
Gute Freunde? Check. Erstes Date? Check. Und dann steht plötzlich das FBI vor deiner Tür … Ally liebt ihr Leben, wie es ist: Die Bewerbungen an ihre Traum-Colleges sind geschrieben. Mit ihrem Dad versteht sie sich blendend. Sie hat die besten Freunde, die man sich wünschen kann. Und sie ist sich sicher, morgen wird ihr Sandkastenfreund Neil sie ENDLICH um ein Date bitten. Doch dann klingelt das FBI an der Tür und plötzlich ist alles anders. Denn Ally ist nicht Ally und ihr ganzes Leben eine einzige Lüge. Ein Roman über  Liebe ,  Lügen  und  Familiengeheimnisse  – dieses Buch zieht einem den Boden unter den Füßen weg! Für alle Leser von Karen M. McManus, Colleen Hoover und Laura Kneidl.


Септимус Хип – седьмой сын седьмого сына – исчезает без следа в ночь своего рождения, а повитуха объявляет семье, что ребенок родился мертвым. В ту же ночь отец Септимуса, Сайлас Хип, находит в снегу брошенную новорожденную девочку с глазами цвета фиалки. Хип дает малышке имя Дженна и воспитывает ее как свою собственную. Но кто же она на самом деле и что случилось с его родным сыном? «Магика» – первая книга увлекательной волшебной серии британской писательницы Энджи Сэйдж. Вместе с ее героями вы отправитесь в фантастическое путешествие, наполненное причудливыми персонажами и магическими чарами, зельями, заклинаниями и незабываемыми приключениями.


A daring adventure on Henry Flaglers Over-Sea Railroad! Twelve-year-old Eddie Malone is living a carefree life swimming and fishing in the Florida Keys in 1912 when suddenly his world is turned upside down. His father, a worker on Henry Flaglers Over-Sea Railroad, is thrown into jail for stealing the railroad payroll. Convinced that he is responsible for his pa's arrest, Eddie sets out for Key West with his faithful dog, Rex, on a daring mission to prove his father's innocence. Eddie arrives in Key West as preparations are under way for the arrival of Flagler's first train. Eddie meets the Kimble twins, T. J. and Jen, who live at the Key West Lighthouse and are practicing for their part in the great celebration. They offer to help Eddie with his plan to find the real payroll thieves. Eddie finds them, all right, but they kidnap him and lock him aboard their sailboat. As the boat moves swiftly away from Key West, Eddie realizes he's in serious trouble. Can Eddie escape from the clutches of the ruthless thieves? Will he ever get back home to Marathon? Most importantly, will Eddie be able to prove Pa's innocence? Historical fiction, ages 8–12 < < Previous in seriesNext in series > > See all of the books in this series


"Le Avventure di Pinocchio–Storia di un burattino" è un romanzo per ragazzi scritto da Carlo Collodi, pseudonimo del giornalista e scrittore fiorentino Carlo Lorenzini. La prima metà apparve originariamente a puntate tra il 1881 e il 1882, pubblicata come La storia di un burattino, poi completata nel libro per ragazzi uscito a Firenze nel febbraio 1883. Racconta le esperienze accidentali – dannose e crudeli, ma attraenti e ricche di colpi di scena – di una marionetta animata, Pinocchio, scolpita da Mastro Geppetto, che si considera come suo padre. Molto più di un burattino che vuole diventare bambino, più di un volto tondo nasuto di legno, più del protagonista di un libro «morale», Pinocchio è un'icona universale e una metafora della condizione umana. Il libro – che si presta a una pluralità di interpretazioni – è un capolavoro mondiale che ha ispirato centinaia di edizioni, traduzioni in 260 lingue, trasposizioni teatrali, televisive e animate, come quella di Walt Disney; ha reso nozioni largamente comuni idee come quella del naso lungo del bugiardo. Tra i giudizi favorevoli, quello di Benedetto Croce: «il legno, in cui è tagliato Pinocchio, è l'umanità»; reputò il libro una fra le grandi opere della letteratura italiana.


