
Это книга о взрослении. Больше всего на свете герой книги Константин не хотел взрослеть, терять себя, свою индивидуальность и становиться таким же, как все остальные. Но вскоре его жизнь круто изменится. Он откроет для себя странную и манящую философию жизни как игры и с этого момента его жизнь уже никогда не будет прежней. Он начнет играть с окружающим миром, узнает о том, что такое настоящая дружба и любовь, пройдет через приключения, успехи и неудачи и даже поставит на кон свою жизнь. К чему это его приведет? Он сам этого не знает, но остановиться на пути игры уже невозможно.


Только съела мышка волшебные семечки, как у неё сразу выросли крылья. Обрадовалась она, взмахнула ими и полетела. А кот не смог летать. У него крылья не выросли. Почему? Иллюстратор книги – Оксана Васильевна Чумичева.


Тринадцатилетний мальчик Том Уотсон живет со своими бабушкой и дедушкой в старинном особняке в центре Лондона. У него нет друзей, своего отца он не помнит, а мать бросила его, уехав в Америку. Незавидная доля. Но однажды он встречает волшебника Морлана, и его жизнь круто меняется. Том узнает, что он – потомственный эльф и нужен Морлану для одного опасного, но увлекательного путешествия…


Эта книга позволит читателю взглянуть на мир глазами неожиданных героев – Щена и Кота. И, возможно, растопит ваши сердца. Художник Елена Харисова.


CODERS ARE ROCK STARS Coders are the people who are building the future. You can stake your own claim on the future by learning pro coding techniques. Take a look inside to figure out how and why coders think a bit differently, the basics of building a working application with a professional coding language, and how to test your app to make sure it works. Get a jump on your future as a rock-star coder today! See the big picture – get a grip on how pro coders start and finish a project Know the code – get your hands on a pro coding language and put it to work Make things happen – create a working application you can share with friends


Fun and engaging electronics projects just for kids! Do you have a cunning kid who's curious about what goes on inside computers, phones, TVs, and other electronic devices? You may just have a budding Edison on your hands—and what better way to encourage their fascination with electronics than a book filled with projects they can complete on their own? In Getting Started with Electronics, your child will follow simple steps to safely create cool electronics projects using basic materials that can easily be found at online retailers or hobby shops. Just imagine your child's delight as they use clips, switches, resistors, capacitors, and more to create circuits that control light and sound! From building a nifty LED flashlight to tuning in to a local radio station using a homemade tuner—and more—your little electronic wiz's world is about to get a whole lot brighter! Features vivid designs and a short page count Focuses on your child experiencing a sense of accomplishment Projects introduce core concepts while keeping tasks simple Teaches electronics in a safe environment Built for the youngest of learners from the makers of the trusted For Dummies brand, you can feel good about giving your child a book that will spark their creativity.


The easy way for kids to get started with video game design Is your youngster a designer at heart? Read on! Designing Digital Games helps children apply their design skills to video game design using Scratch—and this book! Introducing simple programming concepts over the course of three easy-to-follow projects, it shows your child how to use the free Scratch platform to create a video game from the ground up. An extension of the trusted For Dummies brand, this juvenile book has a focus on accomplishment and provides all the steps to help young readers learn basic programming concepts to complete cool projects. From using sprites to create a game with a digital pet snake to creating maze games and cloning sprites to create a fun, attack-style game, this approachable guide offers simple, friendly instruction while building kids' confidence in designing digital games. Features a design that is heavy on eye-popping graphics your child will love Content is focused on the steps to completing each of the projects Offers a small, full-color, non-intimidating package that instills confidence in readers Includes basic projects that set the young learner on the road to further exploration of video game design If there's a kid aged 7-11 in your life who has an interest in using Scratch to design digital games, this book provides the building blocks they need to take their hobby to the next level.


The easy way for kids to get started with electronics If your youngster likes to tinker, Electronics For Kids For Dummies is here to teach them the core concepts of electronics in a fun and engaging way. Written in a language elementary-to-middle-school-aged kids can understand, it's packed with full-color photos, easy-to-follow instructions, simple examples, and 13 cool projects that will boost your child's confidence while instilling valuable electronics lessons. Written by an experienced engineer who authored Electronics For Dummies, this friendly guide shows children the right way to learn about this exciting—but potentially dangerous—field. From making their very own LED flashlight and basic radio to building a smart nightlight and making an LED blink, Electronics For Kids For Dummies walks young readers through 13 projects that are easy to accomplish—and, most importantly, fun! Plus, the full-color design is heavy on eye-catching graphics and the format is focused on the steps to completing a project, making it approachable for any youngster with an interest in exploring the electrifying world of electronics. Introduces kids to the basics of electronics Includes 13 projects that promote your kid's sense of achievement Features larger print to make the material less intimidating and easier to navigate Covers tools and safety measures to ensure your child's safety Spark your child's interest in the shockingly exciting field of electronics with Electronics For Kids For Dummies!


Start programming quickly with this super-fun guide to Raspberry Pi Adventures in Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition includes 9 cool projects that show you how to set up and start developing on your Raspberry Pi. Updated for the release of the Rev 3 board, this second edition covers all the latest features and tells you everything you need to know. Written specifically for 11-15 year-olds, this book uses the wildly successful, Raspberry Pi to explain the fundamentals of computing. You'll have a blast learning basic programming and system administration skills, beginning with the very basics of how to plug in the board and turn it on. Each project includes an instructional video so you can jump right in and start going through the lessons on your own. This hands-on book gets you up and running fast, with fun projects that let you explore. Learn how to «talk to» your Raspberry Pi Create games and stories with Scratch Program with Turtle Graphics and Python Code music and create a Raspberry Pi jukebox If you want to get started programming today, Adventures in Raspberry Pi is the ultimate hands-on guide.


An easy-to-grasp introduction to coding concepts for kids Coding For Kids For Dummies breaks coding into a series of small projects, each designed to teach elementary-to-middle-school-aged students a core concept to build a game, application, or other tool. In this his hands-on, friendly guide readers will get access to a leading coding tool that has been designed specifically for kids, showing them how to create the projects provided in the book as well as how to implement them into their own creative work. Written by a teacher and leading advocate of coding education, Coding For Kids For Dummies explains to kids in plain English how to apply the math and logic skills they already have to the subject of coding. In no time, they'll be grasping basic coding concepts, completing their very own technical feats, and arming themselves with the computer science experience and know-how to prepare for a future working with technology. Lay-flat binding allows for easy access as students work on projects Full-color, large-print design make the information more approachable to kids Kids interested in computer science get a competitive edge The author has dedicated her career to enhancing coding and other STEM education in schools If you're a student who wants to learn coding, a parent who wants to help your kid pursue an interest in coding, or a teacher who is in need of a supplemental course book for your computer science class, Coding For Kids For Dummies has you covered.