
When you are looking at learning Arabic vocabulary, you are looking at the foundation stones of the language itself. Not only will you be learning the words for objects, places and things, you will simply be working on picking up a thorough command of the words that are used in every day parlance. After you have groundings in grammar and conversation, mastering the vocabulary is the next step when you want to have rich, textured and nuanced conversation with someone who speaks Arabic.


Italian grammar consists of some of the basic rules that people will need to follow when they want to understand the language. This pamphlet will help to determine word order placement and the way that sounds tend to flow together. It is a major component of learning the language itself. Like many other languages in the world, most Italian grammar will consist of producing different types of nous and verbs. This could be a major challenge for people who want to learn the basics rules. This could also help people learn to speak the language fluently throughout their conversations with other people. ?


At the heart of this volume is the assertion that Sartrean existentialism, most prominent in the 1940s, particularly in France, is still relevant as a way of interpreting the world today. Film, by reflecting philosophical concerns in the actions and choices of characters, continues and extends a tradition in which art exemplifies the understanding of existentialist philosophy. In a scholarly yet accessible style, the contributors exploit the rich interplay between Sartre’s philosophy, plays and novels, and a number of contemporary films including No Country for Old Men , Lost in Translation and The Truman Show , with film-makers including the Dardenne brothers, Michael Haneke, and Mike Leigh. This volume will be of interest to students who are coming to Sartre’s work for the first time and to those who would like to read films within an existentialist perspective.


Since its completion in 1955, Alain Resnais’s Night and Fog ( Nuit et Brouillard ) has been considered one of the most important films to confront the catastrophe and atrocities of the Nazi era. But was it a film about the Holocaust that failed to recognize the racist genocide? Or was the film not about the Holocaust as we know it today but a political and aesthetic response to what David Rousset, the French political prisoner from Buchenwald, identified on his return in 1945 as the ‘concentrationary universe’ which, now actualized, might release its totalitarian plague any time and anywhere? What kind of memory does the film create to warn us of the continued presence of this concentrationary universe? This international collection re-examines Resnais’s benchmark film in terms of both its political and historical context of representation of the camps and of other instances of the concentrationary in contemporary cinema. Through a range of critical readings, Concentrationary Cinema explores the cinematic aesthetics of political resistance not to the Holocaust as such but to the political novelty of absolute power represented by the concentrationary system and its assault on the human condition.


What does it mean to become a reader? What are the challenges and opportunities of engaging children in reading for pleasure in the 21st century? This book explores the ways in which reading for pleasure is changing in the era of globalisation, multiculturalism and datafication. Raising the next generation of engaged readers requires knowledge of the enduring characteristics of engagement and markers of quality in books and e-books. In addition, in order to develop new insights into children’s experience of reading on and off screen, nuanced understandings of psychological and socio-cultural research are offered. The cross-disciplinary examination integrates key research from educational psychology, new literacies, multimodality and socio-cultural perspectives and explores consequences for practice. An authoritative guide – it invites graduates, researchers and teachers to participate in the authors’ interdisciplinary dialogue about reading for pleasure.


Here is a concise guide to supplement any course of study and help with homework, travel, and test preparation. Topics include word order, time, nouns, verbs, adjectives, word choices with verbs and adverbs, and letter writing. The simple format has one goal: quick mastery and growing confidence.Qin Xue Herzberg, a graduate of Beijing Normal University, has taught Chinese for decades and has been an upper-level Chinese professor at Calvin College for ten years.Larry Herzberg did his PhD work in Chinese and founded the Chinese language programs at Albion College and Calvin College.Qin and Larry live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and are co-authors of the popular China Survival Guide as well as Chinese Proverbs and Popular Sayings.


Пособие предназначено для широкого круга лиц, желающих изучить немецкий язык. Это школьники старших классов и студенты неязыковых вузов, слушатели курсов немецкого языка, отъезжающие в Германию на временное или постоянное место жительства, а также те, кто хочет повысить свой уровень с начального до среднего. Пособие содержит обширный грамматический и лексический материал, большое количество текстов и диалогов на такие основные темы повседневного общения, как «Работа», «Город», «Еда», «Здоровье», «Телевидение, музыка, кино», «Компьютер», «Интернет». Здесь можно найти также много забавных коротких рассказов, стихотворений, шуток и идиом.


Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся старших классов школ с углубленным изучением испанского языка и студентов, а также для учеников старших классов школ, где испанский язык изучается в качестве второго иностранного языка. Материал помогает эффективно подготовиться к ОГЭ (в 9 классе) и ЕГЭ (в 11 классе) и способствует практическому овладению испанским языком в рамках предложенных тем. Учебное пособие предполагает знание языка на уровне А2–B1. Аудиоприложение, подготовленное издательством, доступно для приобретения на сайте karo.spb.ru

