gläubige durchläuft, und wie er durch seine Bemühungen versucht, nicht nur das Wohlwollen Allahs, sondern in erster Linie den Einlass ins Paradies zu erlangen. Mit den Anregungen, die der Autor hier zur Stärkung des wahren festen Glaubens gibt, reagiert er auf die momentane weltweite Krise des Islams und zeigt einen Ausweg aus der derzeitigen desolaten Situation auf.