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Boasting trillion-dollar companies, the digital economy profits from our emotions, our relationships with each other, and the ways we interact with the world.<br /> <br /> In this timely book, Tim Jordan deftly explores the workings of the digital economy. He discusses the hype and significance surrounding its activities and practices in order to outline important concepts, theory, and policy questions. Through a variety of in-depth case studies, he examines the areas of search, social media, service providers, free economic activity, and digital gaming. Companies discussed include Google, Baidu, Uber, Bitcoin, Wikipedia, Fortnight, and World of Warcraft. Jordan argues that the digital economy is not concerned primarily with selling products, but relies instead on creating communities that can be read by software and algorithms. Profit is then extracted through targeted advertising, subscriptions, misleading 'purchases', and service relations. <br /> <br /> <i>The Digital Economy</i> is an important reference for students and scholars getting to grips with this enormous contemporary phenomenon.
Instagram is at the heart of global digital culture, having made selfies, filters and square frames an inescapable part of everyday life since it was launched in 2010.<br /><br />In the first book-length examination of Instagram, Tama Leaver, Tim Highfield and Crystal Abidin trace how this quintessential mobile photography app has developed as a platform and a culture. They consider aspects such as the new visual social media aesthetics, the rise of Influencers and new visual economies, and the complex politics of the platform as well as examining how Instagram's users change their use of the platform over time and respond to evolving features. The book highlights the different ways Instagram is used by subcultural groups around the world, and how museums, restaurants and public spaces are striving to be 'Insta-worthy'. Far from just capturing milestones and moments, the authors argue that Instagram has altered the ways people communicate and share, while also creating new approaches to marketing, advertising, politics and the design of spaces and venues.<br /><br />Rich with grounded examples from across the world, from birth pictures to selfies at funerals, <i>Instagram</i> is essential reading for students and scholars of media and communication.
Since the 1930s, the Walt Disney Company has produced characters, images, and stories that have captivated audiences around the world. How can we understand the appeal of Disney products? What is it about the Disney phenomenon that attracts so many children, as well as adults?<br /> <br /> In this updated second edition, with new examples provided throughout, Janet Wasko examines the processes by which the Disney company – one of the largest media and entertainment corporations in the world – continues to manufacture the fantasies that enthrall millions. She analyses the historical expansion of the Disney empire into the twenty-first century, examines the content of Disney’s classic and more recent films, cartoons and TV programs and discusses how they are produced, considering how some of the same techniques have been applied to the Disney theme parks. She also discusses the reception (and sometimes, reinterpretation) of Disney products by different kinds of audiences. By looking at the Disney phenomenon from a variety of perspectives, she provides an updated and comprehensive overview of one of the most significant media and cultural institutions of our time.<br /> <br /> This important book by a leading scholar of the entertainment industries will be of great interest to students in media and cultural studies, as well as a broader readership of Disney fans.
The rise of blogs and social media provide a public platform for people to share information online. This trend has facilitated an industry of self-appointed ‘lifestyle gurus’ who have become instrumental in the management of intimacy and social relations. Advice on health, wealth creation, relationships and well-being is rising to challenge the authority of experts and professionals. Pitched as ‘authentic’, ‘accessible’ and ‘outside of the system’, this information has produced an unprecedented sense of empowerment and sharing. However, new problems have arisen in its wake. In Lifestyle Gurus , Baker and Rojek explore how authority and influence are achieved online. They trace the rise of lifestyle influencers in the digital age, relating this development to the erosion of trust in the expert-professional power bloc. The moral contradictions of lifestyle websites are richly explored, demonstrating how these technologies encourage a preoccupation with the very commercial and corporate hierarchies they seek to challenge. A timely account of how lifestyle issues are being packaged and transacted in a wired-up world, this book is important reading for students and scholars of media, communication, sociology and related disciplines.
