
Pete once again finds himself standing between Queen Cassandra’s kingdom and the forces of darkness. A mysterious manuscript has been stolen from Mr Humperdinck’s documents and Pete and his friends have to find it before it can be used to destroy the fairy world. With a monstrous black shadow on their heels, they once again set off on a crazy adventure. But what will happen if Pete is tempted to sell out his friends?


Dan glimlag Leonardo. “Nou ja, love and greetings. Soos ek gesê het, ek sal mooi na jou meisie kyk terwyl ons in Italië is.” Hy begin wegstap. “Kom jy, Kali?” roep hy oor sy skouer. “Ek dink nie ons sal mekaar weer sien voor ons lughawe toe ry nie.” Ek soen Zak sag op sy wang. “Ek mis jou al klaar.” Hy gryp my hand toe ek omdraai om weg te stap. “Kali, ek is lief vir jou en ek sal nie toelaat dat iets . . .” Hy bly vir ’n sekonde stil, sy oë op Leonardo se rug, “. . . of iemand tussen ons kom nie.” “Niks sal ooit tussen ons kom nie, Zak,” is my laaste woorde voor ek agter Leonardo aan drafstap. Die Nuwelinge word na Venesië ontbied om voor die Internasionale Raad van Bewakers te verskyn. Selfs in die Bewakersvesting op Poveglia is hulle uitgelewer aan die Ander en word Kali se Helerskrag, maar ook haar lojaliteit, tot die uiterste beproef.


“Kyk!” sê Luc. “Dis wat ek vir jou wou wys. Sy word genoem ‘Die Gevleuelde Oorwinning van Samothrace’, en vir my is sy die tweede mooiste meisie in die Louvre.” Emma bloos toe hy tergend na haar kyk. Die Franse verstaan sowaar die kuns van flirt! dink sy. Dalk word dit nog hier as skoolvak aangebied. Emma is nie veel lus vir die Franse kursus in Parys nie – haar ouma se geskenk vir haar sestiende verjaarsdag. Maar die Stad van Lig betower haar gou, en met Luc as haar gids kry Parys se bekende bakens vir haar nuwe betekenis. Luc is toevallig daar wanneer vreemde goed begin gebeur: sy word amper toegesluit in die Musée d’Orsay, by die Eiffeltoring val ’n bedelaar haar lastig . . . en wie is die onvergeetlik mooi Oosterse meisie met die viool, wat maar net nie uit Emma en Luc se pad kan bly nie? Fantasie, liefde, avontuur – in Parys is dit moontlik om dit alles oor ’n tydperk van elf dae te ervaar.


Someday I’ll see the sky. I’ll climb the thousand steps. The gates will open and my family will be waiting, ready to take me home. Sixteen-year-old Ebba has never experienced life outside the underground bunker deep inside Table Mountain, known as the colony. But in a sudden twist of fate she is Elevated to join the elite living on the surface in a post-apocalyptic world. Was she saved because of the mysterious birthmark on her hand? The High Priest and his handsome son Hal are especially keen to keep her close, but can she trust them? When Ebba learns she has a sacred task to find three lost amulets to save the earth from a second and final Calamity, it is clear that her life will change forever.


Mattie Moolman en Henk Velder is al van kleintyd af beste maats. Toe Mattie aand ná aand die sterrereën oor die Skimberge oplet, oortuig sy Henk om saam met haar te gaan ondersoek instel. Maar hulle kry teëspoed toe hulle vlot by ’n waterval afstort. Gelukkig kry hulle dit reg om uit die malende rivier te swem, en hulle begin stap in die hoop om weer hulle pad huis toe te vind.
In die ravyn ontdek hulle die elfkoninkryk Loherin. Hier raak hulle betrokke by die soektog na die elfkoningin se twee kinders, wat jare gelede op onverklaarbare wyse verdwyn het . . . En dit is maar net die begin van ’n reis wat Mattie en Henk se lewens handomkeer sal verander . . .



Argus has been at peace for five years. Perseus has defeated the gorgon Medusa and slain the Kraken, assuming the throne. His people celebrate as he and his wife, Queen Andromeda expect their first born. But not everyone rejoices for the royal couple. The evil Calibus, once thought dead, has been released by Hades from the underworld. The Pretender has taken his bride, his position, and his favor of Zeus, and now he seeks to claim what is rightfully his own. And with news of a baby boy, he may do just that.


Lyssa, the Dreaming Fish has been banished to the Land of Mortals by Silurion, the leader of the Lizard-men. Lyssa has a role to play with the Lion Queen, Theodora in keeping the balance of power in the Kingdoms of Fairy and Marissima. <br />The fairy children are needed to free Theodora, who has been imprisoned in the Realm of Olombo and return Lyssa to her rightful place in the River of Forgetfulness.


When the River of Forgetfulness is poisoned, Willow and the water sprites retreat to the Realm of Marissima. The fairy children are summoned to help, however in order to find the antidote, the one that poisons the river has to forfeit their life!


In the Kingdom of Fairy, six babies have been swapped at birth with six babies from the Land of Mortals. <br />When they grow up, they are contacted by their fairy mothers. The evil Drabon from the Fortress of Gloomia plans to kidnap them and force his rule in the Kingdom, thereby taking away the power of Mab, the Queen of the Kingdom of Fairy.<br />Using their birth powers, the fairies must battle with Drabon and his powerful army of Whorls in an effort to safeguard their Kingdom.