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Детские детективы
Различные книги в жанре Детские детективы, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
City kid Randy is introduced to the wonders of nature by his country cousin, Jimmy, and eventually begins to love life in the country. The two boys build Hidden Lookout, a treehouse, and begin keeping watch on night animals. During the day, they follow clues to try to discover a long-hidden treasure. <P> "A quietly pleasant summer story set around the routine treasure hunt provides as well the unusual habits of common country 'critters.'" – Kirkus
The Frontier Motel was the pride and joy of the Price family, especially David, aged twelve, who helped to run it. In three years they would own it, free and clear of debt, so David was willing to work hard taking care of the place and serving in their little restaurant. He had spare time, though, which he spent with his friends, Laurie and Johnny Smith, looking for uranium. His father had taught him a good deal about radioactivity and minerals and there was always a chance that he might find a deposit with his Geiger counter and help the family fortunes.<P>
Miss Adrian’s latest mystery has this intriguing background and as usual her plot has satisfying speed coupled with interesting scientific facts which youngsters of today can easily absorb as they read swiftly along.
Miss Adrian’s latest mystery has this intriguing background and as usual her plot has satisfying speed coupled with interesting scientific facts which youngsters of today can easily absorb as they read swiftly along.
When two of four rare trumpeter swans disappear from their nesting place, four children living on the wildlife refuge set out to discover what happened to them.<P>
"There is real suspense in this nature mystery set on a wildlife refuge." – The Gastonia Gazette
"There is real suspense in this nature mystery set on a wildlife refuge." – The Gastonia Gazette
Harold «Hap» Miller, whose parents owned the Hanging Rock Ranch, is best friends with Jim Hawn, a boy of the Yakima Indian tribe. When a calf goes missing on the ranch, the two boys ride out to find it – and set off a chain of events that reveals a modern-day mystery! <P> "Another fast moving Mary Adrian mystery. Like the others, into its plot is woven a lot of interesting information about life on a western ranch and an Indian reservation." – The Times Recorder
9-year-old Tom Owens, a young New Yorker, must save his Uncle Steve's reputation with the help of his friends. Steve has been accused of cutting the wire to the lights aboard the tugboat where he works, causing a collision with another boat, but despite the evidence, Tom knows his uncle is innocent. With the help of his friends, Bill and Janie, can Tom save the day? <P> "There are echoes of [The Firehouse Mystery] in the general pattern of the story, as once again a youngster determines to raise the fog that hangs over a beloved relative's reputation." – Kirkus Reviews
When Neale and Margie Lawson hear that their father will have to sell his shore land and their beloved horse, Firefly, they are miserable. They can find no way to help until a strange red car, a lost cat, and the odd behavior of an eccentric old man draw them into a mystery involving the lost letters of a famous New England artist.<P> The Lawsons and their friend Rupert Reed, son of the Ranger at the camp across the lake, are plunged into a bewildering tangle of strange doings. Neale thinks that his robot-burglar alarm might help to solve the mystery, and Margie is sure that her grandfather's books hold the key to the problem. Both children are right, but it takes two discoveries – one in a cave on the mountain and one in the middle of Shadow Pond – to set things straight.<P> Mary Jane’s earlier mysteries, all exciting and fun to read, have found an appreciative audience. «Mystery at Shadow Pond» will add new friends to the large number of boys and girls who look forward to a book by this favorite author.
Eleven-year-old Chris and ten-year olds Skeet and Gail are enthusiastic collectors. With equal avidity they collect animals and rare stamps. When their eccentric neighbor, Mr. Doolittle, appears to be the victim of a stamp theft at the same time their white opossum is stolen, the kids turn to sleuthing. <P>"A lively mystery which imparts much incidental information on the hobby and science of stamp collecting. No gore, just good fun and excitement." – Kirkus
She's smart as a whip, super sleuth-y, and able to solve most mysterious mysteries and perplexing problems in no time flat. Mariella Mystery (age nine and a bit) knows that all good detectives write down important information about their investigations. In this top-secret journal she tackles the case of the mysterious "Bad Hair Day Fog" with important clues and observations, helpful drawings, and handy tips for new detectives. Early readers will be hooked on this mystery chapter book from page one!
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Kate Pankhurst
Жанр Детские детективы
Серия Mariella Mysteries
She's smart as a whip, super sleuth-y, and able to solve most mysterious mysteries and perplexing problems in no time flat. Mariella Mystery (age nine and a bit) knows that all good detectives write down important information about their investigations. In this top-secret journal she tackles the case of who is trying to sabotage the Puddleford baking contest with important clues and observations, helpful drawings, and handy tips for new detectives. Early readers will be hooked on this mystery chapter book from page one!
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Kate Pankhurst
Жанр Детские детективы
Серия Mariella Mysteries
В книге представлены повести и рассказы крымской детской писательницы Веры Максимовой. Герои ее произведений шестиклассники Стас, Влад и Ника в дни летних каникул становятся невольными свидетелями загадочных происшествий. Что находится в закрытом подземелье старой крепости? Кто похитил образцы минералов у геологов и зачем? Как наблюдательность ребят позволила выявить террористов? Распутывая загадочные происшествия, ребята попадают не только в опасные ситуации, но и в веселые поучительные переделки. Например, как носить воду решетом или резать оконное стекло обыкновенными ножницами. Чтобы с честью выйти из любых трудных ситуаций, надо быть смелым, добрым и эрудированным. Любознательный читатель найдет в рассказах интересные факты из российской истории. Книга рассчитана для детей 8+ и семейного чтения.