Presents innovative scholarship on Latina/o visibility in contemporary mainstream media Latina/os have seen increased visibility in the media in the past several years, especially in feature-length films, network television programs, and various digital platforms. The Gender of Latinidad: Uses and Abuses of Hybridity explores Latina/o visibility—analyzing presence, production, and interpretation throughout various media. An important contribution to the emerging field of Latina/o Media Studies, this unique volume brings together political economy and cultural studies to consider the limitations of cultural politics and explore current issues relevant to Latina/o cultural inclusion. Author Angharad N. Valdivia addresses the concept of hybridity and applies it to contemporary Latinidad, in which hybrid Latina/os lead hybrid lives and consume hybrid media. The text explores strategies for gendered visibility in a range of popular culture media, using the concept of hybridity to connect Latina/o Studies to Feminist Media Studies, Gender Studies, and Ethnic Studies. Throughout the text, the author discusses the inclusion Latina/o scholars and audiences seek and considers if such inclusion is even achievable. Offering intersectional exploration of Latinidad in mainstream media, this volume: Explores the trope of the spitfire in the context of popular media Brings Disney Studies into Latina/o Studies Discusses the dynamic inclusion of Latinidad in awards ceremonies Assesses the implicit utopias of Latina/o representation Presents the only major academic treatment of Charo Presenting an original perspective on Latina/os in media, The Gender of Latinidad: Uses and Abuses of Hybridity is an ideal text for students and scholars in areas including Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, and general Media and Feminist Media Studies.
News media strongly influence how we picture public affairs across the world, playing a significant and sometimes controversial role in determining which topics are at the centre of public attention and action. Setting the Agenda , first published in 2004, has become the go-to textbook on this crucial topic. In this timely third edition, Maxwell McCombs – a pioneer of agenda-setting research – and Sebastián Valenzuela – a senior scholar of agenda setting in Latin America – have expanded and updated the book for a new generation of students. In describing the media's influence on what we think about and how we think about it, Setting the Agenda also examines the sources of media agendas, the psychological explanation for their impact on the public agenda, and their consequences for attitudes, opinions and behaviours. New to this edition is a discussion of agenda setting in the widened media landscape, including a full chapter on network agenda setting and a lengthened presentation on agenda melding. The book also contains expanded material on social media and the role of agenda setting beyond the realm of public affairs, as well as a foreword from Donald L. Shaw and David H. Weaver, the co-founders of agenda-setting theory. This exciting new edition is an invaluable source for students of media, communications and politics, as well as those interested in the role of news in shaping and directing public opinion.
Google statt Gelbe Seiten, Uber-App statt Taxi-Stand, Tinder statt Disko. Alles ist neu und digital. Disruption, denken wir, ist ein technologischer Trend. Falsch! Sie ist das Phänomen unserer Zeit. Radikal wälzt sie unser Leben um. Parteien und Verbrennungsmotor sind tot, Nachkriegsdeutschland ist vorbei. Die Menschen fühlen sich überfordert, die Gesellschaft polarisiert sich und kippt. Künstliche Intelligenz und autonome Maschinen nehmen uns Arbeit und Selbstwirksamkeit. Der Staat zerbricht unter seiner Fürsorgelast. Facebook, Google und Chinas Datenmacht steuern auf einen globalen Staatsstreich zu. Doch im Bruch liegt auch die Lösung. Digitale Bewegungen wie #MeToo und Fridays for Future machen Hoffnung auf eine neue demokratische Weltordnung. Klar ist: National bewirken wir heute nichts mehr, wir brauchen einen globalen Ordnungsrahmen. Eine Utopie in Zeiten von Trump und Co? Nein. Dieses Buch macht konkrete Vorschläge, was wir jetzt tun müssen: Europa fasst Mut. In flexiblen Allianzen macht es sich auf zur globalen Bürgergesellschaft. Aus Old Europe wird Bold Europe.