Oh! No Crawdad has fallen and needs help from the local hospital to feel better. With help from Dr. Catfish, Miss Pepper, HR Gator and Mrs. Etoufaye will he get better in time to make it to the fun festival and events


The book Keokee the Cherokee Boy is actually a collection of short stories, intended for a target audience of children with adventuresome spirit, approximately eight to fourteen years of age.
Keokee is a Cherokee boy who lives in a Cherokee village in the region of Oconaluftee in what is now Western North Carolina. His average day consists of mundane chores associated with farming, gathering food, and keeping the water jar full in his father’s lodge. He considers games played by the other children of the village dull and boring and yearns to emulate the daring and dangerous adventures he hears in stories told by his father and other adults in the village.
Keokee begins by sneaking off from the village on a grand adventure, is nearly killed by a mother bear, and ends up getting hopelessly lost, only to be saved by an inquisitive River Otter who leads him back to his village. After a brief scolding, Keokee’s father grudgingly allows Keokee to continue his adventures, so long as he is careful and keeps his parents apprised of his location. His father also teaches Keokee that valuable life lessons can be learnt from Otter, such as staying close to streams and rivers to keep from getting lost. Keokee continues his adventures and meets and befriends other animals, each of which teach Keokee valuable lessons.
Stonega, Keokee’s father, is both amused and proud of his son’s spirit and capacity for learning, but soon becomes concerned and mystified by Keokee’s ability to communicate with his animal friends—something no other Cherokee can do. But something else nags at Stonega, a fleeting memory of a story told long, long ago by his grandfather, compelling Stonega to take Keokee and his animal friends on a great canoe adventure, from Keokee’s village to the villages of the Overhill people of the Cherokee on the Tanasi (Little Tennessee) River. The journey will be a grand adventure for Keokee; but for Stonega, the journey will revive an ancient myth and remind him that legend and truth often go hand in hand. It also sets the stage for more Keokee adventures to come…
For the reader, the Keokee stories will hopefully instill a greater sense of respect and love for wildlife, as well as increase their curiosity and inquisitiveness regarding what other lessons can be learned from the animal world.


Things at the museum just got weirder… In the blockbuster film Night At the Museum night watchmen Larry Daley learned that every night an ancient Egyptian tablet brought the museum exhibits to life–from a mischievous monkey, to a full-sized T-Rex skeleton, to twenty-sixth President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. In Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Larry's adventure continued at the Smithsonian Institute. Picking up where the movies left off, Night of the Dragons is a brand-new novel for middle grade readers, following the adventures of Larry Daley's teenage son Nick as he learns the ropes at the strangest museum in the world. In this story, a new exhibit brings new dangers and unleashes an evil force on the Museum of Natural History. Soon, Nick is up to his ears in trouble. With his father sidelined by a strange new magic, the boy must face giant dragons and an evil sorcerer determined to take over the museum…and then the world!


На очередные каникулы Майк, Пегги, Нора и Джек отправляются к своему новому другу Полю. Поль – самый настоящий принц, его отец – король далёкой-далёкой Баронии. Столько всего интересного и удивительного их ждёт в этой незнакомой стране, а главное – захватывающее путешествие в дремучий лес, окутанный мрачными тайнами и легендами. Ну уж такое приключение друзья никак не могут пропустить…


Очередное приключение привело пятёрку верных друзей – Джека, Майка, Пегги, Нору и Поля – в далёкую Африку. Здесь всё было ужасно интересно, особенно захватывали рассказы местных жителей о таинственной горе, в недрах которой обитало племя, поклоняющееся солнцу. Да это просто фантастика! Но ребята поняли, что это жестокая реальность, когда попали к ним в плен…


Журнал для современных девчонок. Каждый номер посвящен определенной теме: общение с ровесниками и взрослыми, мода и красота, первая любовь, правила этикета, секреты рукоделия, истории успеха и личной жизни звезд шоу-бизнеса, спорта, кино и многое другое.