"Ein Buch mit lauter Aha-Effekten. Man kommt gar nicht mehr davon los. Wer den Zeitgeist verstehen will und wissen will, wohin Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft steuern, muss dieses packende Buch lesen!" Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn, ifo Institut München
"Ein Buch mit lauter Aha-Effekten. Man kommt gar nicht mehr davon los. Wer den Zeitgeist verstehen will und wissen will, wohin Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft steuern, muss dieses packende Buch lesen!" Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn, ifo Institut München
The Romance Lover's Guide to Movie Must-SeesIf you adore Sleepless in Seattle and Pride and Prejudice and The Avengers, then you want a movie guide aimed at women like you. Women who enjoy romances and more! You like both a good kiss and a good knockout and refuse to be categorized-but you wish someone like you would recommend movies.Which brings Harlequin author and professional movie critic Heidi Rice to the rescue. Whether it's nonstop action with a little heart 'n' soul, sweetly adorable cartoons, a classic black-and-white screwball comedy or that under-the-radar flick that you never knew you were missing, Heidi Rice will lead you through her must-sees and why you will also enjoy them. From Ryan Gosling's six-pack to that iconic orgasm sandwich delivered by Meg Ryan, right up to the double whammy of hotties in Prisoners (Gyllenhaal and Jackman)—there's a little something for everyone.And a little something for that teenager inside you who's ready to watch «nekkid» man-candy and spend two hours falling in love all over again….
Altbekannt ist, welch wichtige Rolle Medien bei der Konsolidierung oder aber auch bei der Transformation einer Gesellschaft spielen. Was aber geschieht, wenn Medien von unten aus agieren und dies in großer Zahl geschieht, unter Einbindung vieler gesellschaftlicher Akteure sowie gegenüber einem umfassenden Publikum?
In Argentinien hat sich eine faszinierende Radiolandschaft gebildet, die kollektiv, partizipativ und progressiv arbeitet: Die Community-Radios.
Viviana Uriona nimmt uns mit auf eine ethnografische Reise durch die Geschichte dieser Radios, analysiert ihre Arbeitsweise und sucht nach den Gründen ihres Erfolges. Am Ende der Lektüre bleibt eine Frage nicht mehr offen: Könnte hierzulande in gleicher Weise gelingen, was dort geschah?
In Argentinien hat sich eine faszinierende Radiolandschaft gebildet, die kollektiv, partizipativ und progressiv arbeitet: Die Community-Radios.
Viviana Uriona nimmt uns mit auf eine ethnografische Reise durch die Geschichte dieser Radios, analysiert ihre Arbeitsweise und sucht nach den Gründen ihres Erfolges. Am Ende der Lektüre bleibt eine Frage nicht mehr offen: Könnte hierzulande in gleicher Weise gelingen, was dort geschah?
Кто делает спецэффекты на сцене? Как для спектаклей создают новые музыкальные инструменты и строят салон «Боинга» в натуральную величину? Что делают костюмеры, когда на сцене нужно быстро оторвать рукав? Кто чинит ручки и ножки куклам? Где на современной сцене прячется суфлер? И как распределяются все эти обязанности в независимых театрах? В последнем эпизоде подкаста Лиза и Саша идут за кулисы, чтобы поговорить с капельдинером, техническим директором, художником по свету, саунддизайнером, сотрудником цеха сценических эффектов, костюмером, реквизитором, суфлером, помощником режиссера, продюсером, а ещё пиар-менеджером и актрисой в одном лице. Послушайте подкаст «Полка» Подкаст «Как посмотреть» мы делаем вместе с Российской Национальной театральной Премией и Фестивалем «Золотая Маска» и при поддержке мецената Татьяны Шишкиной. Редактор – Саша Зеркалева Продюсеры – Лиза Каменская и Ксения Красильникова Звукорежиссер и композитор – Кира Вайнштейн Дизайнер обложки – Петр Сутупов _________________ Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо» – libolibo.ru Instagram студии – Instagram.com/libolibostudio Наш YouTube канал – youtube.com/c/ЛибоЛибо Группа в ФБ – facebook.com/libolibostudio/ Группа в VK – vk.com/libolibostudio
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